Microsoft Monetize - Auto macro insertion

When you add or edit third-party creative tags, Microsoft Advertising automatically inserts the ${CLICK_URL} and ${CACHEBUSTER} macros into your creative third-party tags if the third-party ad server's format is recognized, which will allow you to quickly traffic your creatives.

In some cases, Microsoft Advertising will replace an ad server macro with a macro specific to Microsoft Advertising.


You can also use the encoded version of the ${CLICK_URL} macro, such as ${CLICK_URL_ENC}. For more information, see Click Tracking.

If the Microsoft Advertising auto-tagger fails to automatically insert the ${CLICK_URL} and ${CACHEBUSTER} macros into your third-party tag, you can manually insert them into the appropriate locations. For more information, see Click Tracking. If you don't know which parameter to use when inserting the macro, contact your client.

Inserting macros into Third-Party tags automatically

Microsoft Advertising can automatically insert the ${CLICK_URL} and ${CACHEBUSTER} macros into a variety of third-party tags such as Sizmek and Atlas.


Microsoft Advertising can't auto insert the ${CLICK_URL} and ${CACHEBUSTER} macros into Google's DDM tags. However, these third-party tags can still be manually inserted.

Feel free to submit a support ticket if you'd like to have a specific tag type added to our supported list. When creating the support ticket, be sure to provide:

  • the name of the ad server that these tags appear on.
  • the exact parameters used to traffic the ${CLICK_URL} and ${CACHEBUSTER} macros.