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The website is called How Software Is Built, and it's an investigation of the similarities and differences of closed-source* versus open-source delivery models and I've been reading it for a while.  I always learn something from each of the people that they interview.  The project was "commissioned" by folks here at MS, but if you want details, click here.

A month or two ago I got a request from a group of folks to talk about software developement methodologies here at Microsoft, specifically how we relate to Open Source, etc.  It was kind of unexpected (what? who? me?) but it was a fun conversation, that just got posted today.

Check it out.  I'd quote from it but it feels really weird quoting myself on my blog.  You'll just have to read it. :)  If you're in a hurry, they have Cliff's Notes as well.

Definitely check out the archives too.  I really liked the Mark Gross interview, I've always wondered how the Linux Kernel process works.


* For the record, I'm starting to really dislike the term "closed-source", since it sounds horribly prejorative.  The only real differentiations I see in the market place are how your stuff is licensed (e.g. how can other people use it) and whether or not you take contributions, with the latter being the real key.  For example, we've delivered source code for the ASP.NET AJAX Extensions so it's funny calling it "closed-source" even though we're not taking any contributions back.  There, I said it.