Admin Custom report


This service is currently available to a limited set of clients and Microsoft employees only.

Xandr admins can use this report to run custom queries against the internal Reporting cluster. Use with caution, i.e., avoid running heavy queries.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description

(report JSON)
Retrieve the report


See the example below for the complete procedure.

JSON fields

Field Type Description
report_type enum The type of report. Possible value: "admin_backdoor".
Required On: POST
sql string The sql query. Please specify a where clause / date range as filter, only select needed fields, etc. See the example below.
Required On: POST
hostname enum The name of the database. Possible value: "vt_jayz_internal" (Vertica Jayz).
Required On: POST


  1. Create a JSON-formatted report request

    $ cat admin_custom_report
                   "report": {
                   "report_type": "admin_backdoor",
                   "sql": "select * from agg_dw_intermediate_analytics_adjusted where ymdh >= '2011-10-20 09:04:00' limit 5",
                   "hostname": "vt_jayz_internal"
  2. POST the request to the reporting service

    $ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @admin_custom_report ''
                   "response": {
                   "status": "OK",
                   "report_id": "f83b50a62b9c2ba2b204ab073b4b8efb",
                   "dbg_info": {
                   "instance": "",
                   "s1ave_hit": false,
                   "db": "master",
                   "reads": 0,
                   "read_limit": 100,
                   "read_limit_seconds": 60,
                   "writes": 2,
                   "write_limit": 60,
                   "write_limit_seconds": 60,
                   "time": 331.21299743652,
                   "start_microtime": 1323192961.6681,
                   "version": "",
                   "master_instance": "01.hbapi.sand-08.lax1",
                   "proxy": true,
                   "master_time": 128.6518573761
  3. Use the report ID to retrieve the report data

    The standard response includes the report data and a Download URL that you can us to save the data to a file. If you want to get just the Download URL without the report data, pass "without_data" in the query string.

    $ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''
                   "response": {
                   "status": "OK",
                   "report": {
                   "name": null,
                   "created_on": "2011-12-06 20:50:17",
                   "cache_hit": false,
                   "fact_cache_hit": false,
                   "fact_cache_error": "empty used fields",
                   "json_request": "{\"report\":{\"report_type\":\"admin_backdoor\",\"sql\":\"select * from
                   agg_dw_intermediate_analytics_adjusted where ymdh >= '2011-10-20 09:04:00' limit 5\",
                   "header_info": "Report type:,admin_backdoor\u000d\u000a,\u000d\u000aRun at:,2011-12-06 20:50:17
                   \u000d\u000aStart date:,\u000d\u000aEnd date:,\u000d\u000aTimezone:,\u000d\u000aUser:,
                   John Smith (9685)\u000d\u000a",
                   "data": "/mnt/isilon/reports/20111206/a4a937b4-6151-4678-ac65-0ab1f3790ae3",
                   "url": "report-download?id=f83b50a62b9c2ba2b204ab073b4b8efb"
                   "execution_status": "ready",
                   "dbg_info": {
                   "instance": "",
                   "s1ave_hit": false,
                   "db": "master",
                   "reads": 1,
                   "read_limit": 100,
                   "read_limit_seconds": 60,
                   "writes": 0,
                   "write_limit": 60,
                   "write_limit_seconds": 60,
                   "time": 95.331907272339,
                   "start_microtime": 1323205122.5099,
                   "version": "1.10.27"
  4. Use the Download URL to save the report data to a file

    You use the "url" field in the response to save the report data to a file. Simply make another GET call and identify the location and file that you want to save to. Be sure to use the file the extension of the "format" that you specified in your initial POST request.

    $ curl -b cookies -c cookies '' > /tmp/admin_report.csv