[Microsoft Agent is deprecated as of Windows 7, and may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.]
BSTR bszCaption, // Caption setting for Command
BSTR bszVoice, // Voice setting for Command
BSTR bszVoiceCaption, // VoiceCaption setting for Command
long bEnabled, // Enabled setting for Command
long bVisible, // Visible setting for Command
long ulHelpID, // HelpContextID setting for Command
long * pdwID // address for variable for ID
Adds a Command to a Commands collection.
- Returns S_OK to indicate the operation was successful.
A BSTR that specifies the value of the Caption text displayed for a Command in a Commands collection.
A BSTR that specifies the value of the Voice text setting for a Command in a Commands collection.
A BSTR that specifies the value of the VoiceCaption text displayed for a Command in a Commands collection.
A Boolean expression that specifies the Enabled setting for a Command in a Commands collection. If the parameter is True, the Command is enabled and can be selected; if False, the Command is disabled.
A Boolean expression that specifies the Visible setting for a Command in a Commands collection. If the parameter is True, the Command will be visible in the character's pop-up menu (if the Caption property is also set).
The context number of the help topic associated with the Command object; used to provide context-sensitive Help for the command.
Address of a variable that receives the ID for the added Command.
IAgentCommandsEx::AddEx extends IAgentCommands::Add by including the HelpContextID property. You can also set the property using IAgentCommandsEx::SetHelpContextID
See Also
IAgentCommands::Add, IAgentCommandsEx::SetHelpContextID, IAgentCommand::SetCaption, IAgentCommand::SetEnabled, IAgentCommand::SetVisible, IAgentCommand::SetVoice, IAgentCommands::Insert, IAgentCommandsEx::InsertEx, IAgentCommands::Remove, IAgentCommands::RemoveAll