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Modal dialog

TFS 2018

The HostDialogService enables you to present a modal dialog to the user and prevent interaction with all parts of web access until the dialog is dismissed.


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In contrast to the standard dialog control, a modal dialog presented via the HostDialogService prevents interaction by the user on the entire page, not just within the extension.

Dialog contents

To start, declare a contribution of type ms.vss-web.control in your extension manifest. This contribution represents the content displayed within the dialog.

        "id": "registration-form",
        "type": "ms.vss-web.control",
        "description": "The content to be displayed in the dialog",
        "targets": [],
        "properties": {
            "uri": "registration-form.html"

The uri property references a page that is rendered within the content area of the dialog:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src="sdk/scripts/VSS.SDK.js"></script>
        <h2 id="header">Register now</h2>
            <input id="inpName" />
            <label>Date of birth:</label>
            <input id="inpDob" />
            <label>Email address:</label>
            <input id="inpEmail" />
            var registrationForm = (function() {
                var callbacks = [];
                function inputChanged() {
                    // Execute registered callbacks
                    for(var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
                function isValid() {
                    // Check whether form is valid or not
                    return !!(name.value) && !!(dateOfBirth.value) && !!(email.value);
                function getFormData() {
                    // Get form values
                    return {
                        name: name.value,
                        dateOfBirth: dateOfBirth.value,
                        email: email.value  

                var name = document.getElementById("inpName");
                var dateOfBirth = document.getElementById("inpDob");
                var email = document.getElementById("inpEmail");
                name.addEventListener("change", inputChanged);
                dateOfBirth.addEventListener("change", inputChanged);
                email.addEventListener("change", inputChanged);
                return {
                    isFormValid: function() {
                        return isValid();   
                    getFormData: function() {
                        return getFormData();
                    attachFormChanged: function(cb) {
            // Register form object to be used across this extension
            VSS.register("registration-form", registrationForm);

Showing the dialog

To show the dialog (for example, when a user selects an action on a toolbar or menu), call the openDialog function on an instance of the HostDialogService, passing the fully-qualified identifer of the dialog content, for example and any dialog options:

    VSS.getService(VSS.ServiceIds.Dialog).then(function(dialogService) {
        var extensionCtx = VSS.getExtensionContext();
        // Build absolute contribution ID for dialogContent
        var contributionId = extensionCtx.publisherId + "." + extensionCtx.extensionId + ".registration-form";

        // Show dialog
        var dialogOptions = {
            title: "My Dialog",
            width: 800,
            height: 600

        dialogService.openDialog(contributionId, dialogOptions);

Showing the dialog (advanced)

A function can be called when the OK button is selected. This function is specified by getDialogResult in the options you provide when showing the dialog.

If a call to getDialogResult returns a non-null value, this value is then passed to the function specified by okCallback (also in the options) and the dialog is closed.

In this example, the attachFormChanged callback gets called when inputs on the form change. Based on the whether the form is valid or not, the OK button is enabled or disabled.

    VSS.getService(VSS.ServiceIds.Dialog).then(function(dialogService) {
        var registrationForm;
        var extensionCtx = VSS.getExtensionContext();
        var contributionId = extensionCtx.publisherId + "." + extensionCtx.extensionId + ".registration-form";

        var dialogOptions = {
            title: "Registration Form",
            width: 800,
            height: 600,
            getDialogResult: function() {
                // Get the result from registrationForm object
                return registrationForm ? registrationForm.getFormData() : null;
            okCallback: function (result) {
                // Log the result to the console

        dialogService.openDialog(contributionId, dialogOptions).then(function(dialog) {
            // Get registrationForm instance which is registered in registrationFormContent.html
            dialog.getContributionInstance("registration-form").then(function (registrationFormInstance) {
                // Keep a reference of registration form instance (to be used previously in dialog options)
                registrationForm = registrationFormInstance;
                // Subscribe to form input changes and update the Ok enabled state
                registrationForm.attachFormChanged(function(isValid) {
                // Set the initial ok enabled state
                registrationForm.isFormValid().then(function (isValid) {

Enabling or disabling the OK button

Initially, the OK button is disabled. However, you can enable/disable this button by calling the updateOkButton method on the dialog:

    dialogService.openDialog(contributionId, dialogOptions).then(function(dialog) {
        // Set true/false to enable/disable ok button

Passing values to the dialog control

It is possible pass initial values to dialog content when it is opened in the host dialog.

        "id": "registration-form",
        "type": "ms.vss-web.control",
        "description": "The content displayed in the dialog",
        "targets": [],
        "properties": {
            "uri": "registration-form.html?id={{myId}}"

When the dialog is opened, following options need to be specified to pass myId:

    var dialogOptions = {
        title: "My Dialog Title",
        width: 800,
        height: 600,
        urlReplacementObject: { myId: new Date().getTime() }

Customizing the dialog buttons

The okText and cancelText attributes can be used to specify alternate titles for the OK and Cancel buttons:

    var dialogOptions = {
        title: "My Dialog Title",
        width: 800,
        height: 600,
        okText: "Yes",
        cancelText: "No" 

To not show any buttons on the dialog, you can set the buttons attribute to []:

    var dialogOptions = {
        title: "My Dialog Title",
        width: 800,
        height: 600,
        buttons: []

More information

If you have a question or are looking for more information, consider going to one of the following areas: