Load2(uint, uint) function

Gets two values and the status of the operation.


uint2 Load2(
  in  uint Location,
  out uint Status


Location [in]

Type: uint

The input address in bytes, which must be a multiple of 4.

Status [out]

Type: uint

The status of the operation. You can't access the status directly; instead, pass the status to the CheckAccessFullyMapped intrinsic function. CheckAccessFullyMapped returns TRUE if all values from the corresponding Sample, Gather, or Load operation accessed mapped tiles in a tiled resource. If any values were taken from an unmapped tile, CheckAccessFullyMapped returns FALSE.

Return value

Type: uint2

Two values.


This function is supported for the following types of shaders:

Vertex Hull Domain Geometry Pixel Compute
x x x x x x


See also

Load2 methods
