Partager via

SearchIndexerClient Class

  • java.lang.Object

public class SearchIndexerClient

This class provides a client that contains the operations for creating, getting, listing, updating, or deleting data source connections, indexers, or skillsets and running or resetting indexers in an Azure AI Search service.


Indexers provide indexing automation. An indexer connects to a data source, reads in the data, and passes it to a skillset pipeline for indexing into a target search index. Indexers read from an external source using connection information in a data source, and serialize the incoming data into JSON search documents. In addition to a data source, an indexer also requires an index. The index specifies the fields and attributes of the search documents.

A skillset adds external processing steps to indexer execution, and is usually used to add AI or deep learning models to analyze or transform content to make it searchable in an index. The contents of a skillset are one or more skills, which can be built-in skills created by Microsoft, custom skills, or a combination of both. Built-in skills exist for image analysis, including OCR, and natural language processing. Other examples of built-in skills include entity recognition, key phrase extraction, chunking text into logical pages, among others. A skillset is high-level standalone object that exists on a level equivalent to indexes, indexers, and data sources, but it's operational only within indexer processing. As a high-level object, you can design a skillset once, and then reference it in multiple indexers.

This client provides a synchronous API for accessing indexers and skillsets. This client allows you to create, update, list, or delete indexers and skillsets. It can also be used to run or reset indexers.

Getting Started

Authenticating and building instances of this client are handled by SearchIndexerClientBuilder. This sample shows you how to authenticate and build this client:

SearchIndexerClient searchIndexerClient = new SearchIndexerClientBuilder()
     .credential(new AzureKeyCredential("{admin-key}"))

For more information on authentication and building, see the SearchIndexerClientBuilder documentation.


The following examples all use a simple Hotel data set that you can import into your own index from the Azure portal. These are just a few of the basics - please check out our Samples for much more.

Create an Indexer

The following sample creates an indexer.

SearchIndexer indexer = new SearchIndexer("example-indexer", "example-datasource", "example-index");
 SearchIndexer createdIndexer = searchIndexerClient.createIndexer(indexer);
 System.out.printf("Created indexer name: %s%n", createdIndexer.getName());

For an asynchronous sample, see createIndexer(SearchIndexer indexer).

List all Indexers

The following sample lists all indexers.

searchIndexerClient.listIndexers().forEach(indexer ->
     System.out.printf("Retrieved indexer name: %s%n", indexer.getName())

For an asynchronous sample, see listIndexers().

Get an Indexer

The following sample gets an indexer.

SearchIndexer indexer = searchIndexerClient.getIndexer("example-indexer");
 System.out.printf("Retrieved indexer name: %s%n", indexer.getName());

For an asynchronous sample, see getIndexer(String indexerName).

Update an Indexer

The following sample updates an indexer.

SearchIndexer indexer = searchIndexerClient.getIndexer("example-indexer");
 indexer.setDescription("This is a new description for this indexer");
 SearchIndexer updatedIndexer = searchIndexerClient.createOrUpdateIndexer(indexer);
 System.out.printf("Updated indexer name: %s, description: %s%n", updatedIndexer.getName(),

For an asynchronous sample, see createOrUpdateIndexer(SearchIndexer indexer).

Delete an Indexer

The following sample deletes an indexer.


For an asynchronous sample, see deleteIndexer(String indexerName).

Run an Indexer

The following sample runs an indexer.


For an asynchronous sample, see runIndexer(String indexerName).

Reset an Indexer

The following sample resets an indexer.


For an asynchronous sample, see resetIndexer(String indexerName).

Create a Skillset

The following sample creates a skillset.

List<InputFieldMappingEntry> inputs = Collections.singletonList(
     new InputFieldMappingEntry("image")

 List<OutputFieldMappingEntry> outputs = Arrays.asList(
     new OutputFieldMappingEntry("text")
     new OutputFieldMappingEntry("layoutText")

 List<SearchIndexerSkill> skills = Collections.singletonList(
     new OcrSkill(inputs, outputs)
         .setDescription("Extracts text (plain and structured) from image.")

