I can't activate a free account

Ariadne Villanueva 20 Puntos de reputación
I cannot activate a free account, it keeps asking me to insert bank account information, I have already done it several times and I have two charges of $1 dollars and one charge of $3 dollars. Can you help me?

The card is MasterCard, which should be accepted, right?
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  1. Gao Chen 4,715 Puntos de reputación Proveedor de Microsoft

    Hello Ariadne Villanueva,

    Welcome to Microsoft Q&A!

    I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with your Azure free account activation. Here are a few steps you can try to resolve this issue:

    1. Ensure that all the information you provided for your Azure account profile, including your contact email address, street address, and telephone number, is correct. Also, make sure your credit card information is accurate and matches your bank records
    2. If you've used an Azure subscription in the past, you might not be eligible for a new free trial. The Azure Terms of Use limit free trial activation to new users only
    3. Try using a different browser or trying InPrivate browsing can help resolve sign-up issues
    4. Try using a Visa Card.

    Regarding the charges, these are typically temporary authorizations to verify your card and should be reversed. If they remain, contacting your bank or Azure support can help clarify and resolve these charges.

    Now, if the above did not work, contacting Azure billing support directly might be the best option as they can provide more specific assistance and help resolve any account-related issues. You can contact them on the following link: https://ms.portal.azure.com/#view/Microsoft_Azure_Support/HelpAndSupportBlade/~/overview

    I hope the information provided was useful.

    Best regards,


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