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Cómo: Administrar transacciones en Entity Framework

En este tema se proporciona un ejemplo de cómo definir una transacción que coordina la realización de cambios en los objetos en el contexto de un objeto con otras operaciones externas. Para obtener más información, vea Administrar conexiones y transacciones (Entity Framework).

El ejemplo de este tema se basa en el Modelo AdventureWorks Sales. Para ejecutar el código de este ejemplo, se debe haber agregado ya el modelo de AdventureWorks Sales al proyecto y haber configurado el proyecto para usar Entity Framework. Para ello, complete el procedimiento de Cómo usar el Asistente para Entity Data Model (Entity Framework). También debe tener instalado Microsoft Windows Message Queue Server.


En este ejemplo se define un TransactionScope. El TransactionScope garantiza que los cambios en los objetos del contexto del objeto estén coordinados con una cola de mensajes. Entity Framework usa esta transacción al guardar los cambios en la base de datos. Cuando se produce una UpdateException, la operación se vuelve a intentar hasta dos veces. Cuando la operación tiene éxito, los cambios en el contexto del objeto se aceptan. Para obtener más información, vea Administrar conexiones y transacciones (Entity Framework).

En este ejemplo se usa un contexto de un objeto de larga duración, que se elimina una vez que la transacción tiene éxito o que se han intentado todos los reintentos.

Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.Objects
Imports System.Messaging
Imports System.Transactions

Class TransactionSample
    Public Shared Sub EnlistTransaction()
        Dim retries As Integer = 3
        Dim queueName As String = ".\Fulfilling"

        ' Define variables that we need to add an item. 
        Dim quantity As Short = 2
        Dim productId As Integer = 750
        Dim orderId As Integer = 43680

        ' Define a long-running object context. 
        Dim context As New AdventureWorksEntities()

        Dim success As Boolean = False

        ' Wrap the operation in a retry loop. 
        For i As Integer = 0 To retries - 1
            ' Define a transaction scope for the operations. 
            Using transaction As New TransactionScope()
                    ' Define a query that returns a order by order ID. 
                    Dim order = (From o In context.SalesOrderHeaders _
                        Where o.SalesOrderID = orderId _
                        Select o).First()

                    ' Load items for the order, if not already loaded. 
                    ' Do this if the lazy loading is turned off.
                    If Not order.SalesOrderDetails.IsLoaded Then
                    End If

                    ' Load the customer, if not already loaded. 
                    ' Do this if the lazy loading is turned off.
                    If Not order.ContactReference.IsLoaded Then
                    End If

                    ' Create a new item for an existing order. 
                    Dim newItem As SalesOrderDetail = SalesOrderDetail.CreateSalesOrderDetail(0, 0, quantity, productId, 1, 0, _
                    0, 0, Guid.NewGuid(), DateTime.Today)

                    ' Add new item to the order. 

                    ' Save changes pessimistically. This means that changes 
                    ' must be accepted manually once the transaction succeeds. 

                    ' Create the message queue if it does not already exist. 
                    If Not MessageQueue.Exists(queueName) Then
                    End If

                    ' Initiate fulfilling order by sending a message. 
                    Using q As New MessageQueue(queueName)
                        Dim msg As New System.Messaging.Message([String].Format("<order customerId='{0}'>" & "<orderLine product='{1}' quantity='{2}' />" & "</order>", order.Contact.ContactID, newItem.ProductID, newItem.OrderQty))

                        ' Send the message to the queue. 
                    End Using

                    ' Mark the transaction as complete. 
                    success = True
                    Exit Try
                Catch ex As Exception
                    ' Handle errors and deadlocks here and retry if needed. 
                    ' Allow an UpdateException to pass through and 
                    ' retry, otherwise stop the execution. 
                    If ex.[GetType]() <> GetType(UpdateException) Then
                        Console.WriteLine(("An error occured. " & "The operation cannot be retried.") + ex.Message)
                        Exit Try
                        ' If we get to this point, the operation will be retried. 
                    End If
                End Try
            End Using
        If success Then
            ' Reset the context since the operation succeeded. 
            Console.WriteLine("The operation could not be completed in " & retries & " tries.")
        End If

        ' Dispose the object context. 
    End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Objects;
using System.Messaging;
using System.Transactions;

namespace ObjectServicesConceptsCS
    class TransactionSample
        public static void EnlistTransaction()
            int retries = 3;
            string queueName = @".\Fulfilling";

            // Define variables that we need to add an item.
            short quantity = 2;
            int productId = 750;
            int orderId = 43680;

            // Define a long-running object context.
            AdventureWorksEntities context
                = new AdventureWorksEntities();

            bool success = false;

            // Wrap the operation in a retry loop.
            for (int i = 0; i < retries; i++)
                // Define a transaction scope for the operations.
                using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope())
                        // Define a query that returns a order by order ID.
                        SalesOrderHeader order =
                        ("it.SalesOrderID = @id", new ObjectParameter(
                         "id", orderId)).First();

                        // Load items for the order, if not already loaded.
                        if (!order.SalesOrderDetails.IsLoaded)

                        // Load the customer, if not already loaded.
                        if (!order.ContactReference.IsLoaded)

                        // Create a new item for an existing order.
                        SalesOrderDetail newItem = SalesOrderDetail.CreateSalesOrderDetail(
                            0, 0, quantity, productId, 1, 0, 0, 0, Guid.NewGuid(), DateTime.Today);

                        // Add new item to the order.

                        // Save changes pessimistically. This means that changes 
                        // must be accepted manually once the transaction succeeds.

                        // Create the message queue if it does not already exist.
                        if (!MessageQueue.Exists(queueName))

                        // Initiate fulfilling order by sending a message.
                        using (MessageQueue q = new MessageQueue(queueName))
                            System.Messaging.Message msg =
                                new System.Messaging.Message(String.Format(
                                    "<order customerId='{0}'>" +
                                    "<orderLine product='{1}' quantity='{2}' />" +
                                    "</order>", order.Contact.ContactID,
                                newItem.ProductID, newItem.OrderQty));

                            // Send the message to the queue.

                        // Mark the transaction as complete.
                        success = true;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Handle errors and deadlocks here and retry if needed.
                        // Allow an UpdateException to pass through and 
                        // retry, otherwise stop the execution.
                        if (ex.GetType() != typeof(UpdateException))
                            Console.WriteLine("An error occured. "
                                + "The operation cannot be retried."
                                + ex.Message);
                        // If we get to this point, the operation will be retried.
            if (success)
                // Reset the context since the operation succeeded.
                Console.WriteLine("The operation could not be completed in "
                    + retries + " tries.");

            // Dispose the object context.

Vea también


Administrar conexiones y transacciones (Entity Framework)