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Switch from VMware to Hyper-V seminar


På vegne av våre venner i Lumagate ønsker vi med dette å dele informasjon om et seminar vi tror mange vil ha interesse av.

Vi skal dit, håper vi ses!


Trenden er klar blant nordiske bedrifter, VMware erstattes med Hyper-v og Lumagate har gleden av å invitere deg til seminar for å vise hvordan og hvorfor man bør migrere.

Gled deg til en dag med Niklas Åkerlund, som tar turen over grensen fra Sverige og Kristian Nese fra Norge som vil sørge for at din bedrift får en kickstart på overgangen til virtualisering og management med Microsoft.


Dato: 2. oktober Oslo
Sted: Lysaker Torg 45, Lysaker. Microsoft Norge kontor
Påmelding via denne linken:

Det er GRATIS å delta!


09.00 – 10.00
–What have happened with virtualization lately, and why we are here— (Level 200)
Let’s forget about features in the hypervisors for a second, and climb out of the box to get a better perspective on things. In this session we will look at the entire datacenter and explore what have happened, and where we are going.
This session will focus at the business level and help you to choose a strategy for your investments..

10.00 – 10.45
– Building your Hyper-V Private Cloud with System Center—(Level 400)
System Center 2012 R2 – Virtual Machine Manager may be the best example to show datacenter abstraction layer in real life. This session will focus on Fabric management in VMM 2012 R2, and show how you can integrate, abstract and manage the datacenter pieces. All within a single console.
Network management, storage management, multi-hypervisor management, automation, anf life-cycle management.

11.00 – 11.40
– Performing the switch from VMware to Hyper-V— (Level 400)
There are several tools available to help you with the conversion from VMware to Hyper-V.
This session will show you how you easily can do this manually, automated and simplified with existing tools.

11.40 – 12.00 Lunsj

12.00 – 12.45
–Lessons learned from early switchers—(Level 300)
Many customers and partners have already made the switch, consulted by Lumagate. In this session, we will share the common pitfalls, best practice and what benefits we are seeing at both a short and long term.

12.45– 14:00
Discussion and Q&A
Make the most of it and ask the experts about anything about cloud computing and virtualization and get assistance and guidance before you continue on your journey.


Kristian Nese
CTO at Lumagate, Microsoft MVP and Infrastructure Ranger at Microsoft Norway.

Kristian Nese is an experienced speaker, author and evangelist in the cloud computing space, and have implemented private clouds and service provider clouds for some of the largest organizations globally. He’s been working with Hyper-V and System Center since the early beta days back in 2007, and this has led to several books on the subject.
Kristian is an experienced speaker, delivering both keynotes and highly technical sessions (level 400) on subjects like Windows Azure, System Center, Windows Server and Hyper-V, and often used by Microsoft nationally and globally, both as a speaker and writer
To stay sharp, he spend a lot of time in the TechNet forums as well, trying to help the community so they can get the most out of the technology, and deliver training world wide.

Kristian is known for his subject matter expertise within cloud and his heavy coffee consumption.

Niklas Åkerlund
Niklas Akerlund is the Product Manager for Private Cloud at Lumagate. Niklas has been working with Microsoft infrastructure solutions since 1998. He has quite some experience in virtualization projects with consolidation planning and migrations from physical to virtual. Niklas have done both project management and technical design in Hyper-V upgrades and new installations. Niklas started working with Hyper-V at a former Employee in the TAP program for Windows Server 2008 and has a big interest in automation and optimization of virtual machines and hosts. He was also responsible for the TAP program engagement for System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 at RTS. Niklas has been speaking on Technet Sweden events and continuously as a MCT at a local learning center. He is also an VMware vExpert 2013 as well as VCP 5. Niklas writes blog articles at with automation and virtualization as a focus area. You can find him on twitter where his handle is @vNiklas


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hei. Dette er ikke avlyst :-) -kn

  • Anonymous
    September 18, 2013
    Er ikke dette avlyst?