English (Worldwide) Factoids
The following table lists formats that are available for each factoid used in English (United Kingdom).
Factoid | Definition | Examples |
Currency | Currency in pounds, dollars, euros, and yen as written in English (United Kingdom). |
1,234 1,234.50 236.50 1,123,500.50 456 $1,234 $1,234.50 $236.50 $.50 25 5 7 5p |
Date | Dates as written in English (United Kingdom). |
14/3/2001 14-3-2001 14/3/01 14-3-01 14/03/01 14-03-01 2001 2001-2002 14 March 2001 |
Number | All numbers, including ordinals such as 1st and 2nd, and math symbols. The DATE, TIME, TELEPHONE, and CURRENCY factoid formats are also included in this factoid. |
123 -123.456 123rd 25th 1st 22nd 15TH 90 #12 25% 14/3/2001 14-3-2001 14/3 14/3/01 14-3-01 12-3-01 14/03/01 14-03-01 2001 2001-2002 (1+3)/5 1+1=2 |
OneChar | A single American National Standards Institute (ANSI) character. |
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { } ~ |
Percent | A number followed by the percent symbol. |
87% 5.9% |
PostalCode | Postal codes as written in English (United Kingdom). |
SL6 8AA SL6B 8AA |
Telephone | Telephone numbers as written in English (United Kingdom). |
123 123 1234 1234 123456 12345 12345 12 1234 1234 (123) 123 1234 (1234) 123456 (12345) 12345 (12) 1234 1234 0123 123 1234 01234 123456 012345 12345 012 1234 1234 (0123) 123 1234 (01234) 123456 (012345) 12345 (012) 1234 1234 +44 123 123 1234 +44 1234 123456 +44 12 1234 1234 +44 (0)123 123 1234 +44 (0)1234 123456 +44 (0)12345 12345 +44 (0)12 1234 1234 |
Time | Time as written in English (United Kingdom). |
15:05 3:03 04:10 am 3:17:35 7:30 AM 14:03 |
UpperChar | A single uppercase character. |
A-Z |