Status Property

[Microsoft Agent is deprecated as of Windows 7, and may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.]


Returns the status of the audio output channel.



Value Description
0 The audio output channel is available (not busy).
1 There is no support for audio output; for example, because there is no sound card.
2 The audio output channel can't be opened (is busy); for example, because some other application is playing audio.
3 The audio output channel is busy because the server is processing user speech input.
4 The audio output channel is busy because a character is currently speaking.
5 The audio output channel is not busy, but it is waiting for user speech input.
6 There was some other (unknown) problem in attempting to access the audio output channel.



This setting enables your client application to query the audio output channel, returning an Integer value that indicates the status of the audio output channel. You can use this to determine whether it is appropriate to have your character speak or whether it is appropriate to try to turn on Listening mode (using the Listen method).

See Also

ListenComplete event