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file element

Applies to: Lync 2013 | Lync Server 2013

file element

Specifies a text file that is a data source for use by the MSPL script contained in the message filtering script element (the splScript element).


   ignoreCase="true" | "false"
   [delimitedBy="comma" | "tab" | "whitespace"]
   static="true" | "false">
     <lc:column name="columnName"/>
     [<lc:column name="columnName"/>]
     [<lc:column name="columnName"/>]



Required. Specifies the name of the text file. The name must be a valid Microsoft SIP Processing Language (MSPL) identifier.


Required. Specifies the path to the file. The value can be an absolute UNC path, or a relative path. A relative path value is interpreted as being relative to the path containing the RTCSRV.EXE process that is running.


Optional. Specifies the name of the column that the message filtering script can use to directly access a record by string value. When the attribute is omitted, records are accessed by integer value. The values in the specified column must be unique, otherwise an error is logged when the file is loaded and the application is terminated.


Optional. Specifies whether case should be ignored when referencing the keys of the in-memory hash table that represents the contents of the flat file. If true, case will be ignored; if false, case will be considered.

Using the keyColumnName attribute is required if the ignoreCase attribute is used, because the keyColumnName attribute identifies the column of values that should be used as the keys in the hash table.


Optional. Specifies how column data is delimited. Valid values are comma, tab, or whitespace. The default value is comma.

If the value is whitespace, both the leading and trailing white space on each line along with the white space separating each column are stripped. If delimiter characters are to be included within the column data, they must be surrounded by quotation marks.


Specifies whether the file contents can change while the script is running. Acceptable values are true or false. If true, the file is loaded into memory when the script is first loaded, and until the script is reloaded, the in-memory copy is the one that the script uses. If false, then each time that the script accesses a field in the file, the last write time is compared against what was last loaded into memory. If the file has been modified since it was last loaded, it is reloaded. Any error while reloading the file causes the script to be terminated. The default value is false.

Child elements

column element


The file element must contain one or more column elements.

Parent element

applicationManifest element


For more information, see "Flat File Access" in MSPL Script Syntax. The namespace prefix "lc" in the preceding usage example is the default namespace prefix, but it can be replaced with any string value that you assign to your namespace using the xmlns attribute of the applicationManifest element.

See also

Other resources

SIP application manifests

Application attribute elements

SIP application manifest example