Registry Entries (Telephony API)

The pluggable terminals are classified into Terminal Superclasses. Each Terminal Superclass has an entry in the registry under the following key:


Below the Terminal Superclass key are entries for each pluggable terminal within the Terminal Superclass.

The entry for each Terminal Superclass is identified by a Terminal Superclass CLSID. This is a unique identifier for a terminal class. The terminal class has an optional attribute: name, which is a friendly name for the terminal class. Each pluggable terminal is identified by a CLSID Terminal class; that is, a GUID. The attributes for pluggable terminal are stored into pluggable terminal key values. The attributes for a pluggable terminal are the following.

Terminal class Key name Public identifier
Name REG_SZ Terminal friendly name
Company REG_SZ Company name
Version REG_SZ Version information
CLSID REG_SZ Terminal CLSID (used in COM CoCreateInstance method)
Directions DWORD Terminal direction
MediaTypes DWORD Terminal media types supported


For a terminal class the attributes are the following.

CLSID Key name Public identifier
Name REG_SZ Terminal class friendly name