The GetLocationsResponse SOAP message is a response that is sent by the server after it executes a request to retrieve the locations of the endpoint. This message contains the locations that match the network identifiers specified in the request. The result is represented in the GetLocationsResponse element, which MUST be in the SOAP body of the SOAP message. The GetLocationsResponse element is specified in section If the server is able to successfully match any locations for the network identifiers, the response element contains the locations matched and a ReturnCodeType indicating success. These locations are included in the complex type presenceListType, which is specified in section 2.2.4. In case of an error, the response element MUST specify the reason for the failure to retrieve locations in the simple type ReturnCodeType, which is specified in section 2.2.5. Because no location matches occur in the case of an error, the presenceListType complex type will not be present in such a case.