Partager via

Groupes d’attributs du schéma XML du modèle de service

attributeGroup AccountCredentialsGroup

Attribut Valeur
content 2 attribut(s)
name AccountCredentialsGroup

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="AccountCredentialsGroup">
        <xs:attribute name="AccountName" type="xs:string" use="optional">
            <xs:documentation>User name or Service Account Name (for example, MyMachine\JohnDoe or</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="Password" type="xs:string" use="optional">
                <xs:documentation>Password for the user account.</xs:documentation>

Détails d’attribut


Nom d’utilisateur ou de compte de service (par exemple, Mamachine\alainberger ou

Attribut Valeur
name AccountName
type xs:string
use facultatif
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="AccountName" type="xs:string" use="optional">
            <xs:documentation>User name or Service Account Name (for example, MyMachine\JohnDoe or</xs:documentation>

Mot de passe

Mot de passe du compte d’utilisateur.

Attribut Valeur
name Mot de passe
type xs:string
use facultatif
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="Password" type="xs:string" use="optional">
                <xs:documentation>Password for the user account.</xs:documentation>

attributeGroup ApplicationInstanceAttrGroup

Groupe d’attributs pour l’instance d’application.

Attribut Valeur
content 2 attribut(s)
name ApplicationInstanceAttrGroup

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ApplicationInstanceAttrGroup">
      <xs:documentation>Attribute group for application instance.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="NameUri" type="FabricUri" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>Fully qualified name of the application.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="ApplicationId" type="xs:string" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>Id of this application.</xs:documentation>

Détails d’attribut


Nom complet de l’application.

Attribut Valeur
name NameUri
type FabricUri
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="NameUri" type="FabricUri" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>Fully qualified name of the application.</xs:documentation>


ID de cette application.

Attribut Valeur
name ApplicationId
type xs:string
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ApplicationId" type="xs:string" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>Id of this application.</xs:documentation>

attributeGroup ApplicationManifestAttrGroup

Groupe d’attributs pour manifeste d’application.

Attribut Valeur
content 3 attribut(s)
name ApplicationManifestAttrGroup

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ApplicationManifestAttrGroup">
      <xs:documentation>Attribute group for application manifest.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="ApplicationTypeName" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The type identifier for this application.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="1"/>
    <xs:attribute name="ApplicationTypeVersion" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The version of this application type, an unstructured string.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="1"/>
    <xs:attribute name="ManifestId" use="optional" default="" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>The identifier of this application manifest, an unstructured string.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:anyAttribute processContents="skip"/> <!-- Allow unknown attributes to be used. -->

Détails d’attribut


Identificateur de type pour cette application.

Attribut Valeur
name ApplicationTypeName
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ApplicationTypeName" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The type identifier for this application.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="1"/>


Version de ce type d’application, une chaîne non structurée.

Attribut Valeur
name ApplicationTypeVersion
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ApplicationTypeVersion" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The version of this application type, an unstructured string.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="1"/>


Identificateur de ce manifeste d’application, une chaîne non structurée.

Attribut Valeur
name ManifestId
use facultatif
type xs:string
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ManifestId" use="optional" default="" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>The identifier of this application manifest, an unstructured string.</xs:documentation>

attributeGroup ConfigOverridesIdentifier

Identifie les substitutions de configuration pour un package de service.

Attribut Valeur
content 2 attribut(s)
name ConfigOverridesIdentifier

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ConfigOverridesIdentifier">
      <xs:documentation>Identifies configuration overrides for a service package.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="ServicePackageName" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
    <xs:attribute name="RolloutVersion" type="xs:string" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>ID of the rollout in which changes were made to the overrides element.</xs:documentation>

Détails d’attribut


Attribut Valeur
name ServicePackageName
type xs:string
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ServicePackageName" type="xs:string" use="required"/>


ID du déploiement dans lequel des changements ont été apportés à l’élément overrides.