 SearchIndexerSkillset skillset = new SearchIndexerSkillset("skillsetName", skills)
     .setDescription("Extracts text (plain and structured) from image.");

 System.out.println(String.format("Creating OCR skillset '%s'", skillset.getName()));

 SearchIndexerSkillset createdSkillset = searchIndexerClient.createSkillset(skillset);

 System.out.println("Created OCR skillset");
 System.out.println(String.format("Name: %s", createdSkillset.getName()));
 System.out.println(String.format("ETag: %s", createdSkillset.getETag()));

For an asynchronous sample, see createSkillset(SearchIndexerSkillset skillset).

List all Skillsets

The following sample lists all skillsets.

searchIndexerClient.listSkillsets().forEach(skillset ->
     System.out.printf("Retrieved skillset name: %s%n", skillset.getName())

For an asynchronous sample, see listSkillsets().

Get a Skillset

The following sample gets a skillset.

SearchIndexerSkillset skillset = searchIndexerClient.getSkillset("example-skillset");
 System.out.printf("Retrieved skillset name: %s%n", skillset.getName());

For an asynchronous sample, see getSkillset(String skillsetName).

Update a Skillset

The following sample updates a skillset.

SearchIndexerSkillset skillset = searchIndexerClient.getSkillset("example-skillset");
 skillset.setDescription("This is a new description for this skillset");
 SearchIndexerSkillset updatedSkillset = searchIndexerClient.createOrUpdateSkillset(skillset);
 System.out.printf("Updated skillset name: %s, description: %s%n", updatedSkillset.getName(),

For an asynchronous sample, see createOrUpdateSkillset(SearchIndexerSkillset skillset).

Delete a Skillset

The following sample deletes a skillset.


For an asynchronous sample, see deleteSkillset(String skillsetName).

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection createDataSourceConnection(SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSourceConnection)

Creates a new Azure AI Search data source

Response<SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection> createDataSourceConnectionWithResponse(SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSourceConnection, Context context)

Creates a new Azure AI Search data source

SearchIndexer createIndexer(SearchIndexer indexer)

Creates a new Azure AI Search indexer.

Response<SearchIndexer> createIndexerWithResponse(SearchIndexer indexer, Context context)

Creates a new Azure AI Search indexer.

SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection createOrUpdateDataSourceConnection(SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSourceConnection)

Creates a new Azure AI Search data source or updates a data source if it already exists

Response<SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection> createOrUpdateDataSourceConnectionWithResponse(SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSourceConnection, boolean onlyIfUnchanged, Context context)

Creates a new Azure AI Search data source or updates a data source if it already exists.

SearchIndexer createOrUpdateIndexer(SearchIndexer indexer)

Creates a new Azure AI Search indexer or updates an indexer if it already exists.

Response<SearchIndexer> createOrUpdateIndexerWithResponse(SearchIndexer indexer, boolean onlyIfUnchanged, Context context)

Creates a new Azure AI Search indexer or updates an indexer if it already exists.

SearchIndexerSkillset createOrUpdateSkillset(SearchIndexerSkillset skillset)

Creates a new Azure AI Search skillset or updates a skillset if it already exists.

Response<SearchIndexerSkillset> createOrUpdateSkillsetWithResponse(SearchIndexerSkillset skillset, boolean onlyIfUnchanged, Context context)

Creates a new Azure AI Search skillset or updates a skillset if it already exists.

SearchIndexerSkillset createSkillset(SearchIndexerSkillset skillset)

Creates a new skillset in an Azure AI Search service.

Response<SearchIndexerSkillset> createSkillsetWithResponse(SearchIndexerSkillset skillset, Context context)

Creates a new skillset in an Azure AI Search service.

void deleteDataSourceConnection(String dataSourceConnectionName)

Delete a DataSource

Response<Void> deleteDataSourceConnectionWithResponse(SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSourceConnection, boolean onlyIfUnchanged, Context context)

Delete a DataSource with Response

void deleteIndexer(String indexerName)

Deletes an Azure AI Search indexer.

Response<Void> deleteIndexerWithResponse(SearchIndexer indexer, boolean onlyIfUnchanged, Context context)

Deletes an Azure AI Search indexer.

void deleteSkillset(String skillsetName)

Deletes a cognitive skillset in an Azure AI Search service.

