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Generating Noise for applications


This article goes into depth around four different types of noise generation algorithms. We cover the implementation as well as performance information for Perlin, Simplex, Wavelet, and Worley noise. This is an analysis of the implementation and the pro’s and cons for each.

Keywords: Noise, Simplex, Wavelet, Value, Worley, Perlin, texturing


Noise is a random disturbance in a sample which is not part of an expected result. Think of audio signals on images that you take with your Digital SLR. The noise is the pieces of information that are not desirable such as hiss or speckled spots on low light photos. In these instances this extra information is usually undesirable but in some application this noise makes things more natural and realistic when using random information.

There are many different applications of noise in game development from terrain generation, procedural textures, to artificial intelligence and many more. Noise is surprisingly interesting and is not necessarily just random numbers. Its about how are those numbers distributed how to they relate to previous information. This can be quite a complex topic and in this blog post I will be going through the following types of noise and providing source code and libraries you can leverage to create applications. The types I am going to cover are:

  • Value
  • Perlin
  • Simplex   
  • Worley

Research Method

The process I am going to take here is focused around implementing and comparing results of each of the noise generation functions. We will compare the following qualitative values:

  • Implementation Difficulty
  • Resulting graphical noise

The quantitative values we will leverage are:

  • Processing time for various image sizes
  • Aggregate variance from white


Noise can be a fairly complex topic with a large amount of information on the topic that varies from article to article. We aim to resolve a number of the difficulties with this article as well as provide a complete set of code and framework that can be reused or inspected. Noise functions do not necessarily generate those beautiful pictures you are used to seeing, it’s the layering and adding those layers together which has those various effects.

In order for us to understand these various noise functions we need to compare it to a purely random function. For this we will be leveraging each of the languages random function to generate a number between 0.0f and 1.0f. We will attempt to stick to floating points as much as the language will allows us to. This is in an effort to ensure consistency between the results. Simply put:

  1: function RandomNoise(){
  2:     return random(0.0f,1.0f);
  3: }


1. Random Noise

We take the result of the RandomNoise Function and convert it to an RGB value between 0 and 255. For this article we will stick to shades of grey so the RGB values will all be the same.

  1: int r = g = b = randomvalue * 255


The results of the RandomNoise function look as follows: 


Figure 1.0 Noise Pattern

For an image 300px x 200px the average generation time sits in the 1600ms time range in JavaScript. As you can see there is no uniformity to the noise generated. The performance per language is broken down as follows:

Language 300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Javascript 7.6 44.8 70.6 65.6
C# 3.12358 9.37525 20.30747 20.31865

Table 1.0 Random Noise Average Time per resolution

As you can see the performance is purely based on the number of pixels you are trying to generate as well as the language you are using.

Before we go into Perlin Noise there is a bit of understanding of the different types of interpolation that we need to have. Interpolation calculates a projected value between a set of points based on various functions or techniques. 

Linear interpolation performs curve fitting using linear polynomials. It takes in 3 inputs Point1, Point2 and t which is a range between 0.0 and 1.0. The function for linear interpolation we will leverage is:

  1: function lerp(v0, v1, t) 
  2: { 
  3:       return v0+(v1-v0)*t; 
  4: }


Cosine interpolation is a form of trigonometric interpolation which will provide us with smoother interpolations than linear. The function we will leverage is:

  1: function cosinerp(v0, v1, t) 
  2: { 
  3:      ft = t * 3.1415927 
  4:      f = (1 - cos(ft)) * .5 
  5:      return v0*(1-f) + v1*f 
  6: }

Cubic interpolation is a more complex form of interpolation but results in much higher amounts of smoothing between points. Its also one of the simpler options to implement although it does require 4 points and t a range which works similar to the other two versions of interpolation. CatmullRom is a variation of this with weighted multiples applied to the calculation (See source code). The implementation is as follows:

  1: function cuberp(y0, y1,  y2, y3,  mu) 
  2: { 
  3:      a0,a1,a2,a3,mu2; 
  4:      mu2 = mu*mu; 
  5:      a0 = y3 - y2 - y0 + y1; 
  6:      a1 = y0 - y1 - a0; 
  7:      a2 = y2 - y0; 
  8:      a3 = y1; 
  9:      return(a0*mu*mu2+a1*mu2+a2*mu+a3); 
  10: } 