Attribut Valeur
name RolloutVersion
type xs:string
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="RolloutVersion" type="xs:string" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>ID of the rollout in which changes were made to the overrides element.</xs:documentation>

attributeGroup ConnectionString

Attribut Valeur
content 1 attribut(s)
name ConnectionString

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ConnectionString">
                <xs:attribute name="ConnectionString" type="xs:string" use="required">
                                <xs:documentation>Connection string to the Azure storage account. Format: DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[];AccountKey=[]</xs:documentation>

Détails d’attribut


Chaîne de connexion à un compte de stockage Azure. Format: DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[];AccountKey=[]

Attribut Valeur
name ConnectionString
type xs:string
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ConnectionString" type="xs:string" use="required">
                                <xs:documentation>Connection string to the Azure storage account. Format: DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[];AccountKey=[]</xs:documentation>

attributeGroup ContainerName

Attribut Valeur
content 1 attribut(s)
name ContainerName

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ContainerName">
    <xs:attribute name="ContainerName" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>The name of the container in Azure blob storage where data is uploaded.</xs:documentation>

Détails d’attribut


Nom du conteneur dans le stockage d’objets blob Azure où les données sont chargées.

Attribut Valeur
name ContainerName
type xs:string
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ContainerName" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>The name of the container in Azure blob storage where data is uploaded.</xs:documentation>

attributeGroup DataDeletionAgeInDays

Attribut Valeur
content 1 attribut(s)
name DataDeletionAgeInDays

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="DataDeletionAgeInDays">
    <xs:attribute name="DataDeletionAgeInDays" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Number of days after which old data is deleted from this location.</xs:documentation>

Détails d’attribut


Nombre de jours de conservation des anciennes données avant leur suppression de cet emplacement.

Attribut Valeur
name DataDeletionAgeInDays
type xs:string
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="DataDeletionAgeInDays" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Number of days after which old data is deleted from this location.</xs:documentation>

attributeGroup IsEnabled

Attribut Valeur
content 1 attribut(s)
name IsEnabled

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="IsEnabled">
                <xs:attribute name="IsEnabled" type="xs:string">
                                <xs:documentation>Whether or not data transfer to this destination is enabled. By default, it is not enabled.</xs:documentation>

Détails d’attribut


Indique si le transfert de données est activé vers cette destination. Par défaut, cette fonctionnalité n’est pas activée.

Attribut Valeur
name IsEnabled
type xs:string
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="IsEnabled" type="xs:string">
                                <xs:documentation>Whether or not data transfer to this destination is enabled. By default, it is not enabled.</xs:documentation>

attributeGroup LevelFilter

Attribut Valeur
content 1 attribut(s)
name LevelFilter

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="LevelFilter">
    <xs:attribute name="LevelFilter" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Level at which ETW events should be filtered. All events at the same or lower level than the specified level are included.</xs:documentation>

Détails d’attribut


Niveau de filtrage des événements ETW. Tous les événements situés à un niveau égal ou inférieur au niveau spécifié sont inclus.

Attribut Valeur
name LevelFilter
type xs:string
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="LevelFilter" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Level at which ETW events should be filtered. All events at the same or lower level than the specified level are included.</xs:documentation>

attributeGroup NameValuePair

Nom et valeur définis en tant qu’attributs.

Attribut Valeur
content 2 attribut(s)
name NameValuePair

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="NameValuePair">
      <xs:documentation>Name and Value defined as an attribute.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="Name" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The name of the setting to override.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="1"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Value" type="xs:string" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The new value of the setting.</xs:documentation>

Détails d’attribut


Nom du paramètre à substituer.

Attribut Valeur
name Nom
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="Name" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The name of the setting to override.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="1"/>


Nouvelle valeur du paramètre.