Response<Void> deleteSkillsetWithResponse(SearchIndexerSkillset skillset, boolean onlyIfUnchanged, Context context)

Deletes a cognitive skillset in an Azure AI Search service.

SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection getDataSourceConnection(String dataSourceConnectionName)

Retrieves a DataSource from an Azure AI Search service.

Response<SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection> getDataSourceConnectionWithResponse(String dataSourceConnectionName, Context context)

Retrieves a DataSource from an Azure AI Search service.

String getEndpoint()

Gets the endpoint for the Azure AI Search service.

SearchIndexer getIndexer(String indexerName)

Retrieves an indexer definition.

SearchIndexerStatus getIndexerStatus(String indexerName)

Returns the current status and execution history of an indexer.

Response<SearchIndexerStatus> getIndexerStatusWithResponse(String indexerName, Context context)

Returns the current status and execution history of an indexer.

Response<SearchIndexer> getIndexerWithResponse(String indexerName, Context context)

Retrieves an indexer definition.

SearchIndexerSkillset getSkillset(String skillsetName)

Retrieves a skillset definition.

Response<SearchIndexerSkillset> getSkillsetWithResponse(String skillsetName, Context context)

Retrieves a skillset definition.

PagedIterable<String> listDataSourceConnectionNames()

List all DataSource names from an Azure AI Search service.

PagedIterable<String> listDataSourceConnectionNames(Context context)

List all DataSources names from an Azure AI Search service.

PagedIterable<SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection> listDataSourceConnections()

List all DataSources from an Azure AI Search service.

PagedIterable<SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection> listDataSourceConnections(Context context)

List all DataSources from an Azure AI Search service.

PagedIterable<String> listIndexerNames()

Lists all indexers names for an Azure AI Search service.

PagedIterable<String> listIndexerNames(Context context)

Lists all indexers names for an Azure AI Search service.

PagedIterable<SearchIndexer> listIndexers()

Lists all indexers available for an Azure AI Search service.

PagedIterable<SearchIndexer> listIndexers(Context context)

Lists all indexers available for an Azure AI Search service.

PagedIterable<String> listSkillsetNames()

Lists all skillset names for an Azure AI Search service.

PagedIterable<String> listSkillsetNames(Context context)

Lists all skillset names for an Azure AI Search service.

PagedIterable<SearchIndexerSkillset> listSkillsets()

Lists all skillsets available for an Azure AI Search service.

PagedIterable<SearchIndexerSkillset> listSkillsets(Context context)

Lists all skillsets available for an Azure AI Search service.

void resetIndexer(String indexerName)

Resets the change tracking state associated with an indexer.

Response<Void> resetIndexerWithResponse(String indexerName, Context context)

Resets the change tracking state associated with an indexer.

void runIndexer(String indexerName)

Runs an indexer on-demand.

Response<Void> runIndexerWithResponse(String indexerName, Context context)

Runs an indexer on-demand.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Method Details


public SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection createDataSourceConnection(SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSourceConnection)

Creates a new Azure AI Search data source

Code Sample

Create search indexer data source connection named "dataSource".

SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSource = new SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection("dataSource",, "{connectionString}",
 SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSourceFromService =
 System.out.printf("The data source name is %s. The ETag of data source is %s.%n",
     dataSourceFromService.getName(), dataSourceFromService.getETag());


dataSourceConnection - The definition of the data source to create


the data source that was created.


public Response createDataSourceConnectionWithResponse(SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSourceConnection, Context context)

Creates a new Azure AI Search data source

Code Sample

Create search indexer data source connection named "dataSource".

SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSource = new SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection("dataSource",
     SearchIndexerDataSourceType.AZURE_BLOB, "{connectionString}",
     new SearchIndexerDataContainer("container"));
 Response<SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection> dataSourceFromService =
     SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.createDataSourceConnectionWithResponse(dataSource, new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));

 System.out.printf("The status code of the response is %s. The data source name is %s.%n",
     dataSourceFromService.getStatusCode(), dataSourceFromService.getValue().getName());


dataSourceConnection - the definition of the data source to create doesn't match specified values
context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


a response containing data source that was created.


public SearchIndexer createIndexer(SearchIndexer indexer)

Creates a new Azure AI Search indexer.

