Partager via

DeviceUpdateClient Class

  • java.lang.Object

public final class DeviceUpdateClient

Initializes a new instance of the synchronous DeviceUpdateClient type.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
SyncPoller<BinaryData,BinaryData> beginDeleteUpdate(String provider, String name, String version, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Delete a specific update version.

SyncPoller<BinaryData,BinaryData> beginImportUpdate(BinaryData updateToImport, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Import new update version.

Response<BinaryData> getFileWithResponse(String provider, String name, String version, String fileId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a specific update file from the version.

Response<BinaryData> getOperationStatusWithResponse(String operationId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Retrieve operation status.

Response<BinaryData> getUpdateWithResponse(String provider, String name, String version, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a specific update version.

PagedIterable<BinaryData> listFiles(String provider, String name, String version, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a list of all update file identifiers for the specified version.

PagedIterable<BinaryData> listNames(String provider, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a list of all update names that match the specified provider.

PagedIterable<BinaryData> listOperationStatuses(RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a list of all import update operations.

PagedIterable<BinaryData> listProviders(RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a list of all update providers that have been imported to Device Update for IoT Hub.

PagedIterable<BinaryData> listUpdates(RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a list of all updates that have been imported to Device Update for IoT Hub.

PagedIterable<BinaryData> listVersions(String provider, String name, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a list of all update versions that match the specified provider and name.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Method Details


public SyncPoller beginDeleteUpdate(String provider, String name, String version, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Delete a specific update version. This is a long-running-operation; use Operation-Location response header value to check for operation status.


provider - Update provider.
name - Update name.
version - Update version.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of long-running operation.


public SyncPoller beginImportUpdate(BinaryData updateToImport, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Import new update version. This is a long-running-operation; use Operation-Location response header value to check for operation status.

Request Body Schema

         importManifest (Required): {
             url: String (Required)
             sizeInBytes: long (Required)
             hashes (Required): {
                 String: String (Required)
         friendlyName: String (Optional)
         files (Optional): [
                 filename: String (Required)
                 url: String (Required)

Response Body Schema

     updateId (Required): {
         provider: String (Required)
         name: String (Required)
         version: String (Required)
     description: String (Optional)
     friendlyName: String (Optional)
     isDeployable: Boolean (Optional)
     updateType: String (Optional)
     installedCriteria: String (Optional)
     compatibility (Required): [
             String: String (Required)
     instructions (Optional): {
         steps (Required): [
                 type: String(Inline/Reference) (Optional)
                 description: String (Optional)
                 handler: String (Optional)
                 handlerProperties: Object (Optional)
                 files (Optional): [
                     String (Optional)
                 updateId (Optional): (recursive schema, see updateId above)
     referencedBy (Optional): [
         (recursive schema, see above)
     scanResult: String (Optional)
     manifestVersion: String (Required)
     importedDateTime: OffsetDateTime (Required)
     createdDateTime: OffsetDateTime (Required)
     etag: String (Optional)


updateToImport - The update to be imported (see schema for details).
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of update metadata.


public Response getFileWithResponse(String provider, String name, String version, String fileId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a specific update file from the version.

Header Parameters

| ------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Name          | Type   | Required | Description                                                                                                                    |
| If-None-Match | String | No       | Defines the If-None-Match condition. The operation will be performed only if the ETag on the server does not match this value. |

You can add these to a request with RequestOptions#addHeader

Response Body Schema

     fileName: String (Required)
     sizeInBytes: long (Required)
     hashes (Required): {
         String: String (Required)
     mimeType: String (Optional)
     scanResult: String (Optional)
     scanDetails: String (Optional)
     properties (Optional): {
         String: String (Optional)
     fileId: String (Required)
     relatedFiles (Optional): [
             fileName: String (Required)
             sizeInBytes: long (Required)
             hashes (Required): {
                 String: String (Required)
             mimeType: String (Optional)
             scanResult: String (Optional)
             scanDetails: String (Optional)
             properties (Optional): {
                 String: String (Optional)
     downloadHandler (Optional): {
         id: String (Required)
     etag: String (Optional)


provider - Update provider.
name - Update name.
version - Update version.
fileId - File identifier.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


a specific update file from the version along with Response<T>.


public Response getOperationStatusWithResponse(String operationId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Retrieve operation status.

Header Parameters

| ------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Name          | Type   | Required | Description                                                                                                                    |
| If-None-Match | String | No       | Defines the If-None-Match condition. The operation will be performed only if the ETag on the server does not match this value. |

You can add these to a request with RequestOptions#addHeader

Response Body Schema

     operationId: String (Required)
     status: String(NotStarted/Running/Succeeded/Failed) (Required)
     update (Optional): {
         updateId (Required): {
             provider: String (Required)
             name: String (Required)
             version: String (Required)
         description: String (Optional)
         friendlyName: String (Optional)
     resourceLocation: String (Optional)
     error (Optional): {
         code: String (Required)
         message: String (Required)
         target: String (Optional)
         details (Optional): [
             (recursive schema, see above)
         innererror (Optional): {
             code: String (Required)
             message: String (Optional)
             errorDetail: String (Optional)
             innerError (Optional): (recursive schema, see innerError above)
         occurredDateTime: OffsetDateTime (Optional)
     traceId: String (Optional)
     lastActionDateTime: OffsetDateTime (Required)
     createdDateTime: OffsetDateTime (Required)
     etag: String (Optional)


operationId - Operation identifier.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


operation metadata along with Response<T>.


public Response getUpdateWithResponse(String provider, String name, String version, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a specific update version.