Attribut Valeur
name Valeur
type xs:string
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="Value" type="xs:string" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The new value of the setting.</xs:documentation>

attributeGroup Path

Attribut Valeur
content 1 attribut(s)
name Path

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="Path">
                <xs:attribute name="Path" type="xs:string" use="required">
                                <xs:documentation>Path to the file share. Format: file:[]</xs:documentation>

Détails d’attribut


Chemin du partage de fichiers. Format : file:[]

Attribut Valeur
name Path
type xs:string
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="Path" type="xs:string" use="required">
                                <xs:documentation>Path to the file share. Format: file:[]</xs:documentation>

attributeGroup RelativeFolderPath

Attribut Valeur
content 1 attribut(s)
name RelativeFolderPath

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="RelativeFolderPath">
                <xs:attribute name="RelativeFolderPath" type="xs:string" use="required">
                                <xs:documentation>Path to the folder, relative to the application log directory.</xs:documentation>

Détails d’attribut


Chemin du dossier, relatif au répertoire de journal d’application.

Attribut Valeur
name RelativeFolderPath
type xs:string
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="RelativeFolderPath" type="xs:string" use="required">
                                <xs:documentation>Path to the folder, relative to the application log directory.</xs:documentation>

attributeGroup ServiceManifestIdentifier

Identifie un manifeste de service.

Attribut Valeur
content 2 attribut(s)
name ServiceManifestIdentifier

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ServiceManifestIdentifier">
      <xs:documentation>Identifies a service manifest.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="ServiceManifestName" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The name of the service manifest this is referenced. The name must match the Name declared in the ServiceManifest element of the service manifest.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="1"/>
    <xs:attribute name="ServiceManifestVersion" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The version of the service manifest that is referenced. The version must match the version declared in the service manifest.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="1"/>

Détails d’attribut


Nom du manifeste de service référencé. Le nom doit correspondre à celui déclaré dans l’élément ServiceManifest du manifeste de service.

Attribut Valeur
name ServiceManifestName
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ServiceManifestName" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The name of the service manifest this is referenced. The name must match the Name declared in the ServiceManifest element of the service manifest.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="1"/>


Version du manifeste de service référencé. La version doit correspondre à celle déclarée dans le manifeste de service.

Attribut Valeur
name ServiceManifestVersion
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ServiceManifestVersion" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The version of the service manifest that is referenced. The version must match the version declared in the service manifest.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="1"/>

attributeGroup UploadIntervalInMinutes

Attribut Valeur
content 1 attribut(s)
name UploadIntervalInMinutes

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="UploadIntervalInMinutes">
    <xs:attribute name="UploadIntervalInMinutes" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Interval in minutes at which data is uploaded to this destination.</xs:documentation>

Détails d’attribut


Intervalle de chargement (en minutes) des données vers cette destination.

Attribut Valeur
name UploadIntervalInMinutes
type xs:string
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="UploadIntervalInMinutes" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Interval in minutes at which data is uploaded to this destination.</xs:documentation>

attributeGroup VersionedItemAttrGroup

Groupe d’attributs pour les sections de gestions des versions dans les documents ApplicationInstance et ServicePackage.

Attribut Valeur
content 1 attribut(s)
name VersionedItemAttrGroup

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="VersionedItemAttrGroup">
      <xs:documentation>Attribute group for versioning sections in ApplicationInstance and ServicePackage documents.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="RolloutVersion" type="xs:string" use="required"/>

Détails d’attribut


Attribut Valeur
name RolloutVersion
type xs:string
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="RolloutVersion" type="xs:string" use="required"/>

attributeGroup VersionedName

Groupe d’attributs qui inclut un nom et une version.

Attribut Valeur
content 2 attribut(s)
name VersionedName

Source XML

<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="VersionedName">
      <xs:documentation>Attribute group that includes a Name and a Version.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="Name" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>Name of the versioned item.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="1"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Version" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>Version of the versioned item, an unstructured string.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="1"/>

Détails d’attribut


Nom de l’élément avec version.

Attribut Valeur
name Nom
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="Name" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>Name of the versioned item.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="1"/>


Version de l’élément avec version, une chaîne non structurée.

Attribut Valeur
name Version
use Obligatoire
Source XML
<xs:attribute xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="Version" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>Version of the versioned item, an unstructured string.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="1"/>