Code Sample

Create search indexer named "searchIndexer".

SearchIndexer searchIndexer = new SearchIndexer("searchIndexer", "dataSource",
 SearchIndexer indexerFromService = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.createIndexer(searchIndexer);
 System.out.printf("The indexer name is %s. The ETag of indexer is %s.%n", indexerFromService.getName(),


indexer - definition of the indexer to create.


the created Indexer.


public Response createIndexerWithResponse(SearchIndexer indexer, Context context)

Creates a new Azure AI Search indexer.

Code Sample

Create search indexer named "searchIndexer".

SearchIndexer searchIndexer = new SearchIndexer("searchIndexer", "dataSource",
 Response<SearchIndexer> indexerFromServiceResponse = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.createIndexerWithResponse(
     searchIndexer, new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));

 System.out.printf("The status code of the response is %s. The indexer name is %s.%n",
     indexerFromServiceResponse.getStatusCode(), indexerFromServiceResponse.getValue().getName());


indexer - definition of the indexer to create
context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


a response containing the created Indexer.


public SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection createOrUpdateDataSourceConnection(SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSourceConnection)

Creates a new Azure AI Search data source or updates a data source if it already exists

Code Sample

Create or update search indexer data source connection named "dataSource".

SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSource = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.getDataSourceConnection("dataSource");
 dataSource.setContainer(new SearchIndexerDataContainer("updatecontainer"));

 SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection updateDataSource = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT
 System.out.printf("The dataSource name is %s. The container name of dataSource is %s.%n",
     updateDataSource.getName(), updateDataSource.getContainer().getName());


dataSourceConnection - The definition of the data source to create or update.


the data source that was created or updated.


public Response createOrUpdateDataSourceConnectionWithResponse(SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSourceConnection, boolean onlyIfUnchanged, Context context)

Creates a new Azure AI Search data source or updates a data source if it already exists.

Code Sample

Create or update search indexer data source connection named "dataSource".

SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSource = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.getDataSourceConnection("dataSource");
 dataSource.setContainer(new SearchIndexerDataContainer("updatecontainer"));

 Response<SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection> updateDataSource = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT
     .createOrUpdateDataSourceConnectionWithResponse(dataSource, true, new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));
 System.out.printf("The status code of the response is %s.%nThe dataSource name is %s. "
     + "The container name of dataSource is %s.%n", updateDataSource.getStatusCode(),
     updateDataSource.getValue().getName(), updateDataSource.getValue().getContainer().getName());


dataSourceConnection - the SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection to create or update
onlyIfUnchanged - true to update if the dataSourceConnection is the same as the current service value. false to always update existing value.
context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


a response containing data source that was created or updated.


public SearchIndexer createOrUpdateIndexer(SearchIndexer indexer)

Creates a new Azure AI Search indexer or updates an indexer if it already exists.

Code Sample

Create or update search indexer named "searchIndexer".

SearchIndexer searchIndexerFromService = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.getIndexer("searchIndexer");
     new FieldMapping("hotelName").setTargetFieldName("HotelName")));
 SearchIndexer updateIndexer = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.createOrUpdateIndexer(searchIndexerFromService);
 System.out.printf("The indexer name is %s. The target field name of indexer is %s.%n",
     updateIndexer.getName(), updateIndexer.getFieldMappings().get(0).getTargetFieldName());


indexer - The definition of the indexer to create or update.


a response containing the created Indexer.


public Response createOrUpdateIndexerWithResponse(SearchIndexer indexer, boolean onlyIfUnchanged, Context context)

Creates a new Azure AI Search indexer or updates an indexer if it already exists.

Code Sample

Create or update search indexer named "searchIndexer".

SearchIndexer searchIndexerFromService = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.getIndexer("searchIndexer");
     new FieldMapping("hotelName").setTargetFieldName("HotelName")));
 Response<SearchIndexer> indexerFromService = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.createOrUpdateIndexerWithResponse(
     searchIndexerFromService, true, new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));
 System.out.printf("The status code of the response is %s.%nThe indexer name is %s. "
     + "The target field name of indexer is %s.%n", indexerFromService.getStatusCode(),


indexer - The SearchIndexer to create or update.
onlyIfUnchanged - true to update if the indexer is the same as the current service value. false to always update existing value.
context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


A response object containing the Indexer.


public SearchIndexerSkillset createOrUpdateSkillset(SearchIndexerSkillset skillset)

Creates a new Azure AI Search skillset or updates a skillset if it already exists.