Hermite interpolation is similar to Cubic except with the addition of two parameters Tension and Bias. Tension tightens up the curvature of the points and bias twists the curve around specific points. The formula for Hermite interpolation is:

  1: function hermiterp(v0, v1, v2, v3, t, tension, bias){
  2:     var m0,m1,t2,t3;
  3:     var a0, a1, a2, a3;
  4:     t2 = t * t;
  5:     t3 = t2 * t;
  6:     m0  = (v1-v0)*(1+bias)*(1-tension)/2;
  7:     m0 += (v2-v1)*(1-bias)*(1-tension)/2;
  8:     m1  = (v2-v1)*(1+bias)*(1-tension)/2;|
  9:     m1 += (v3-v2)*(1-bias)*(1-tension)/2;
  11:     a0 =  2*t3 - 3*t2 + 1;
  12:     a1 =    t3 - 2*t2 + t;
  13:     a2 =    t3 -   t2;
  14:     a3 = -2*t3 + 3*t2;
  16:     return(a0*y1+a1*m0+a2*m1+a3*y2);
  17: }

We also need to understand some terminology before proceeding as I found that without a decent understanding of these terms the following explanations become somewhat difficult to understand first time round. These concepts are focused on how layers are added together and the various properties of the layers.

Octaves: this first term is how many layers of noise are we going to blend together. The more octaves or layers the more detail the noise has

Frequency: this is the number of segments that we are going to put into the space we are using. This is the same as frequency when it comes to sound waves or signal process. The lower the frequency the bigger the features and the higher the frequency the smaller the features.

Amplitude: this is the height of the details. The bigger the amplitude the bigger the height of the features. Generally one will decrease the amplitude for each octave to have a more general smoothing effect.

Persistence: This is the rate at which the amplitude will decrease with each octave that is added. The smaller the persistence the lower the amount of change

With these concepts we can multiply and add various layers of noise together to generate wood like textures, clouds and many other types of procedural textures.

2. Value Noise

The next one we will look at is Value noise which is one of the simplest. Value noise is a simple algorithm that leverages a grid of random values between 0 and 1 to work out what a pixel should be. Below is a picture of what Value Noise Looks like:


Figure 2.0 Value Noise

The way value noise works is by using a set of points which are randomized and then for each sample between points are interpolated between that set of randomized values. The general flow of this is as follows:

  1. Generate a set of random values for points
  2. For the given point calculate the points surrounding
  3. Get the random value using the surrounding points
  4. Calculate the difference between the points and use that for your interpolation value
  5. Interpolate the values
  6. Return the result

Lets have a look at each of the steps and understand them further. The first stage we generate an array of the appropriate dimension and we assign random values to this. The size of the array can vary quite widely and its worth having a look how the array size affects the out come. For a 2D noise function it will simply be:

  1: for(int x = 0; x < size; x++){ 
  2:      for(int y = 0; y < size; y++){ 
  3:           RandomArray[x][y] = Random(); 
  4:      } 
  5: }

Now we have an array populated with random values this is our noise information that we are going to use to interpolate to have smooth transitions. Lets have a look at how this works. Given a point we map that point to the RandomArray and interpolate the value from the surrounding values points. We also need to know the position of the point given relative to the surrounding points we use this relative information to determine the interpolation value between two points. Now we interpolate and return the value for the noise. Once we populate our grid it should be something similar to this:


Figure 2.1 Populated Random Grid

Say we have a point 2,3 that we want noise for on an image that is 300x200 pixels wide we will pass in the x and y values multiplied by the inverse of the width and height of the area you wish to fill with noise. eg.

tx = 0,0033333 = 1/300
ty = 0,005 = 1/200

So we pass into the noise function 2.003333 and 3.005 (the red dot on the diagram). We now break down the point passed in into two components, its whole number and the remainder (tx and ty). With the remainder we use a smoothing function to get a new value that is used during interpolation. We then figure out which are the neighbouring points in the generated grid (the green dots on the diagram). We then interpolate the values with each other.


Figure 2.2 The Points used for interpolation to ensure smooth noise.

