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XML DOM Properties


This section describes DOM property syntax.

Property Description
allErrors Returns a parseErrorCollection object containing all errors and warnings found during validation. Read-only.
async Specifies whether asynchronous download is permitted. Read/write.
attributes Contains the list of attributes for this node. Read-only.
baseName Returns the base name for the name qualified with the namespace. Read-only.
childNodes Contains a node list containing the child nodes. Read-only.
context Gets the node (subtree) that is applied to the selection. Read/write.
data (IXMLDOMCharacterData) Stores the node data depending on the node type. Read/write.
data (IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction) Retrieves and sets the content of the processing instruction, excluding the target. Read/write.
dataType Specifies the data type for this node. Read/write.
definition Returns the definition of the node in the document type definition (DTD) or schema. Read-only.
doctype Contains the document type node that specifies the document type definition (DTD) for this document. Read-only.
documentElement Contains the root element of the document. Read/write.
entities Contains a list of the entities declared in the <!DOCTYPE> declaration. Read-only.
errorCode Contains the error code of the last parse error. Read-only.
errorParametersCount Returns the number of error parameters used in an error message. Read-only.
errorXPath Rturns an XPath expression that locates the node where an error occurred. Read-only.
expr Gets or sets the XML Path Language (XPath) expression. Read/write.
filepos Contains the absolute file position where the error occurred. Read-only.
firstChild Contains the first child of the node. Read-only.
implementation Contains the IXMLDOMImplementation object for the document. Read-only.
input Specifies which XML input tree to transform. Read/write.
item Returns the item from the collection with the specified index.
lastChild Returns the last child node. Read-only.
length (IXMLDOMCharacterData) Specifies the length, in characters, of the data. Read-only.
length (IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap) Specifies the number of items in the collection. Read-only.
length (IXMLDOMNodeList) Specifies the number of items in the collection. Read-only.
length (IXMLDOMParseErrorCollection) Returns the number of items in the error collection. Read-only.
length (XMLSchemaCache/IXMLSchemaCollection) Specifies the number of namespaces currently in the collection. Read-only.
line Specifies the line number that contains the error. Read-only.
linepos Specifies the character position within the line where the error occurred. Read-only.
name (IXMLDOMAttribute) Contains the attribute name. Read-only.
name (IXMLDOMDocumentType) Contains the name of the document type. Read-only.
namespaces Returns the list of namespaces used in the document as XMLSchemaCache. Read-only.
namespaceURI (IXMLDOMNode) Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the namespace. Read-only.
namespaceURI (XMLSchemaCache/IXMLDOMSchemaCollection) Returns the namespace at the specified index. Read-only.
next Returns the next item in the error collection object.
nextSibling Contains the next sibling of the node in the parent's child list. Read-only.
nodeName Returns the qualified name for attribute, document type, element, entity, or notation nodes. Returns a fixed string for all other node types. Read-only.
nodeType Specifies the XML Document Object Model (DOM) node type, which determines valid values and whether the node can have child nodes. Read-only.
nodeTypedValue Contains the node value expressed in its defined data type. Read/write
nodeTypeString Returns the node type in string form. Read-only.
nodeValue Contains the text associated with the node. Read/write.
notationName Contains the notation name. Read-only.
notations Contains a list of the IXMLDOMNotation members that are present in the document type declaration. Read-only.
ondataavailable Specifies the event handler for the ondataavailable event. Write-only
onreadystatechange (DOMDocument) Specifies the event handler to be called when the readyState property changes. Write-only.
onreadystatechange (IXMLHTTPRequest) Specifies the event handler to be called when the readyState property changes. Write-only.
onreadystatechange (ServerXMLHTTP/IServerXMLHTTPRequest) Specifies the event handler to be invoked when the readyState property changes. Write-only.
ontransformnode Specifies the event handler for the ontransformnode event. Write-only.
output Gets a custom output to write the result of the transformation. Read/write.
ownerDocument Returns the root of the document that contains the node. Read-only.
