NSPROTO_IPX Socket Options

The following tables describe NSPROTO_IPX socket options that apply to sockets created for the IPX/SPX address family (AF_IPX). See the getsockopt and setsockopt function reference pages for more information on getting and setting socket options.

To enumerate protocols and discover supported properties for each installed protocol, use the WSAEnumProtocols, WSCEnumProtocols, or WSCEnumProtocols32 function.

**NSPROTO\_IPX Socket Options**
Option Get Set Optval type Description
IPX_ADDRESS yes IPX_ADDRESS_DATA Returns information about the specific adapter that IPX is enabled on.
IPX_ADDRESS_NOTIFY yes IPX_ADDRESS_DATA Asynchronously notifies when the status of an IPX adapter changes.
IPX_DSTYPE yes yes DWORD Gets or sets the value of the datastream field in the SPX header to send packets with.
IPX_EXTENDED_ADDRESS yes DWORD (boolean) Enables the extended addressing option on IPX packets.
IPX_FILTERPTYPE yes yes DWORD Gets or sets the current IPX receive filter packet type. Only IPX packets with a packet type equal to the value specified in the optval parameter will be returned. Packets with a packet type that does not match are discarded. This is only applicable to a datagram socket.
IPX_GETNETINFO yes IPX_NETNUM_DATA Returns information regarding a specific IPX network number. The netnum member of the IPX_NETNUM_DATA structure must be set to the IPX network number to be returned.
IPX_GETNETINFO_NORIP yes IPX_NETNUM_DATA Returns information regarding a specific IPX network number without sending a RIP request. The netnum member of the IPX_NETNUM_DATA structure must be set to the IPX network number to be returned.
IPX_IMMEDIATESPXACK yes DWORD (boolean) If set to TRUE, do not delay sending ACKs on an SPX connection.
IPX_MAX_ADAPTER_NUM yes DWORD Returns the number of IPX enabled adapters present.
IPX_MAXSIZE yes DWORD Returns the maximum IPX datagram size in bytes that can be sent.
IPX_PTYPE yes yes DWORD Gets or sets the packet type. The value specified in the optval parameter will be set as the packet type on every IPX packet sent from this socket.
IPX_RECEIVE_BROADCAST yes DWORD (boolean) If set to TRUE, receive broadcast IPX packets.
IPX_RECVHDR yes DWORD (boolean) If set to TRUE, receive IPX protocol headers with data.
IPX_RERIPNETNUMBER yes IPX_NETNUM_DATA Returns information regarding a specified IPX network number using a new RIP request. The netnum member of the IPX_NETNUM_DATA structure must be set to the IPX network number to be returned.
IPX_SPXGETCONNECTIONSTATUS yes IPX_SPXCONNSTATUS_DATA Returns information regarding a connected SPX socket statistics.
IPX_STOPFILTERPTYPE yes DWORD Removes the filter and stops filtering on packet type specified in the optval parameter.


**Windows Support for NSPROTO\_IPX options**
Option Windows Vista and later Windows Server 2003 Windows XP Windows 2000 Windows NT4 Windows 9x/Me
IPX_ADDRESS yes yes yes yes yes
IPX_ADDRESS_NOTIFY yes yes yes yes yes
IPX_DSTYPE yes yes yes yes yes
IPX_EXTENDED_ADDRESS yes yes yes yes yes
IPX_FILTERPTYPE yes yes yes yes yes
IPX_GETNETINFO yes yes yes yes yes
IPX_GETNETINFO_NORIP yes yes yes yes yes
IPX_IMMEDIATESPXACK yes yes yes yes yes
IPX_MAX_ADAPTER_NUM yes yes yes yes yes
IPX_MAXSIZE yes yes yes yes yes
IPX_PTYPE yes yes yes yes yes
IPX_RECEIVE_BROADCAST yes yes yes yes yes
IPX_RECVHDR yes yes yes yes yes
IPX_RERIPNETNUMBER yes yes yes yes yes
IPX_STOPFILTERPTYPE yes yes yes yes yes


The following NSPROTO_IPX socket options were defined in Windows Sockets 2 Protocol-Specific Annex, but are not implemented by the Windows IPX/SPX protocol.


Option Type Default Meaning
IPX_CHECKSUM Bool off When set, IPX performs a checksum on outgoing packets and verifies the checksum of incoming packets.
IPX_TXPKTSIZE int Media size to a maximum of 1466 Sets the maximum send datagram size. This size does not include the IPX header or any media headers that may also be used. May be increased to media size.
IPX_RXPKTSIZE int Media size to a maximum of 1466 Sets the maximum receive datagram size. This size does not include the IPX header or any media headers that may also be used. May be increased to media size.
IPX_TXMEDIASIZE int Primary board Returns the send media size that sets an upper bound for datagram size.
IPX_RXMEDIASIZE int Primary board Returns the receive media size that sets an upper bound for datagram size.
IPX_PRIMARY Bool Primary Restricts traffic to the primary network board.


The following NSPROTO_SPX socket options were defined in Windows Sockets 2 Protocol-Specific Annex, but are not implemented on Windows by the Windows IPX/SPX protocol.


Option Type Default Meaning
SPX_CHECKSUM Bool off When set, IPX performs a checksum on outgoing packets and verifies the checksum of incoming packets. Not supported on all platforms.
SPX_TXPKTSIZE int Media size to a maximum of 1466 Sets the maximum send datagram size. This size does not include the SPX header or any media headers that may also be used. May be increased to media size.
SPX_RXPKTSIZE int Media size to a maximum of 1466 Sets the maximum receive datagram size. This size does not include the SPX header or any media headers that may also be used. May be increased to media size.
SPX_TXMEDIASIZE int Primary board Returns the send media size minus SPX and media headers. This sets an upper bound for message segmentation packet size.
SPX_RXMEDIASIZE int Primary board Returns the receive media size minus SPX and media headers. This sets an upper bound for receive packet size.
SPX_RAWSPX Bool off When set, the IPX/SPX protocol header is passed with the data.



The NSPROTO_IPX socket options and the structures used by these socket options are defined in the Wsnwlink.h header file.


Requirement Value