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Unsung Hero Winners Announced

We received tonnes of incredible and inspiring nominations for your unsung heroes of the SharePoint community.  We sat down, read and re-read them all over and over … and finally have a list of the winners we can announce!   We decided we couldn’t just award 10 prizes, so we lifted the cap to 13 given how amazing these folks contributions are.

Here are the winners (in no particular order):

  • CA Callahan
  • Gary Payne
  • Joy Earles
  • Nele Lekens
  • Wes Hackett
  • Alon Havivi
  • Bonnie Surma
  • Kerri Abraham
  • Maron Man
  • Cathy Dew
  • Lori Gowin
  • Dan Usher
  • Victor Chataboon

We have contacted each of the winners and will be offering them one SharePoint Conference 2011 general registration conference pass (Approximate Retail Value: $1,199.00). 

Additionally, these folks will be helping out in the Hands on Labs area of the conference, so if see them make sure you congratulate them and show them your appreciation for all the work they do in the SharePoint Community.

Congratulations to all the winners!! and we cant wait to see you at the conference!!



  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2011
    Congrats to all who won, very well deserved!

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2011
    Congratulations all! I was hoping to see my name on the list ...

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2011
    Congrats Guys! Got some stellar names there.

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2011
    Congrat's you guys. Definitely some deserving folks on this list.

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2011
    This all seems somewhat cynical. By all means offer them a free SP conference pass for being "unsung heroes" but that should be that. Tying this to them helping out in the Hands On Labs area simply means that they are working for that "free" pass. I have experience of working in the Hands On Labs area in return for getting into a SP conference for nothing and it means that for about a third of the day you are unable to attend any conference sessions. It's a fair enough deal if that is what you are offered, but to say that these guys get the free pass for being unsung heroes would only be true if there were no strings attached to it and they could decide for themselves whether they wanted to help you out in the Hands On Labs or not.

  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2011
    All the right people on this list!  See you there! :)

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2011
    WAY TO GO, EVERYONE!!! (espcially my friend Bonnie!)

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2011
    Congratulations to all the nominees and especially all the winners.  Way to go Bonnie Surma!  Great Job!  Keep up the good work.  I know what a hard worker you are and I am very glad to see you rewarded for a job well done!

  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2011
    Chris - I have to agree with Mike W on this one. The people on your list already work VERY hard with little recognition. I know many of them personally through the contributions they have made to the community. Wish you would think that one through again and let them go have a good time instead of having to work at the conference for their inclusion. Regards -- Mark

  • Anonymous
    September 07, 2011
    Unsung for what? having a job that requires SharePoint skills. Microsoft is so political, and these bloggers are are useless.

  • Anonymous
    September 08, 2011
    Susan832:  Sorry you feel this way, but the numerous people that nominated them done seem to agree with you.  We got amazing writeups about these folks many of which were nominated multiple times.  You might not appreciate them ... but there are many others who do.

  • Anonymous
    October 26, 2011
    Thanks to Microsoft for this, I was also very surprised that I was even nominated. To be part of the conference experience was a really nice reward!