ownerTemplate Returns the style sheet template that was used to create IXSLProcessor. Read-only.
parentNode Contains the parent node. Read-only.
parsed Indicates the parsed status of the node and child nodes. Read-only.
parseError Returns an IXMLDOMParseError object that contains information about the last parsing error. Read-only.
prefix Returns the namespace prefix. Read-only.
preserveWhiteSpace Specifies the default white space handling. Read/write.
previousSibling Contains the previous sibling of the node in the parent's child list. Read-only.
publicId (IXMLDOMEntity) Contains the public identifier associated with the entity. Read-only.
publicId (IXMLDOMNotation) Contains the public identifier for the notation. Read-only.
readyState (DOMDocument) Indicates the current state of the XML document. Read-only.
readyState (IXMLHTTPRequest) Represents the state of the request. Read-only.
readyState (IXSLProcessor) Returns the current state of the processor. Read-only.
readyState (ServerXMLHTTP/IServerHTTPRequest) Represents the state of the request. Read-only.
reason Describes the reason for the error. Read-only.
resolveExternals Indicates whether external definitions, resolvable namespaces, document type definition (DTD) external subsets, and external entity references, are to be resolved at parse time, independent of validation. Read/write.
responseBody (IXMLHTTPRequest) Represents only one of several forms in which the HTTP response can be returned. Read-only.
responseBody (ServerXMLHTTP/IServerXMLHTTPRequest) Represents the response entity body as an array of unsigned bytes. Read-only.
responseStream (IXMLHttpRequest) Represents only one of several forms in which the HTTP response can be returned. Read-only.
responseStream (ServerXMLHTTP/IServerXMLHTTPRequest) Represents the response entity body as an IStream. Read-only.
responseText (IXMLHTTPRequest) Represents the response entity body as a string. Read-only.
responseText (ServerXMLHTTP/IServerXMLHTTPRequest) Represents the response entity body as a string. Read-only.
responseXML (IXMLHTTPRequest) Represents the parsed response entity body. Read-only.
responseXML (ServerXMLHTTP/IServerXMLHTTPRequest) Represents the response entity body as parsed by MSXML. Read-only.
schemas Finds schema documents during load. Read/write.
specified Indicates whether the node is explicitly specified or derived from a default value in the DTD or schema. Read-only.
srcText Returns the full text of the line containing the error. Read-only.
startMode Returns the base name part of the start mode, a qualified name.
startModeURI Returns the namespace URI part of the start mode, the qualified name. Read-only.
status (IXMLHTTPRequest) Represents the HTTP status code returned by a request. Read-only.
status (ServerXMLHTTP/IServerXMLHTTPRequest) Represents the HTTP status code returned by a request. Read-only.
statusText (IXMLHTTPRequest) Represents the HTTP response line status. Read-only.
statusText (ServerXMLHTTP/IServerXMLHTTPRequest) Represents the HTTP response line status. Read-only.
stylesheet (IXSLProcessor) Provides the Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) style sheet that is to be compiled into the XSL template. Read-only.
stylesheet (IXSLTemplate) Returns the XSL style sheet to be compiled into an XSL template. Read-only.
systemId (IXMLDOMEntity) Contains the system identifier for the entity. Read-only.
systemId (IXMLDOMNotation) Contains the system identifier for the notation. Read-only.
tagName Contains the element name. Read-only.
target Specifies the target for the processing instruction. Read-only.
text Represents the text content of the node or the concatenated text representing the node and its descendants. Read-only.
url (DOMDocument) Returns the URL for the last loaded XML document. Read-only.
url (IXMLDOMParseError) Contains the URL of the XML document containing the last error. Read-only.
validateOnLoad Indicates whether the schema will be compiled and validated when it is loaded into the schema cache. Read/write.
validateOnParse Indicates whether the parser should validate this document. Read/write.
value Contains the attribute value. Read/write.
xml Contains the XML representation of the node and all its descendants. Read-only.