meeting module
IAppContentStageSharingCapabilities | |
IAppContentStageSharingState | |
ISpeakingState | |
LiveStreamState |
CallType | |
MeetingType |
get |
Provides information related app's in-meeting sharing capabilities. |
get |
Provides information related to current stage sharing state for app. |
get |
Allows an app to get the incoming audio speaker setting for the meeting user. |
get |
Allows an app to get the state of the live stream in the current meeting. |
register |
Registers a handler for changes to the live stream. Only one handler can be registered at a time. A subsequent registration replaces an existing registration. |
register |
Registers a handler for changes to paticipant speaking states. If any participant is speaking, isSpeakingDetected will be true. If no participants are speaking, isSpeakingDetected will be false. Only one handler can be registered at a time. A subsequent registration replaces an existing registration. |
request |
Allows an app to request the live streaming be started at the given streaming url. |
request |
Allows an app to request the live streaming be stopped at the given streaming url. |
share |
Allows an app to share contents in the meeting. |
toggle |
Allows an app to toggle the incoming audio speaker setting for the meeting user from mute to unmute or vice-versa. |
Function Details
getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities((error: null | SdkError, appContentStageSharingCapabilities: null | IAppContentStageSharingCapabilities) => void)
Provides information related app's in-meeting sharing capabilities.
function getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities(callback: (error: null | SdkError, appContentStageSharingCapabilities: null | IAppContentStageSharingCapabilities) => void)
- callback
(error: null | SdkError, appContentStageSharingCapabilities: null | IAppContentStageSharingCapabilities) => void
Callback contains 2 parameters, error and result. error can either contain an error of type SdkError (error indication), or null (non-error indication) appContentStageSharingCapabilities can either contain an IAppContentStageSharingCapabilities object (indication of successful retrieval), or null (indication of failed retrieval).
getAppContentStageSharingState((error: null | SdkError, appContentStageSharingState: null | IAppContentStageSharingState) => void)
Provides information related to current stage sharing state for app.
function getAppContentStageSharingState(callback: (error: null | SdkError, appContentStageSharingState: null | IAppContentStageSharingState) => void)
- callback
(error: null | SdkError, appContentStageSharingState: null | IAppContentStageSharingState) => void
Callback contains 2 parameters, error and result. error can either contain an error of type SdkError (error indication), or null (non-error indication). appContentStageSharingState can either contain an IAppContentStageSharingState object (indication of successful retrieval), or null (indication of failed retrieval)
getIncomingClientAudioState((error: null | SdkError, result: null | boolean) => void)
Allows an app to get the incoming audio speaker setting for the meeting user.
function getIncomingClientAudioState(callback: (error: null | SdkError, result: null | boolean) => void)
- callback
(error: null | SdkError, result: null | boolean) => void
Callback contains 2 parameters, error and result. error can either contain an error of type SdkError, incase of an error, or null when fetch is successful. result can either contain the true/false value, incase of a successful fetch or null when the fetching fails. result: True means incoming audio is muted and false means incoming audio is unmuted.
getLiveStreamState((error: null | SdkError, liveStreamState: null | LiveStreamState) => void)
Allows an app to get the state of the live stream in the current meeting.
function getLiveStreamState(callback: (error: null | SdkError, liveStreamState: null | LiveStreamState) => void)
- callback
(error: null | SdkError, liveStreamState: null | LiveStreamState) => void
Callback contains 2 parameters: error and liveStreamState. error can either contain an error of type SdkError, in case of an error, or null when get is successful. liveStreamState can either contain a LiveStreamState value, or null when operation fails.
registerLiveStreamChangedHandler((liveStreamState: LiveStreamState) => void)
Registers a handler for changes to the live stream. Only one handler can be registered at a time. A subsequent registration replaces an existing registration.
function registerLiveStreamChangedHandler(handler: (liveStreamState: LiveStreamState) => void)
- handler
(liveStreamState: LiveStreamState) => void
The handler to invoke when the live stream state changes
registerSpeakingStateChangeHandler((speakingState: ISpeakingState) => void)
Registers a handler for changes to paticipant speaking states. If any participant is speaking, isSpeakingDetected will be true. If no participants are speaking, isSpeakingDetected will be false. Only one handler can be registered at a time. A subsequent registration replaces an existing registration.
function registerSpeakingStateChangeHandler(handler: (speakingState: ISpeakingState) => void)
- handler
(speakingState: ISpeakingState) => void
The handler to invoke when the speaking state of any participant changes (start/stop speaking).
requestStartLiveStreaming((error: null | SdkError) => void, string, string)
Allows an app to request the live streaming be started at the given streaming url.
function requestStartLiveStreaming(callback: (error: null | SdkError) => void, streamUrl: string, streamKey?: string)
- callback
(error: null | SdkError) => void
Callback contains error parameter which can be of type SdkError in case of an error, or null when operation is successful. Use getLiveStreamState or registerLiveStreamChangedHandler to get updates on the live stream state.
- streamUrl
The url to the stream resource
- streamKey
The key to the stream resource
requestStopLiveStreaming((error: null | SdkError) => void)
Allows an app to request the live streaming be stopped at the given streaming url.
function requestStopLiveStreaming(callback: (error: null | SdkError) => void)
- callback
(error: null | SdkError) => void
Callback contains error parameter which can be of type SdkError in case of an error, or null when operation is successful. Use getLiveStreamState or registerLiveStreamChangedHandler to get updates on the live stream state
shareAppContentToStage((error: null | SdkError, result: null | boolean) => void, string)
Allows an app to share contents in the meeting.
function shareAppContentToStage(callback: (error: null | SdkError, result: null | boolean) => void, appContentUrl: string)
- callback
(error: null | SdkError, result: null | boolean) => void
Callback contains 2 parameters, error and result. error can either contain an error of type SdkError, in case of an error, or null when share is successful. result can either contain a true value, in case of a successful share or null when the share fails.
- appContentUrl
is the input URL which needs to be shared on to the stage
toggleIncomingClientAudio((error: null | SdkError, result: null | boolean) => void)
Allows an app to toggle the incoming audio speaker setting for the meeting user from mute to unmute or vice-versa.
function toggleIncomingClientAudio(callback: (error: null | SdkError, result: null | boolean) => void)
- callback
(error: null | SdkError, result: null | boolean) => void
Callback contains 2 parameters, error and result. error can either contain an error of type SdkError, incase of an error, or null when toggle is successful. result can either contain the true/false value, incase of a successful toggle or null when the toggling fails. result: True means incoming audio is muted and false means incoming audio is unmuted.