Code Sample

Create or update search indexer skillset "searchIndexerSkillset".

SearchIndexerSkillset indexerSkillset = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.getSkillset("searchIndexerSkillset");
 indexerSkillset.setDescription("This is new description!");
 SearchIndexerSkillset updateSkillset = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.createOrUpdateSkillset(indexerSkillset);
 System.out.printf("The indexer skillset name is %s. The description of indexer skillset is %s.%n",
     updateSkillset.getName(), updateSkillset.getDescription());


skillset - the SearchIndexerSkillset to create or update.


the skillset that was created or updated.


public Response createOrUpdateSkillsetWithResponse(SearchIndexerSkillset skillset, boolean onlyIfUnchanged, Context context)

Creates a new Azure AI Search skillset or updates a skillset if it already exists.

Code Sample

Create or update search indexer skillset "searchIndexerSkillset".

SearchIndexerSkillset indexerSkillset = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.getSkillset("searchIndexerSkillset");
 indexerSkillset.setDescription("This is new description!");
 Response<SearchIndexerSkillset> updateSkillsetResponse = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.createOrUpdateSkillsetWithResponse(
     indexerSkillset, true, new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));
 System.out.printf("The status code of the response is %s.%nThe indexer skillset name is %s. "
         + "The description of indexer skillset is %s.%n", updateSkillsetResponse.getStatusCode(),


skillset - the SearchIndexerSkillset to create or update.
onlyIfUnchanged - true to update if the skillset is the same as the current service value. false to always update existing value.
context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


a response containing the skillset that was created or updated.


public SearchIndexerSkillset createSkillset(SearchIndexerSkillset skillset)

Creates a new skillset in an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

Create search indexer skillset "searchIndexerSkillset".

List<InputFieldMappingEntry> inputs = Collections.singletonList(
     new InputFieldMappingEntry("image")

 List<OutputFieldMappingEntry> outputs = Arrays.asList(
     new OutputFieldMappingEntry("text")
     new OutputFieldMappingEntry("layoutText")
 SearchIndexerSkillset searchIndexerSkillset = new SearchIndexerSkillset("searchIndexerSkillset",
     Collections.singletonList(new OcrSkill(inputs, outputs)
         .setDescription("Extracts text (plain and structured) from image.")
 SearchIndexerSkillset skillset = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.createSkillset(searchIndexerSkillset);
 System.out.printf("The indexer skillset name is %s. The ETag of indexer skillset is %s.%n",
     skillset.getName(), skillset.getETag());


skillset - definition of the skillset containing one or more cognitive skills


the created SearchIndexerSkillset.


public Response createSkillsetWithResponse(SearchIndexerSkillset skillset, Context context)

Creates a new skillset in an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

Create search indexer skillset "searchIndexerSkillset".

List<InputFieldMappingEntry> inputs = Collections.singletonList(
     new InputFieldMappingEntry("image")

 List<OutputFieldMappingEntry> outputs = Arrays.asList(
     new OutputFieldMappingEntry("text")
     new OutputFieldMappingEntry("layoutText")
 SearchIndexerSkillset searchIndexerSkillset = new SearchIndexerSkillset("searchIndexerSkillset",
     Collections.singletonList(new OcrSkill(inputs, outputs)
         .setDescription("Extracts text (plain and structured) from image.")
 Response<SearchIndexerSkillset> skillsetWithResponse =
     SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.createSkillsetWithResponse(searchIndexerSkillset, new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));
 System.out.printf("The status code of the response is %s. The indexer skillset name is %s.%n",
     skillsetWithResponse.getStatusCode(), skillsetWithResponse.getValue().getName());


skillset - definition of the skillset containing one or more cognitive skills
context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


a response containing the created SearchIndexerSkillset.


public void deleteDataSourceConnection(String dataSourceConnectionName)

Delete a DataSource

Code Sample

Delete all search indexer data source connection named "dataSource".



dataSourceConnectionName - the name of the data source to be deleted


public Response deleteDataSourceConnectionWithResponse(SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSourceConnection, boolean onlyIfUnchanged, Context context)

Delete a DataSource with Response

Code Sample

Delete all search indexer data source connection named "dataSource".

SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSource =
 Response<Void> deleteResponse = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.deleteDataSourceConnectionWithResponse(dataSource, true,
     new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));
 System.out.printf("The status code of the response is %d.%n", deleteResponse.getStatusCode());


dataSourceConnection - the SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection to be deleted.
onlyIfUnchanged - true to delete if the dataSourceConnection is the same as the current service value. false to always delete existing value.
context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


an empty response


public void deleteIndexer(String indexerName)

Deletes an Azure AI Search indexer.

Code Sample

Delete search indexer named "searchIndexer".



indexerName - the name of the indexer to delete


public Response deleteIndexerWithResponse(SearchIndexer indexer, boolean onlyIfUnchanged, Context context)

Deletes an Azure AI Search indexer.

Code Sample

Delete search index named "searchIndexer".

SearchIndexer searchIndexer = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.getIndexer("searchIndexer");
 Response<Void> deleteResponse = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.deleteIndexerWithResponse(searchIndexer, true,
     new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));
 System.out.printf("The status code of the response is %d.%n", deleteResponse.getStatusCode());


indexer - the search SearchIndexer
onlyIfUnchanged - true to delete if the indexer is the same as the current service value. false to always delete existing value.
context - the context


a response signalling completion.


public void deleteSkillset(String skillsetName)

Deletes a cognitive skillset in an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

Delete search indexer skillset "searchIndexerSkillset".



skillsetName - the name of the skillset to delete


public Response deleteSkillsetWithResponse(SearchIndexerSkillset skillset, boolean onlyIfUnchanged, Context context)

Deletes a cognitive skillset in an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

Delete search indexer skillset "searchIndexerSkillset".

SearchIndexerSkillset searchIndexerSkillset = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.getSkillset("searchIndexerSkillset");
 Response<Void> deleteResponse = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.deleteSkillsetWithResponse(searchIndexerSkillset, true,
     new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));
 System.out.printf("The status code of the response is %d.%n", deleteResponse.getStatusCode());


skillset - the SearchIndexerSkillset to delete.
onlyIfUnchanged - true to delete if the skillset is the same as the current service value. false to always delete existing value.
context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


a response signalling completion.


public SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection getDataSourceConnection(String dataSourceConnectionName)

Retrieves a DataSource from an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

Get search indexer data source connection named "dataSource".

SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSource =
 System.out.printf("The dataSource name is %s. The ETag of dataSource is %s.%n", dataSource.getName(),


dataSourceConnectionName - the name of the data source to retrieve


the DataSource.


public Response getDataSourceConnectionWithResponse(String dataSourceConnectionName, Context context)

Retrieves a DataSource from an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

Get search indexer data source connection named "dataSource".

Response<SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection> dataSource =
         "dataSource", new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));

 System.out.printf("The status code of the response is %s. The data source name is %s.%n",
     dataSource.getStatusCode(), dataSource.getValue().getName());


dataSourceConnectionName - the name of the data source to retrieve
context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


a response containing the DataSource.


public String getEndpoint()

Gets the endpoint for the Azure AI Search service.


the endpoint value.


public SearchIndexer getIndexer(String indexerName)

Retrieves an indexer definition.

Code Sample

Get search indexer with name "searchIndexer".

SearchIndexer indexerFromService =
 System.out.printf("The indexer name is %s. The ETag of indexer is %s.%n", indexerFromService.getName(),


indexerName - the name of the indexer to retrieve


the indexer.


public SearchIndexerStatus getIndexerStatus(String indexerName)

Returns the current status and execution history of an indexer.

Code Sample

Get search indexer status.

SearchIndexerStatus indexerStatus = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.getIndexerStatus("searchIndexer");
 System.out.printf("The indexer status is %s.%n", indexerStatus.getStatus());


indexerName - the name of the indexer for which to retrieve status


a response with the indexer execution info.


public Response getIndexerStatusWithResponse(String indexerName, Context context)

Returns the current status and execution history of an indexer.

