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Open XML
Transforming Open XML WordprocessingML to XHtml
Parsing Excel Formulas
Managed Add-Ins
Functional Programming / LINQ to XML
PowerTools for Open XML
Useful Code Snippets
Writing / Other

Open XML

Open XML SDK and LINQ to XML
Using LINQ to Query Excel Tables
Accepting Revisions in Open XML WordprocessingML Documents
Mastering Text in Open XML Word-Processing Documents
Simplifying Open XML WordprocessingML Queries by First Accepting Revisions
Transforming Open XML Documents using XSLT
Transforming Open XML Documents to Flat OPC Format
Transforming Flat OPC Format to Open XML Documents
The Flat OPC Format
Creating Data-Bound Content Controls using the Open XML SDK and LINQ to XML
Create a List of All Parts in an Open XML Document
OpenXmlCodeTester: Validating Code in Open XML Documents
Using LINQ to XML to Retrieve Content Controls in Word 2007
Remove Comments
Remove Personal Information
Accept Revisions
Automated Processing of Open XML Documents using PowerShell
Extract Comments
OpenXML Content Types in an XML Document
Bulk Convert DOC to DOCX
The Legacy Hashing Algorithm in Open XML
How to Use altChunk for Document Assembly
Inserting / Deleting / Moving Paragraphs in an Open XML Document
Remove Rsid Elements and Attributes before Comparing Open XML Documents
Inner Join of Two Excel Tables
Joining LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Excel
Working with In-Memory Open XML Documents
Comparing Two Open XML Documents using the Zip Extension Method
Splitting Runs in Open XML Word Processing Document Paragraphs
Comparison of Navigating Parts between System.IO.Packaging and the Open XML SDK
Merging Comments from Multiple Open XML Documents into a Single Document
Using DocumentBuilder with Content Controls for Document Assembly
Comparison of altChunk to the DocumentBuilder Class
Generalized Approach to Open XML Markup References
Interrelated Markup in Open XML Word Processing Documents
Creating a Template Open XML Document in Memory
Finding Paragraphs by Style Name or Content in an Open XML Word Processing Document
Seven Key Benefits of Open XML
Move/Insert/Delete Paragraphs in Word Processing Documents using the Open XML SDK
Essentials of the Open Packaging Conventions
Using the SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model with Open XML
Working with Numbered Lists in Open XML WordprocessingML
Inserting Content That Contains Images Using altChunk
Increasing Performance of Word Automation for large amount of data using Open Xml SDK
Enabling Better Transformations by Simplifying Open XML WordprocessingML Markup
Retrieving the Default Style Name of an Open XML WordprocessingML Document
ListItemRetriever: Accurately Retrieving Text of a Open XML WordprocessingML Paragraph
Validate Open XML Documents using the Open XML SDK 2.0
Using Nested Content Controls for Data and Content Extraction from Open XML WordprocessingML Documents
Transforming WordprocessingML to Simpler XML for Easier Processing
Table Markup in Open XML SpreadsheetML
Processing all Content Parts in an Open XML WordprocessingML Document
Open XML Package Editor Power Tool for Visual Studio 2010
Using the Open XML SDK from within a Managed Add-In
Determining if an Open XML WordprocessingML Document contains Tracked Changes
Using Content Controls to give Semantic Meaning to Content in Open XML WordprocessingML Documents
Building Document Generation Systems from Templates with Word 2010 and Word 2007
Building Publishing Systems that Use Word 2010 or Word 2007
Using Open XML WordprocessingML Documents as Data Sources
Testing for Base Styles in Open XML WordprocessingML Documents
Modifying an Open XML Document in a SharePoint Document Library
Formats Supported for altChunk
Validate Open XML Documents using the Open XML SDK 2.0
Using Nested Content Controls for Data and Content Extraction from Open XML WordprocessingML Documents