To view the source code for this please see the source code links in the references section. Below are the performance metrics for the different languages and resolutions.

Language 300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Javascript 8.2 94 174 173
C# 2.10057 58.16069 96.27747 94.56971
C++ 1.6 4.7 3.1 0

Table 2.0 Value Noise Average Time per resolution

3. Perlin Noise

Perlin Noise is the award winning technique developed by Ken Perlin in 1982 and was leveraged in the motion Picture Tron. It is a gradient noise which is a pseudo random technique. Instead of storing random numbers in the grid as in Value noise and interpolating, Perlin noise stores a gradient vector. To get the values we calculate the dot products of each gradient vector. The dot product is then interpolated to get our result which looks like:


Figure 3.0 Perlin Noise

From the above image you can see Perlin noise is less uniform than Value. There are a number of great articles covering the theory behind Perlin noise which are found in the references section but I will do my best to sum up the jist of what is going on at each step. Looking at Ken Perlin’s improved Perlin noise first step is initializing the array p[]. What is array p?  The P array allows us to have a predefined pseudo random allocation of number we can use to generate gradients. We could generate this array using the original method defined by Ken Perlins C code but for performance sake we use a predefined list. This p array is populated to fill 512 items.


Figure 3.1 Populating the P array

Now we have an array that can be used for random numbers we will take our input values and begin processing. It is important to note that the input expected is a floating point (eg 0.0333 or 1.0333). This is why we divide the x and y values by the width and height. This gives us a percentage which is the distance across the width or height. Using this adjusted x and y value as input we then find the cube that surrounds the inputs.


Figure 3.2 Components used for the Perlin Noise calculation

Once we have the required components we now calculate the value that we will be using for the interpolation between the various gradients. This is done using a smoothing function which given a value will return the corresponding value that is on a smoothed curve.


Figure 3.3 Smooth curve values for the Lerp

Using this information we use the values in the p[] array to get hash values that we can leverage to generate the gradients for each point. For example given that our x and y values are (0.0333, 0.0333) for x = 0 and y = 0 the hashes would look as follows:

  1: A = p[0] + 0 = 151 
  2: AA = p[A] + 0 = p[151] = 17 
  3: …

Using those points we now calculate the various gradients for AA,AB,BA,BB and AA+1, AB+1, BA+1, BB +1.

  1: x = 0.0333 
  2: y = 0.0333 
  3:  AA = 17 
  4:  h = 17 & 15 = 1 
  5:  u = 1 < 8 ? 0.0333 : 0.0333 = 0.0333 
  6:  v = 1 < 4 ? 1 == 12 || h == 14 ? 0.0333 : 0 = 0 
  7:  a = h & 1 == 0 ? u : -u = 0.0333 
  8:  b = h & 2 == 0 ? v : -v = 0;
  10: return a + b = 0.0333

With each of those gradients we now perform a Linear Interpolation between those using the smoothed values and that’s about it.

Language 300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Javascript 22.1 259.6 447.7 440.5
C# 10.91993 178.67824 329.77866 318.2969
C++ 4.6 40.7 70.3 78.2

Table 3.0 Perlin Noise Average Time per resolution

4. Simplex

Simplex Noise developed by Ken Perlin in 2001 has similar results to Perlin Noise with less computational requirements than Perlin. The idea of Simplex is to divide the N dimensional space into triangles that reduces the number of data  points. In Perlin noise we would find the cube that the point we are given in resides and find the points related. Visually the result is not much different from Perlin noise.


Figure 4.0 Simplex Noise

With simplex we are finding the shape that is based on a equilateral triangle and returning fewer points. The major difference Basically it takes the previous grid and skews it and forms triangles for the simplex representation. The gradients for each of the points are then generated and then the rest of the implementation is pretty much the same.

