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Free SQL Server 2008 Express How-To-Guide Series

Thanks to the SQL Server Team we just released a free SQL Server 2008 Express How-To-Guide Series on During the next weeks we’ll also integrating parts of the series into the Visual Basic Developer Center, C# Developer Center, the Beginner Developer Learning Center, etc.

One video of the series: How do I query data in a database?

Given the fact that we don’t have unlimited resources (yeah, I know… that was the biggest surprise for me as well when I started working at Microsoft. “Where are all the bags with money standing around in each corner? What? There are none? D’oh!”) we tried to cover a pretty comprehensive area starting with basics like “How do I create a database?” over “How do I query data in a database?” to more advanced features like “How do I import data from another source (Excel, Access, XML, MySQL, ...) into a SQL Server Database?”.

Please let me know how you like the selection we made and if there are other topics you’d like to see*.



P.S.: We’ll rearrange the videos soon to have a nice walkthrough including “Topics you should know before watching this video” and “Next videos you might want to watch”.

* I don’t want to raise wrong expectations in that I’m promising other videos to show up on request but depending on the topic/amount of people requesting content we might extend the series.