Transforming Open XML WordprocessingML to XHtml

  1. Transforming Open XML Word-Processing Documents to XHtml
  2. Transforming Open XML Word-Processing Documents to XHtml (Post #2)
  3. Transforming Open XML Word-Processing Documents to Html (Post #3)
  4. Open XML WordprocessingML Style Inheritance
  5. Comparison of Html/CSS Tables to WordprocessingML Tables
  6. Assembling Paragraph and Run Properties for Cells in an Open XML WordprocessingML Table
  7. Implementing 'Inheritance' in XML
  8. Working with Numbering in Open XML WordprocessingML
  9. Accepting Revisions in Open XML WordprocessingML Documents
  10. Simplifying Open XML WordprocessingML Queries by First Accepting Revisions
  11. Writing Entity References using LINQ to XML
  12. HtmlConverter: Transform Open XML WordprocessingML to XHtml
  13. Mastering Text in Open XML Word-Processing Documents
  14. Retrieving the Default Style Name of an Open XML WordprocessingML Document
  15. Enabling Better Transformations by Simplifying Open XML WordprocessingML Markup
  16. ListItemRetriever: Accurately Retrieving Text of a Open XML WordprocessingML Paragraph
  17. Transforming WordprocessingML to Simpler XML for Easier Processing
  18. Reducing Connaissance (Interconnectedness) and Increasing Robustness using LINQ

Parsing Excel Formulas

  1. Writing a Recursive Descent Parser using C# and LINQ
  2. Recursive Descent Parser using LINQ: The Augmented Backus-Naur Form Grammar
  3. Recursive Descent Parser: A Simple Grammar
  4. Creating a Collection from Singletons and Collections using LINQ
  5. Building a Simple Recursive Descent Parser

Managed Add-Ins

Associating Arbitrary Data with Content Controls
Increasing Performance of Word Automation for large amount of data using Open Xml SDK
Programmatically Limiting Styles in Word
Designing a Content Publishing System
Using Nested Content Controls for Data and Content Extraction from Open XML WordprocessingML Documents

Functional Programming / LINQ to XML

Functional Programming Tutorial – C# 3.0
Functional Programming Tutorial – VB 9.0
Using Annotations to Transform LINQ to XML Trees in an XSLT Style
Performance of LINQ to XML
Performance of Chained Queries
Atomized XName and XNamespace Objects
Preatomization of XName Objects
Statically Compiled Queries
Writing Robust LINQ to XML Code that Performs Well
Chunking a Collection into Groups of Three
Use a Lambda Expression for an Event Handler
Find Duplicates using LINQ
Generating a LINQ to XML Tree from Anonymous Types
How to Create Hierarchy from Flat Data using LINQ
The GroupAdjacent Extension Method
The SkipLast Extension Method
Formatting LINQ Code
Using LINQ to XML Events and Annotations to Track if an XML Tree has Changed
OpenXmlCodeTester: Validating Code in Open XML Documents
Use INFER.EXE to Create XML Schemas
Are Developers Using LINQ?
Are Developers Using LINQ? (Part 2)
Anders Hejlsberg Introduces C# 4.0 at PDC 2008
Debugging LINQ Queries
Comparing LINQ to XML and XPath
A More Robust Approach for Handling XName Objects in LINQ to XML
Writing Succinct Code to move XElement and XAttribute Objects from One LINQ to XML Tree to Another
Align Attributes when Formatting XML using LINQ to XML
Getting Started with SharePoint (WSS) Web Services using LINQ to XML
Working with Optional Elements and Attributes in LINQ to XML Queries
Querying LINQ to XML Nodes in Reverse Document Order with Better Performance
Document-Centric Transforms using LINQ to XML
Recursive Approach to Pure Functional Transformations of XML
Computing Deep Hash Codes using LINQ to XML
Equality Semantics of LINQ to XML Trees
Manually Cloning LINQ to XML Trees
The Composability Thought Process for LINQ
Ease of Maintenance of LINQ Code
Ease of Maintenance of LINQ Code (2)
XML Element and Attribute Name Guidelines
Why I Don’t Use the ForEach Extension Method
Implementing 'Inheritance' in XML
Writing Entity References using LINQ to XML
Rollup Extension Method: Create Running Totals using LINQ to Objects
Reducing Connaissance (Interconnectedness) and Increasing Robustness using LINQ
Serializing Encoded XML Documents using LINQ to XML
Convert XDocument to XmlDocument (and Convert XmlDocument to XDocument)
Creating a Collection from Singletons and Collections using LINQ
Controlling Namespace Serialization of LINQ to XML
Hex Dump using LINQ (in 7 Lines of Code)
Ad-Hoc String Concatenation using LINQ
Serializing Encoded XML Documents using LINQ to XML
Convert XDocument to XmlDocument (and Convert XmlDocument to XDocument)

PowerTools for Open XML

Automated Processing of Open XML Documents using PowerShell
Detailed Description of PowerTools for Open XML cmdlets
The Use of Extension Methods to Manage Open XML Document Changes in PowerTools for Open XML