iOS SDK overview


iOS 14 is the minimum supported iOS version for SDK.

Xandr's Mobile SDK for iOS provides an end-to-end solution for mobile app publishers. Use this solution to request and receive bids over RTB. These bids can also compete, through mediation, directly with bids from other ad servers.

Sections Description
Ad Units Instructions on implementing our ad units.
Code Samples Code samples to help you get started.
Integration Guide Instructions for integrating our SDK with your project.
iOS 14.0 FAQ Questions regarding the changes in iOS 14.0 for app tracking.
Mediation Guide Instructions on how to to mediate our SDK.
Migrating iOS SDK v7 to 8.0 Instructions to migrate iOS SDK v7 to 8.0.
Privacy How our SDK handles privacy and integrates with your privacy needs.
Release Notes A collection of our SDK release notes.