Code Sample

Get search indexer status.

Response<SearchIndexerStatus> response = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.getIndexerStatusWithResponse("searchIndexer",
     new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));
 System.out.printf("The status code of the response is %s.%nThe indexer status is %s.%n",
     response.getStatusCode(), response.getValue().getStatus());


indexerName - the name of the indexer for which to retrieve status
context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


a response with the indexer execution info.


public Response getIndexerWithResponse(String indexerName, Context context)

Retrieves an indexer definition.

Code Sample

Get search indexer with name "searchIndexer".

Response<SearchIndexer> indexerFromServiceResponse = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.getIndexerWithResponse(
     "searchIndexer", new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));

 System.out.printf("The status code of the response is %s. The indexer name is %s.%n",
     indexerFromServiceResponse.getStatusCode(), indexerFromServiceResponse.getValue().getName());


indexerName - the name of the indexer to retrieve
context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


a response containing the indexer.


public SearchIndexerSkillset getSkillset(String skillsetName)

Retrieves a skillset definition.

Code Sample

Get search indexer skillset "searchIndexerSkillset".

SearchIndexerSkillset indexerSkillset =
 System.out.printf("The indexer skillset name is %s. The ETag of indexer skillset is %s.%n",
     indexerSkillset.getName(), indexerSkillset.getETag());


skillsetName - the name of the skillset to retrieve


the SearchIndexerSkillset.


public Response getSkillsetWithResponse(String skillsetName, Context context)

Retrieves a skillset definition.

Code Sample

Get search indexer skillset "searchIndexerSkillset".

Response<SearchIndexerSkillset> skillsetWithResponse = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.getSkillsetWithResponse(
     "searchIndexerSkillset", new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));

 System.out.printf("The status code of the response is %s. The indexer skillset name is %s.%n",
     skillsetWithResponse.getStatusCode(), skillsetWithResponse.getValue().getName());


skillsetName - the name of the skillset to retrieve
context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


a response containing the SearchIndexerSkillset.


public PagedIterable listDataSourceConnectionNames()

List all DataSource names from an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

List all search indexer data source connection names.

PagedIterable<String> dataSources = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.listDataSourceConnectionNames();
 for (String dataSourceName: dataSources) {
     System.out.printf("The dataSource name is %s.%n", dataSourceName);


a list of DataSources names


public PagedIterable listDataSourceConnectionNames(Context context)

List all DataSources names from an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

List all search indexer data source connection names.

PagedIterable<String> dataSources = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.listDataSourceConnectionNames(new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));
 System.out.println("The status code of the response is"
     + dataSources.iterableByPage().iterator().next().getStatusCode());
 for (String dataSourceName: dataSources) {
     System.out.printf("The dataSource name is %s.%n", dataSourceName);


context - Additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call.


a response containing the list of DataSource names.


public PagedIterable listDataSourceConnections()

List all DataSources from an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

List all search indexer data source connections.

PagedIterable<SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection> dataSources = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.listDataSourceConnections();
 for (SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSource: dataSources) {
     System.out.printf("The dataSource name is %s. The ETag of dataSource is %s.%n", dataSource.getName(),


a list of DataSources


public PagedIterable listDataSourceConnections(Context context)

List all DataSources from an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

List all search indexer data source connections.

PagedIterable<SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection> dataSources =
     SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.listDataSourceConnections(new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));

 System.out.println("The status code of the response is"
     + dataSources.iterableByPage().iterator().next().getStatusCode());
 for (SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection dataSource: dataSources) {
     System.out.printf("The dataSource name is %s. The ETag of dataSource is %s.%n",
         dataSource.getName(), dataSource.getETag());


context - Additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call.


a response containing the list of DataSources.


public PagedIterable listIndexerNames()

Lists all indexers names for an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

List all search indexer names.

PagedIterable<String> indexers = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.listIndexerNames();
 for (String indexerName: indexers) {
     System.out.printf("The indexer name is %s.%n", indexerName);


all Indexer names from the Search service .


public PagedIterable listIndexerNames(Context context)

Lists all indexers names for an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

List all search indexer names.

