Delivery Optimization Interfaces

Use the following Delivery Optimization interfaces to transfer files and monitor jobs within the transfer queue.

Interface Description
IBackgroundCopyCallback Clients implement the IBackgroundCopyCallback interface to receive notification that a job is complete, has been modified, or is in error.
IBackgroundCopyError Retrieves details of a job error.
IBackgroundCopyFile Retrieves the local and remote file names of a file transfer request in the job and its progress.
IBackgroundCopyFile2 Specifies a new remote name for the file and retrieves the list of ranges to download.
IBackgroundCopyFile5 Provides generic property get and set methods for BackgroundCopyFile properties.
IBackgroundCopyJob Adds files to the job, sets the priority level of the job, determines the state of the job, and starts and stops the job.
IBackgroundCopyJob5 Queries or sets several optional behaviors of a job.
IBackgroundCopyManager Creates transfer jobs, retrieves an enumerator object of jobs in the queue, and retrieves individual jobs from the queue.
IDeliveryOptimizationJob Use to download ranges of a file.
IDeliveryOptimizationFile Use to identify the status of a specific file.
IDODownload Used to start and manage a download.
IDODownloadInternal Used to get or set extended download properties.
IDODownloadStatusCallback Used to receive notifications about a download.
IDOManager Used to create a new download, and to enumerate existing downloads.
IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles Enumerates files in the job.