ITConferenceBlob interface

[ Rendezvous IP Telephony Conferencing controls and interfaces are not available for use in Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and subsequent versions of the operating system. The RTC Client API provides similar functionality.]

The ITConferenceBlob interface manipulates a textual conference description. The interface is intended to be independent of the format and syntax of the conference description. To manipulate specific aspects of the conference description, the application must query for another interface. Currently, only SDP conference descriptions are supported; the application must use QueryInterface for ITSdp to access the various fields of the SDP conference description. The ITConferenceBlob interface is created by calling QueryInterface on ITDirectoryObject.


The ITConferenceBlob interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. ITConferenceBlob also has these types of members:


The ITConferenceBlob interface has these methods.

Method Description
get_CharacterSet Gets the BLOB_CHARACTER_SET indicator of whether blob characters are in ASCII, Unicode, and so on.
get_ConferenceBlob Gets a pointer to the conference blob.
Init Initializes the conference blob.
SetConferenceBlob Commits changes to the conference blob.


Requirement Value
TAPI version
Requires TAPI 3.0 or later