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Speaking at WDNUG

It’s been a little while since I’ve presented at a public forum – particularly since I missed TechEd Australia after it clashed with my Great Barrier Reef holiday. However this is all going to change with my next live appearance in the centre of the known universe, Wollongong! More specifically I’ll be talking at the Wollongong .NET User Group (WDNUG) next Wednesday, October 15. That should leave plenty of time for you all to book flights from all over the world to attend this monumental event.

I’m dong a talk with the catchy title of Aspect Oriented Architecture meets Service Oriented Architecture using the Policy Injection Application Block and WCF. Here are the official details:

The October WDNUG meeting is on Wednesday 15th October and this month we have Tom Hollander from Microsoft visiting to talk about Aspect Oriented Architecture within a .NET environment.

Service Oriented Architecture provides a way of looking at systems as black boxes, while Aspect Oriented Architecture allows separation of concerns within each of those boxes. In this session Tom will discuss how these approaches have been brought together on a customer project using Windows Communication Foundation and Enterprise Library’s Policy Injection Application Block, resulting in more predictable behaviour with less code.
Tom Hollander is a Solution Architect in Microsoft’s Solutions Development Centre in Sydney, responsible for driving the technical design and delivery of complex customer projects. Prior to joining this team, Tom spent over three years in Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond working as a product manager in the patterns & practices team. In this role Tom helped deliver many patterns & practices deliverables including Enterprise Library, the Guidance Automation Toolkit and Web Service Software Factory. Tom is a frequent blogger on patterns & practices and architecture topics, at

Topic: Aspect Oriented Architecture
Date: Wednesday 15th October
Time: 6:30pm
Location: CSC Offices
               Edney Lane
               Mt St Thomas

Please RSVP so we know how many people will be turning up.

The attendance of all readers of my blog is mandatory. Looking forward to seeing you all in sunny Wollongong!


  • Anonymous
    October 09, 2008
    Do these sessions get recorded because I'd be very interested in listening to it.

  • Anonymous
    October 10, 2008
    I am also very interested in listening to this presentation so it would be awsome to have this session recorded and made available for public. I have been using Spring.Net for AOP for several years and I'm very interested in hearing about AOP from Microsoft Architect.