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Guide pratique pour insérer un élément dans du texte par programmation

L’exemple suivant montre comment utiliser deux objets TextPointer pour spécifier une plage au sein du texte pour appliquer un élément Span.


using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;

namespace SDKSample
    public partial class InsertInlineIntoTextExample : Page
        public InsertInlineIntoTextExample()

            // Create a paragraph with a short sentence
            Paragraph myParagraph = new Paragraph(new Run("Neptune has 72 times Earth's volume..."));

            // Create two TextPointers that will specify the text range the Span will cover
            TextPointer myTextPointer1 = myParagraph.ContentStart.GetPositionAtOffset(10);
            TextPointer myTextPointer2 = myParagraph.ContentEnd.GetPositionAtOffset(-5);

            // Create a Span that covers the range between the two TextPointers.
            Span mySpan = new Span(myTextPointer1, myTextPointer2);
            mySpan.Background = Brushes.Red;

            // Create a FlowDocument with the paragraph as its initial content.
            FlowDocument myFlowDocument = new FlowDocument(myParagraph);

            this.Content = myFlowDocument;

Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Media
Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Documents

Namespace SDKSample
    Partial Public Class InsertInlineIntoTextExample
        Inherits Page
        Public Sub New()

            ' Create a paragraph with a short sentence
            Dim myParagraph As New Paragraph(New Run("Neptune has 72 times Earth's volume..."))

            ' Create two TextPointers that will specify the text range the Span will cover
            Dim myTextPointer1 As TextPointer = myParagraph.ContentStart.GetPositionAtOffset(10)
            Dim myTextPointer2 As TextPointer = myParagraph.ContentEnd.GetPositionAtOffset(-5)

            ' Create a Span that covers the range between the two TextPointers.
            Dim mySpan As New Span(myTextPointer1, myTextPointer2)
            mySpan.Background = Brushes.Red

            ' Create a FlowDocument with the paragraph as its initial content.
            Dim myFlowDocument As New FlowDocument(myParagraph)

            Me.Content = myFlowDocument

        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

L’illustration ci-dessous montre à quoi ressemble cet exemple.

Un élément de type Span appliqué à une plage de texte

Voir aussi

  • Vue d’ensemble du document de flux