PagedIterable<String> indexers = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.listIndexerNames(new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));
 System.out.println("The status code of the response is"
     + indexers.iterableByPage().iterator().next().getStatusCode());
 for (String indexerName: indexers) {
     System.out.printf("The indexer name is %s.%n", indexerName);


context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


all Indexer names from the Search service.


public PagedIterable listIndexers()

Lists all indexers available for an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

List all search indexers.

PagedIterable<SearchIndexer> indexers = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.listIndexers();
 for (SearchIndexer indexer: indexers) {
     System.out.printf("The indexer name is %s. The ETag of indexer is %s.%n", indexer.getName(),


all Indexers from the Search service.


public PagedIterable listIndexers(Context context)

Lists all indexers available for an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

List all search indexers.

PagedIterable<SearchIndexer> indexers = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.listIndexers(new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));
 System.out.println("The status code of the response is"
     + indexers.iterableByPage().iterator().next().getStatusCode());
 for (SearchIndexer indexer: indexers) {
     System.out.printf("The indexer name is %s. The ETag of index is %s.%n",
         indexer.getName(), indexer.getETag());


context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


all Indexers from the Search service.


public PagedIterable listSkillsetNames()

Lists all skillset names for an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

List all search indexer skillset names.

PagedIterable<String> skillsetNames = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.listSkillsetNames();
 for (String skillsetName: skillsetNames) {
     System.out.printf("The indexer skillset name is %s.%n", skillsetName);


the list of skillset names.


public PagedIterable listSkillsetNames(Context context)

Lists all skillset names for an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

List all search indexer skillset names with response.

PagedIterable<String> skillsetNames = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.listSkillsetNames(new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));
 System.out.println("The status code of the response is"
     + skillsetNames.iterableByPage().iterator().next().getStatusCode());
 for (String skillsetName: skillsetNames) {
     System.out.printf("The indexer skillset name is %s.%n", skillsetName);


context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


the list of skillset names.


public PagedIterable listSkillsets()

Lists all skillsets available for an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

List all search indexer skillsets.

PagedIterable<SearchIndexerSkillset> indexerSkillsets = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.listSkillsets();
 for (SearchIndexerSkillset skillset: indexerSkillsets) {
     System.out.printf("The skillset name is %s. The ETag of skillset is %s.%n", skillset.getName(),


the list of skillsets.


public PagedIterable listSkillsets(Context context)

Lists all skillsets available for an Azure AI Search service.

Code Sample

List all search indexer skillsets.

PagedIterable<SearchIndexerSkillset> indexerSkillsets = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT
     .listSkillsets(new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));
 System.out.println("The status code of the response is"
     + indexerSkillsets.iterableByPage().iterator().next().getStatusCode());
 for (SearchIndexerSkillset skillset: indexerSkillsets) {
     System.out.printf("The skillset name is %s. The ETag of skillset is %s.%n",
         skillset.getName(), skillset.getETag());


context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


the list of skillsets.


public void resetIndexer(String indexerName)

Resets the change tracking state associated with an indexer.

Code Sample

Reset search indexer named "searchIndexer".



indexerName - the name of the indexer to reset


public Response resetIndexerWithResponse(String indexerName, Context context)

Resets the change tracking state associated with an indexer.

Code Sample

Reset search indexer named "searchIndexer".

Response<Void> response = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.resetIndexerWithResponse("searchIndexer",
     new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));
 System.out.println("The status code of the response is " + response.getStatusCode());


indexerName - the name of the indexer to reset
context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


a response signalling completion.


public void runIndexer(String indexerName)

Runs an indexer on-demand.

Code Sample

Run search indexer named "searchIndexer".



indexerName - the name of the indexer to run


public Response runIndexerWithResponse(String indexerName, Context context)

Runs an indexer on-demand.

Code Sample

Run search indexer named "searchIndexer".

Response<Void> response = SEARCH_INDEXER_CLIENT.runIndexerWithResponse("searchIndexer",
     new Context(KEY_1, VALUE_1));
 System.out.println("The status code of the response is " + response.getStatusCode());


indexerName - the name of the indexer to run
context - additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call


a response signalling completion.

Applies to