[TODO – Diagram showing the difference between Perlin and Simplex]

The results are good and the performance is much better than Perlin with higher dimensions but it is quite complex to understand

Language 300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Javascript 36.2 475.7 847.7 820.5
C# 15.75991 230.19422 418.06524 393.17309
C++ 3 107.6 192.4 182.6

Table 4.0 Simplex Noise Average Time per resolution


5. Worley

Worley Noise (Aka Cell Noise) was developed by Steven Worley in 1996 which is very useful in generating stone, water or cell noise textures. The  way Worley noise works is that is has a random set of feature points. Given a specific point it calculates the distance of that point to the nearest feature point and uses that for the information. The result is seen below:


Figure 5.0 Worley Noise

What is needed is a set of random points which we compare against. Then we calculate the distance from to the nearest point from the point supplied. Worley’s algorithm has a more efficient implementation of this concept which performs the following steps:

  1. Calculates which cube a point is in
  2. Create a random number generator for the cube
  3. Calculate how many points are inside the cube
  4. Randomly assign points in the cube
  5. Find the point closest to the point given
  6. Check neighboring cubes
  7. Calculate the distance


Figure 5.1 How the noise value is determined

We can change our results by changing the number of feature points, the way distance is computed and the size of the grid used. If you invert the image you can see the points and the distance information clearly.


Language 300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Javascript 764.8 10003.2 18879 17875.9
C# 906.9245 11532.654 21078.3585 20539.72
C++ 290.1 3866.4 7078.4 6615

Table 5.0 Worley Noise Average Time per resolution


The various types of noises all have different visual and performance benefits. Below is a visual comparison of each of the different types of noise covered in this article. Comparison
Chart 1.0 Comparison of each of the performance factors across the various languages.By far C++ has the best performance compared to the other languages and C# was typically slower than JavaScript but this can be explained by the direct porting of code instead of using appropriate data structures. The last table summarizes the findings.

Technique Resulting Image Implementation Difficulty Processing time Variance Pros Cons
Random Random-Noise Easy Low amount of processing required Hi amount of variance with no smoothing Random information No smooth transitions between points
Value ValueNoise Easy More expensive than Random Minimal Smoothing   Not a very organic pattern
Perlin PerlinNoise Moderate Slightly slower but not considerably Hi amount of variance Great smoothing A little complex to understand
SImplex SimplexNoise Moderate Fast Similar result to Perlin Fast to compute east to implement in hardware Complex to understand
Worley Worley Complex Slow Hi variance Nice effects, various different items to change Not a simple to implement and requires more processing

Table 6.0 Summarized findings

Source Code:

Sharp Noise :


Bourke, P (1999) Interpolation Methods, [Online]
Available: [7 Feb 2014]

(2012) Noise Part 1, [Online],
Available: [12 Feb 2014]

(2010) Value_Noise – Explanation of Value Noise, [Online],
Available: [12 Feb 2014]

(2013) Perlin Noise, Wikipedia, [Online],
Available: [5 Feb 2014]

Zucker, M (2001) The Perlin noise math FAQ, [Online],  
Available: [5 Feb 2014]

Hugo, E (2003) Perlin noise, [Online]
Available: [5 Feb 2014]    

Perlin, K () Noise and Turbulance, [Online]
Available: [24 Feb 2014]  

Perlin, K () Noise Hardware, [Online]
Available: [26 Mar 2014]

Perlin, K (2002) Improved Noise Reference Implementation, [Online],
Available: [7 Feb 2014]

Tulleken, H (2009) How to use Perlin Noise in your games, [Online],
Available: [7 Feb 2014]

Thomas, K (2011) Perlin Noise in JavaScript, [Online]
Available: [26 Mar 2014]

Explanation of Perlin Noise, [Online]
Available: [26 Mar 2014]

Simplex Noise, [Online]
Available: [26 Mar 2014]

Gustavson, S (2005) Simplex noise demystified, [Online]
Available: [26 Mar 2014]

Explanation of Simplex Noise, [Online]
Available: [26 Mar 2014]

Worley Noise, [Online]
Available: [26 Mar 2014]

FreeTheNation (alias) (2013) Cell Noise, [Online]
Available: [26 Mar 2014]

Worley, S, A Cellular Texture Basis Function, [Online]
Available: [26 Mar 2014]

Endre, S (2012) Worley Noise Cellular Texturing, [Online]
Available: [26 Mar 2014]

Nouanesengsy, B  CSE 782 Lab 4, [Online]
Available: [26 Mar 2014]

Rosen, C (2006) Cell Noise and Processing, [Online]
Available: [26 Mar 2014]

