IUpdateServiceManager2::AddService2 method (wuapi.h)

Registers a service with Windows Update Agent (WUA) without requiring an authorization cabinet file (.cab). This method also returns a pointer to an IUpdateServiceRegistration interface.


HRESULT AddService2(
  [in]  BSTR                       serviceID,
  [in]  LONG                       flags,
  [in]  BSTR                       authorizationCabPath,
  [out] IUpdateServiceRegistration **retval


[in] serviceID

An identifier for the service to be registered.

[in] flags

A combination of AddServiceFlag values that are combined by using a bitwise OR operation. The resulting value specifies options for service registration. For more info, see Remarks.

[in] authorizationCabPath

The path of the Microsoft signed local cabinet file (.cab) that has the information that is required for a service registration. If empty, the update agent searches for the authorization cabinet file (.cab) during service registration when a network connection is available.

[out] retval

A pointer to an IUpdateServiceRegistration interface that represents an added service.

Return value

Returns S_OK if successful. Otherwise, returns a COM or Windows error code.

This method can also return the following error codes.

Return code Description
A parameter value is invalid.
This method cannot be called from a remote computer if the authorizationCabPath parameter is set to a null string.
The authorization cabinet file (.cab) has expired.
The state of Automatic Updates could not be changed.


This method may return networking error codes when the asfAllowOnlineRegistration flag is specified.

The authorizationCabPath parameter is optional for this method. If the authorizationCabPath parameter is not specified, it will be retrieved from the Windows Update server.

This method returns E_INVALIDARG if the asfAllowOnlineRegistration or asfAllowPendingRegistration flags are specified and if the value of the authorizationCabPath parameter is not an empty string.

This method returns WU_E_DS_INVALIDOPERATION if the requested change in the state of Automatic Updates is contrary to the specifications in the authorization cabinet file (.cab) when the asfRegisterServiceWithAU flag is specified. An error is returned by the WinVerifyTrust function if the authorization cabinet file has not been signed.

The update agent and AddService2 behave in the following ways depending on the AddServiceFlag values that you specify in the flags parameter:

  • If you specify asfAllowOnlineRegistration without asfAllowPendingRegistration, the update agent immediately attempts to go online to register the service. AddService2 returns an HRESULT value that reflects the success or failure of the registration. If the registration fails, the update agent makes no future attempts to register the service.
  • If you specify asfAllowPendingRegistration without asfAllowOnlineRegistration, the update agent doesn't register the service immediately. AddService2 returns S_OK to indicate that the update agent will attempt to register the service at a later time, which doesn't guarantee that the registration will eventually succeed.
  • If you specify asfAllowPendingRegistration and asfAllowOnlineRegistration together, the update agent immediately attempts to go online to register the service. AddService2 returns S_OK if the registration succeeds. AddService2 returns a failure HRESULT value if the registration fails, but the update agent still attempts to register the service at a later time.
  • If you specify asfAllowPendingRegistration, asfAllowOnlineRegistration, or both, also specify NULL for the authorizationCabPath parameter.
  • If you specify neither asfAllowPendingRegistration nor asfAllowOnlineRegistration (in other words, if flags is either zero or asfRegisterServiceWithAU), you must specify a non-NULL path in the authorizationCabPath parameter. In this mode, AddService2 processes the cabinet file (.cab) and registers the service in the same way as IUpdateServiceManager::AddService.
  • If you specify asfRegisterServiceWithAU, the change to the default Automatic Updates service doesn't occur (and isn't reflected in the Windows Update user interface) until the service registration succeeds. This means that if the registration succeeds immediately (because you specified asfAllowPendingRegistration or supplied a cabinet file (.cab)), the Automatic Updates service change also occurs immediately. If the registration doesn't succeed until later (because you specified asfAllowPendingRegistration), the Automatic Updates service change doesn't occur unless the pending service registration eventually succeeds.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional with SP3 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server with SP3 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wuapi.h
Library Wuguid.lib
DLL Wuapi.dll

See also
