Show instream video ads on Android

This page describes how to use the SDK to fetch and display instream video ads.


Maintain references to VideoAd objects: It is your responsibility to keep a reference to the VideoAd object. It is not cached by the SDK.

Step 1. Include the SDK in your project

If you use Maven, use the following Gradle config to install the version of the SDK with instream video support:

// Android: Gradle config to install the SDK and the Video SDK
repositories {
dependencies {
     compile  'com.appnexus.opensdk:appnexus-instreamvideo:[8,9)'

Step 2: Cache the video Ad

To cache a video ad, set up a request object and supply it with either:

  • A placement ID (as shown in the example below), or
  • A combination of your Xandr member ID and an inventory code

Then register a VideoAdLoadListener which will signal whether the ad load succeeded or failed. This is optional but strongly recommended. If you don't set the VideoAdLoadListener, you can use the VideoAd.isReady() method to check whether the ad is available.

After that, call VideoAd.loadAd() to start caching the ad.

// Create a VideoAd instance
VideoAd videoAd = new VideoAd( this , "9924002" );
// Set the (optional) VideoAdLoadListener.
videoAd.setAdLoadListener( new VideoAdLoadListener() {
   public void onAdLoaded(VideoAd videoAd) {
        Log.d(TAG,  "onAdLoaded" );
     public void onAdRequestFailed(VideoAd videoAd, ResultCode errorCode) {
        Log.d(TAG,  "onAdRequestFailed" );
// At this point you can set targeting parameters, the ad landing
// page, and many other options before calling `loadAd()`.  For
// details, see the SDK documentation.
// Load the VideoAd.

Step 3: Set up the video playback listener

Before showing the video ad, you'll need to set up the mandatory VideoPlaybackListener. The onAdCompleted() notification is required to show your content video after the ad finishes playing.

// Set the (mandatory) PlayBack Listener.
videoAd.setVideoPlaybackListener( new VideoAdPlaybackListener() {
public void onAdPlaying( final VideoAd videoAd) {
      Log.d(TAG,  "onAdPlaying::" );
public void onQuartile(VideoAd view, Quartile quartile) {
Log.d(TAG,  "onQuartile::" + quartile);
//Resume your VideoPlayer with the 'onAddCompleted' notification.
public void onAdCompleted(VideoAd view, PlaybackCompletionState playbackState) {
Log.d(TAG,  "onAdCompleted::playbackState" + playbackState);
//The 'videoPlayer' here is your Application Content Video Player.
public void onAdMuted(VideoAd view,  boolean isMute) {
  Log.d(TAG,  "isAudioMute::" + isMute);
public void onAdClicked(VideoAd adView) {
Log.d(TAG,  "onAdClicked" );
public void onAdClicked(VideoAd videoAd, String clickUrl) {
Log.d(TAG,  "onAdClicked" );

Step 4: Pass activity lifecycle events to the Ad

Pass on the Activity Lifecycle callback events to VideoAd as shown below:

// This is important because it's used to resume the ad after an interruption by user activity.
public void onResume() {
     super .onResume();
public void onPause() {
     super .onPause();
// Used to clear the memory footprint of the VideoAd instance.
public void onDestroy() {
     super .onDestroy();

Step 5: Show the video Ad

You are now all set to show the Video Ad by calling playAd() as shown below. Remember to pause your content video player before calling VideoAd.playAd():

if (videoAd.isReady()) {
     // Pause your app's video player.
     // Play the Ad by passing the container. The container here is a
     // FrameLayout/RelativeLayout, on top of which the ad will be
     // displayed.

Pause and resume the video Ad

To pause or resume playing the video ad use the following method calls.

 public void resumeAd();
 public void pauseAd();

Fetch the attributes of a loaded video creative

Once the video is loaded, you may retrieve various creative attributes:

public String getVastURL()  //Provide the VAST content URL
public int getVideoAdDuration()  //Provide the duration of the video
public String getVastXML()  //Provide the VAST content as an XML string
public String getCreativeURL()  //Provide the actual creative loaded
public VideoOrientation getVideoOrientation()  //Provide the Orientation of the Video rendered. Possible video orientations can be square, portrait, landscape or none

Determine ad play progress

You can determine how far the adPlay has progressed by retrieving the amount of time that has elapsed since the ad began playing:

public void getAdPlayElapsedTime(ResultCallback<String> resultCallback)


See below for a complete working example of showing an instream video ad.


  • All SDK methods must be called on the main thread.
  • activityOnDestroy() must be called for the VideoAd that is expected to be destroyed.
 package com.appnexus.example.simplevideo;
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.util.Log;
 import android.widget.RelativeLayout;
 import android.widget.VideoView;
 import com.appnexus.opensdk.ResultCode;
 import com.appnexus.opensdk.instreamvideo.Quartile;
 import com.appnexus.opensdk.instreamvideo.VideoAd;
 import com.appnexus.opensdk.instreamvideo.VideoAdLoadListener;
 import com.appnexus.opensdk.instreamvideo.VideoAdPlaybackListener;
 public class MainActivity extends Activity {
    public static final String TAG = MainActivity.class.getName();
    // The Ad Video instance.
    // Its important to create this as a Instance variable to make sure its not removed Garbage Collected.
    private VideoAd videoAd;
    // Content video player.
    private static VideoView videoPlayer;
    // Ad Container.
    private RelativeLayout baseContainer;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        videoPlayer = (VideoView)findViewById(;
        baseContainer = (RelativeLayout)findViewById(;
        // Initialize VideoAd
        videoAd =new VideoAd(this,"9924002");
        // Set the Ad-Load Listener
        videoAd.setAdLoadListener(new VideoAdLoadListener() {
                public void onAdLoaded(VideoAd videoAd) {
                    // Pause App's Content Video Player
                    // Play the VideoAd by passing the container.
                public void onAdRequestFailed(VideoAd videoAd, ResultCode errorCode) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "onAdRequestFailed::"+errorCode);
        // videoAd.setAge("25");
        // videoAd.setGender(AdView.GENDER.FEMALE);
        // videoAd.setLoadsInBackground(true);
        // videoAd.addCustomKeywords("KEY_1","VALUE_1");
        // videoAd.addCustomKeywords("KEY_2","VALUE_2");
        //Load the Ad.
        // Set PlayBack Listener.
        videoAd.setVideoPlaybackListener(new VideoAdPlaybackListener() {
                                public void onAdPlaying(VideoAd view){
                                        Log.d(TAG, "onAdPlaying");
                public void onQuartile(VideoAd view, Quartile quartile) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "onQuartile::" + quartile);
                                        videoAd.getAdPlayElapsedTime(new ResultCallback<String>() {
                                                public void onResult(String s) {
                                                        Log.d(TAG, "elapsed time::" + s);      
                public void onAdCompleted(VideoAd view, PlaybackCompletionState playbackState) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "onAdCompleted::playbackState" + playbackState);
                public void onAdMuted(VideoAd view, boolean isMute){
                    Log.d(TAG, "isAudioMute::"+isMute);
                public void onAdClicked(VideoAd adView) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "onAdClicked");
                public void onAdClicked(VideoAd videoAd, String clickUrl) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "onAdClicked");
    // Pass the Activity LifeCycle Callback's to VideoAd. This is very important for autoresuming the Video Ad after interruption.
    public void onResume() {
    public void onPause() {
    public void onDestroy() {

Customize Video Player Options