Header Parameters

| ------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Name          | Type   | Required | Description                                                                                                                    |
| If-None-Match | String | No       | Defines the If-None-Match condition. The operation will be performed only if the ETag on the server does not match this value. |

You can add these to a request with RequestOptions#addHeader

Response Body Schema

     updateId (Required): {
         provider: String (Required)
         name: String (Required)
         version: String (Required)
     description: String (Optional)
     friendlyName: String (Optional)
     isDeployable: Boolean (Optional)
     updateType: String (Optional)
     installedCriteria: String (Optional)
     compatibility (Required): [
             String: String (Required)
     instructions (Optional): {
         steps (Required): [
                 type: String(Inline/Reference) (Optional)
                 description: String (Optional)
                 handler: String (Optional)
                 handlerProperties: Object (Optional)
                 files (Optional): [
                     String (Optional)
                 updateId (Optional): (recursive schema, see updateId above)
     referencedBy (Optional): [
         (recursive schema, see above)
     scanResult: String (Optional)
     manifestVersion: String (Required)
     importedDateTime: OffsetDateTime (Required)
     createdDateTime: OffsetDateTime (Required)
     etag: String (Optional)


provider - Update provider.
name - Update name.
version - Update version.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


a specific update version along with Response<T>.


public PagedIterable listFiles(String provider, String name, String version, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a list of all update file identifiers for the specified version.

Response Body Schema

     value (Required): [
         String (Required)
     nextLink: String (Optional)


provider - Update provider.
name - Update name.
version - Update version.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


a list of all update file identifiers for the specified version as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public PagedIterable listNames(String provider, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a list of all update names that match the specified provider.

Response Body Schema

     value (Required): [
         String (Required)
     nextLink: String (Optional)


provider - Update provider.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


a list of all update names that match the specified provider as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public PagedIterable listOperationStatuses(RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a list of all import update operations. Completed operations are kept for 7 days before auto-deleted. Delete operations are not returned by this API version.

Query Parameters

| ------ | ------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Name   | Type    | Required | Description                                                                                                                                                                                        |
| filter | String  | No       | Optional to filter operations by status property. Only one specific filter is supported: "status eq 'NotStarted' or status eq 'Running'"                                                           |
| top    | Integer | No       | Specifies a non-negative integer n that limits the number of items returned from a collection. The service returns the number of available items up to but not greater than the specified value n. |

You can add these to a request with RequestOptions#addQueryParam

Response Body Schema

     value (Required): [
             operationId: String (Required)
             status: String(NotStarted/Running/Succeeded/Failed) (Required)
             update (Optional): {
                 updateId (Required): {
                     provider: String (Required)
                     name: String (Required)
                     version: String (Required)
                 description: String (Optional)
                 friendlyName: String (Optional)
             resourceLocation: String (Optional)
             error (Optional): {
                 code: String (Required)
                 message: String (Required)
                 target: String (Optional)
                 details (Optional): [
                     (recursive schema, see above)
                 innererror (Optional): {
                     code: String (Required)
                     message: String (Optional)
                     errorDetail: String (Optional)
                     innerError (Optional): (recursive schema, see innerError above)
                 occurredDateTime: OffsetDateTime (Optional)
             traceId: String (Optional)
             lastActionDateTime: OffsetDateTime (Required)
             createdDateTime: OffsetDateTime (Required)
             etag: String (Optional)
     nextLink: String (Optional)


requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


a list of all import update operations as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public PagedIterable listProviders(RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a list of all update providers that have been imported to Device Update for IoT Hub.

Response Body Schema

     value (Required): [
         String (Required)
     nextLink: String (Optional)


requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


a list of all update providers that have been imported to Device Update for IoT Hub as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public PagedIterable listUpdates(RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a list of all updates that have been imported to Device Update for IoT Hub.

Query Parameters

| ------ | ------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
| Name   | Type   | Required | Description                                             |
| search | String | No       | Request updates matching a free-text search expression. |
| filter | String | No       | Optional to filter updates by isDeployable property.    |

You can add these to a request with RequestOptions#addQueryParam

Response Body Schema

     value (Required): [
             updateId (Required): {
                 provider: String (Required)
                 name: String (Required)
                 version: String (Required)
             description: String (Optional)
             friendlyName: String (Optional)
             isDeployable: Boolean (Optional)
             updateType: String (Optional)
             installedCriteria: String (Optional)
             compatibility (Required): [
                     String: String (Required)
             instructions (Optional): {
                 steps (Required): [
                         type: String(Inline/Reference) (Optional)
                         description: String (Optional)
                         handler: String (Optional)
                         handlerProperties: Object (Optional)
                         files (Optional): [
                             String (Optional)
                         updateId (Optional): (recursive schema, see updateId above)
             referencedBy (Optional): [
                 (recursive schema, see above)
             scanResult: String (Optional)
             manifestVersion: String (Required)
             importedDateTime: OffsetDateTime (Required)
             createdDateTime: OffsetDateTime (Required)
             etag: String (Optional)
     nextLink: String (Optional)


requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


a list of all updates that have been imported to Device Update for IoT Hub as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public PagedIterable listVersions(String provider, String name, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Get a list of all update versions that match the specified provider and name.

Query Parameters

| ------ | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Name   | Type   | Required | Description                                          |
| filter | String | No       | Optional to filter updates by isDeployable property. |

You can add these to a request with RequestOptions#addQueryParam

Response Body Schema

     value (Required): [
         String (Required)
     nextLink: String (Optional)


provider - Update provider.
name - Update name.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


a list of all update versions that match the specified provider and name as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.

Applies to