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Category Object

Esta característica se quitará en una versión futura de Microsoft SQL Server. Evite utilizar esta característica en nuevos trabajos de desarrollo y tenga previsto modificar las aplicaciones que actualmente la utilizan.

The Category object represents the attributes of a SQL Server Agent alert, job, or operator category.

Modelo de objetos SQL-DMO con el objeto actual


SQL Server Agent categories are optional attributes that group alerts, jobs, and operators. With the Category object, you can:

  • Create groupings for alerts, jobs, and operators.

  • Use the Name property value to view specific jobs when applying a JobFilter object.

The Name property of a Category object uses the Microsoft SQL Server data type sysname. For each type of SQL Server category, the category name must be unique.

The Type property applies only to categories used for SQL Server Agent jobs. When used with a job, the Type property value can be set. Setting it for SQL Server alert or operator categories results in an error.

To create a SQL Server job category

  1. Create a Category object.

  2. Set the Name property.

  3. Set the Type property, optionally.

  4. Add the Category object to the JobCategories collection of a connected JobServer object.

To create a SQL Server operator category

  1. Create a Category object.

  2. Set the Name property.

  3. Add the Category object to the OperatorCategories collection of a connected JobServer object.

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