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Comment : lier des données à un InkCanvas


L’exemple suivant montre comment lier la Strokes propriété d’un à un InkCanvas autre InkCanvas.

<InkCanvas Background="LightGray" 
           Canvas.Top="0" Canvas.Left="0" 
           Height="400" Width="200" Name="ic"/>

<!-- Bind the Strokes of the second InkCavas to the first InkCanvas
     and mirror the strokes along the Y axis.-->
<InkCanvas Background="LightBlue"  
           Canvas.Top="0" Canvas.Left="200" 
           Height="400" Width="200" 
           Strokes="{Binding ElementName=ic, Path=Strokes}">
    <ScaleTransform ScaleX="-1" ScaleY="1" />

L’exemple suivant montre comment lier la DefaultDrawingAttributes propriété à une source de données.

  <!--Define an array containing some DrawingAttributes.-->
  <x:Array x:Key="MyDrawingAttributes" x:Type="{x:Type DrawingAttributes}">
    <DrawingAttributes Color="Black" FitToCurve="true" Width="3" Height="3"/>
    <DrawingAttributes Color="Blue"  FitToCurve="false" Width="5" Height="5"/>
    <DrawingAttributes Color="Red"   FitToCurve="true" Width="7" Height="7"/>

  <!--Create a DataTemplate to display the DrawingAttributes shown above-->
  <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type DrawingAttributes}" >
    <Border Width="80" Height="{Binding Path=Height}">
      <Border.Background >
        <SolidColorBrush Color="{Binding Path=Color}"/>
<!--Bind the InkCavas' DefaultDrawingAtributes to
    a Listbox, called lbDrawingAttributes.-->
<InkCanvas Name="inkCanvas1" Background="LightGreen" 
           Canvas.Top="400" Canvas.Left="0" 
           Height="400" Width="400"
                ElementName=lbDrawingAttributes, Path=SelectedItem}"

<!--Use the array, MyDrawingAttributes, to populate a ListBox-->
<ListBox Name="lbDrawingAttributes" 
         Canvas.Top="400" Canvas.Left="450" 
         Height="100" Width="100"
         ItemsSource="{StaticResource MyDrawingAttributes}" />

L’exemple suivant déclare deux InkCanvas objets en XAML et établit une liaison de données entre eux et d’autres sources de données. Le premier InkCanvas, appelé ic, est lié à deux sources de données. Les EditingMode propriétés et DefaultDrawingAttributesic les propriétés sont liées à des ListBox objets, qui sont à leur tour liés à des tableaux définis dans le code XAML. Les EditingModepropriétés et Strokes les DefaultDrawingAttributespropriétés de la seconde InkCanvas sont liées au premier InkCanvasic, .

    <!--Define an array containing the InkEditingMode Values.-->
    <x:Array x:Key="MyEditingModes" x:Type="{x:Type InkCanvasEditingMode}">
      <x:Static Member="InkCanvasEditingMode.Ink"/>
      <x:Static Member="InkCanvasEditingMode.Select"/>
      <x:Static Member="InkCanvasEditingMode.EraseByPoint"/>
      <x:Static Member="InkCanvasEditingMode.EraseByStroke"/>

    <!--Define an array containing some DrawingAttributes.-->
    <x:Array x:Key="MyDrawingAttributes" 
             x:Type="{x:Type DrawingAttributes}">
      <DrawingAttributes Color="Black" FitToCurve="true" 
                         Width="3" Height="3"/>
      <DrawingAttributes Color="Blue" FitToCurve="false" 
                         Width="5" Height="5"/>
      <DrawingAttributes Color="Red" FitToCurve="true" 
                         Width="7" Height="7"/>

    <!--Create a DataTemplate to display the 
        DrawingAttributes shown above-->
    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type DrawingAttributes}" >
      <Border Width="80" Height="{Binding Path=Height}">
        <Border.Background >
          <SolidColorBrush Color="{Binding Path=Color}"/>

  <!--Bind the first InkCavas' DefaultDrawingAtributes to a 
      Listbox, called lbDrawingAttributes, and its EditingMode to 
      a ListBox called lbEditingMode.-->
  <InkCanvas Name="ic" Background="LightGray" 
             Canvas.Top="0" Canvas.Left="0" 
             Height="400" Width="200"
                  ElementName=lbDrawingAttributes, Path=SelectedItem}"
                  "{Binding ElementName=lbEditingMode, Path=SelectedItem}"

  <!--Bind the Strokes, DefaultDrawingAtributes, and, EditingMode properties of
      the second InkCavas the first InkCanvas.-->
  <InkCanvas Background="LightBlue"  
             Canvas.Top="0" Canvas.Left="200" 
             Height="400" Width="200" 
             Strokes="{Binding ElementName=ic, Path=Strokes}" 
                  ElementName=ic, Path=DefaultDrawingAttributes}" 
             EditingMode="{Binding ElementName=ic, Path=EditingMode}">
      <ScaleTransform ScaleX="-1" ScaleY="1" />

  <!--Use the array, MyEditingModes, to populate a ListBox-->
  <ListBox Name="lbEditingMode" 
           Canvas.Top="0" Canvas.Left="450" 
           Height="100" Width="100"
           ItemsSource="{StaticResource MyEditingModes}" />

  <!--Use the array, MyDrawingAttributes, to populate a ListBox-->
  <ListBox Name="lbDrawingAttributes" 
           Canvas.Top="150" Canvas.Left="450" 
           Height="100" Width="100"
           ItemsSource="{StaticResource MyDrawingAttributes}" />
