IHolographicQuadLayerUpdateParametersInterop::CommitDirect3D12Resource method (windows.graphics.holographic.interop.h)

The CommitDirect3D12Resource method commits a Direct3D 12 buffer for presentation on outputs associated with any HolographicCamera to which the quad layer is attached. The buffer must have been created by calling CreateDirect3D12ContentBufferResource or CreateDirect3D12HardwareProtectedContentBufferResource on the same HolographicQuadLayer corresponding to this update parameters object, and the buffer must have been acquired by your application prior to rendering.


HRESULT CommitDirect3D12Resource(
  ID3D12Resource *pColorResourceToCommit,
  ID3D12Fence    *pColorResourceFence,
  UINT64         colorResourceFenceSignalValue



Type: ID3D12Resource*

The Direct3D 12 texture resource with content to display when rendering the HolographicQuadLayer corresponding to this update parameters object. The content will also be displayed during any subsequent frames, until another content buffer update is provided for this HolographicQuadLayer.


Type: ID3D12Fence*

A fence used to signal app work completion on the content buffer resource indicated by pColorResourceToCommit. Completion of this fence at the value indicated by colorResourceFenceSignalValue signals transfer of control of the content buffer resource from your application to the platform in the GPU work queue. The platform relies upon this fence, and the value indicated in colorResourceFenceSignalValue, to queue work on the GPU that reads from the content buffer.


Type: UINT64

The value used to signal work completion on pColorResourceFence. The platform relies upon this fence value to queue work on the GPU that reads from the content buffer.

Return value

S_OK if successful, otherwise returns an HRESULT error code indicating the reason for failure. Also see COM Error Codes (UI, Audio, DirectX, Codec).


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 2004 (10.0; Build 19041)
Minimum supported server Windows Server, version 2004 (10.0; Build 19041)
Header windows.graphics.holographic.interop.h