Appendix A – Data Results

  300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Sample 1 51 136 141 73
Sample 2 3 38 65 70
Sample 3 2 34 62 61
Sample 4 2 33 61 59
Sample 5 3 33 62 61
Sample 6 2 37 62 59
Sample 7 4 34 64 69
Sample 8 3 36 63 85
Sample 9 3 35 63 61
Sample 10 3 32 63 58
Average 7.6 44.8 70.6 65.6

Table A.0.1 Javascript Random Noise in milliseconds

  300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Sample 1 13 105 157 142
Sample 2 6 87 156 140
Sample 3 7 81 214 237
Sample 4 14 112 236 229
Sample 5 10 115 209 215
Sample 6 6 104 152 150
Sample 7 6 84 147 148
Sample 8 7 88 159 148
Sample 9 7 83 153 168
Sample 10 6 81 157 153
Average 8.2 94 174 173

Table A.0.2 Javascript Value Noise in milliseconds

  300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Sample 1 26 266 414 403
Sample 2 28 364 449 423
Sample 3 23 227 432 405
Sample 4 17 246 430 452
Sample 5 16 232 436 468
Sample 6 23 243 442 469
Sample 7 30 258 448 435
Sample 8 17 280 468 448
Sample 9 15 234 482 462
Sample 10 26 246 476 440
Average 22.1 259.6 447.7 440.5

Table A.0.3 Javascript Perlin Noise in milliseconds

  300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Sample 1 41 498 869 827
Sample 2 35 457 863 874
Sample 3 36 491 893 815
Sample 4 35 474 861 837
Sample 5 36 499 872 849
Sample 6 35 463 822 788
Sample 7 33 440 813 771
Sample 8 33 464 849 862
Sample 9 45 520 823 797
Sample 10 33 451 812 785
Average 36.2 475.7 847.7 820.5

Table A.0.3 Javascript Simplex Noise in milliseconds

  300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Sample 1 773 9800 17970 17342
Sample 2 752 10066 18735 18308
Sample 3 754 10432 18401 18257
Sample 4 889 11035 20495 17651
Sample 5 761 9555 18507 18100
Sample 6 753 9934 18518 18836
Sample 7 748 10001 20718 17671
Sample 8 715 9465 17875 17159
Sample 9 760 10047 19054 17786
Sample 10 743 9697 18517 17649
Average 764.8 10003.2 18879 17875.9

Table A.0.4 Javascript Worley Noise in milliseconds

  300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Sample 1 15,6219 15,6259 15,6243 31,2802
Sample 2 0 0 31,2503 15,6251
Sample 3 0 15,6264 15,6251 15,6267
Sample 4 0 15,6239 15,6247 15,626
Sample 5 15,6239 0 15,6259 31,2503
Sample 6 0 0 31,251 15,6264
Sample 7 0 15,6243 15,5984 15,6518
Sample 8 0 15,6264 15,6259 15,6243
Sample 9 0 15,6256 15,598 31,2781
Sample 10 0 0 31,2511 15,5976
Average 3,12458 9,37525 20,30747 20,31865

C# Random Noise

  300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Sample 1 0 62,4993 93,7827 93,7233
Sample 2 0 62,5292 93,7515 93,7524
Sample 3 0 62,5009 93,754 93,7216
Sample 4 0 62,5309 93,7228 93,7819
Sample 5 0 62,5017 93,7516 98,6821
Sample 6 4,0003 54,0036 99,9782 94,0085
Sample 7 4,0003 55,0332 99,006 94,0094
Sample 8 3,9999 53,0043 101,0083 95,0069
Sample 9 5,0008 53,0039 97,008 95,0032
Sample 10 4,0044 53,9999 97,0116 94,0078
Average 2,10057 58,16069 96,27747 94,56971

C# Value Noise

  300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Sample 1 3,0671 187,5339 328,1042 312,5086
Sample 2 0 187,5314 312,4794 328,1621
Sample 3 0 187,4756 328,1596 296,8797
Sample 4 15,6276 187,5044 328,1329 296,8814
Sample 5 15,6259 171,8792 328,105 312,5053
Sample 6 15,6256 171,9055 328,1324 323,6092
Sample 7 14,001 179,0144 329,0262 328,0242
Sample 8 14,0022 164,5815 328,1325 312,5077
Sample 9 15,6252 187,4768 312,5345 312,5077
Sample 10 15,6247 171,8797 374,9799 359,3831
Average 10,91993 179,67824 329,77866 318,2969

C# Perlin Noise

  300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Sample 1 15,6272 265,6312 468,759 390,6362
Sample 2 15,6235 218,785 399,3286 390,6338
Sample 3 15,6255 218,755 421,8578 400,3869
Sample 4 16,9734 223,7623 406,2314 453,1643
Sample 5 15,6255 281,228 437,5071 390,6379
Sample 6 15,6226 218,7575 406,2581 375,0374
Sample 7 15,6255 218,7275 421,9124 374,9803
Sample 8 15,6252 218,7841 406,2589 375,0087
Sample 9 15,6251 218,7562 406,2528 390,6395
Sample 10 15,6256 218,7554 406,2593 390,6059
Average 15,75991 230,19422 418,06254 393,17309

C# Simplex Noise

  300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Sample 1 875,0507 11721,8289 21159,6973 20796,8689<
Sample 2 881,7512 11395,9728 21601,9663 21163,0641<
Sample 3 937,5188 11781,6182 21021,7052 20026,9773<
Sample 4 875,0204 11425,826 20934,028 20934,7304
Sample 5 968,7906 11538,2469 20978,2407 20503,3906<
Sample 6 875,015 11437,8304 21050,5453 20282,7218
Sample 7 859,3624 11500,553 21201,9371 20710,8594
Sample 8 1046,8467 11692,1106 21034,7107 20608,7085
Sample 9 874,9585 11458,6809 20889,1269 19987,1211<
Sample 10 874,931 11373,8703 20911,6274 20382,7533<
Average 906,92453 11532,6538 21078,35849 20539,7195

C# Worley Noise

  300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Sample 1 0 0 0 0
Sample 2 0 0 0 0
Sample 3 0 0 0 0
Sample 4 0 0 0 0
Sample 5 16 0 0 0
Sample 6 0 15 0 0
Sample 7 0 16 0 0
Sample 8 0 16 0 0
Sample 9 0 0 15 0
Sample 10 0 0 16 0
Average 1.6 4.7 3.1 0

C++ Random Noise

  300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Sample 1 0 47 78 79
Sample 2 15 31 79 78
Sample 3 15 32 78 78
Sample 4 0 32 78 78
Sample 5 0 46 63 78
Sample 6 0 47 62 78
Sample 7 0 47 62 78
Sample 8 0 47 62 78
Sample 9 16 47 62 79
Sample 10 0 31 79 78
Average 4.6 40.7 70.3 78.2

C++ Value Noise

  300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Sample 1 16 109 187 188
Sample 2 16 109 187 188
Sample 3 16 109 187 172
Sample 4 16 93 203 170
Sample 5 16 109 188 187
Sample 6 0 109 188 187
Sample 7 0 109 188 187
Sample 8 0 109 188 187
Sample 9 16 93 194 188
Sample 10 16 94 203 187
Average 11.2 104.3 191.3 184.1

C++ Perlin Noise

  300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Sample 1 15 110 187 172
Sample 2 15 94 203 172
Sample 3 0 109 188 187
Sample 4 0 109 188 187
Sample 5 0 109 188 187
Sample 6 0 109 188 187
Sample 7 0 109 188 187
Sample 8 0 109 203 172
Sample 9 0 109 188 187
Sample 10 0 109 203 188
Average 3 107.6 192.4 182.6

C++ Simplex Noise

  300x200 1024x768 1600x900 1280x1080
Sample 1 281 3776 6672 6992
Sample 2 312 3719 7014 6674
Sample 3 281 4266 7453 6719
Sample 4 281 4156 7954 6922
Sample 5 281 3859 7385 6484
Sample 6 297 4063 6797 6487
Sample 7 313 3894 6992 6435
Sample 8 281 3619 6915 6365
Sample 9 277 3705 6728 6634
Sample 10 297 3607 6874 6438
Average 290.1 3866.4 7078.4 6615

C++ Worley Noise

Originally posted at