The server uses the userProperties category instance to store user information. The source of this information can be a corporate directory. The information is intended for use by the publisher.
The following example illustrates the format of a userProperties category instance.
<category name="userProperties" instance="0" publishTime="2008-01-23T07:50:12.873" container="1" version="7" expireType="static"> <userProperties> <lines> <line lineType="Uc"> tel:+11234567890;ext=67890 </line> </lines> <telephonyMode>Uc</telephonyMode> <facsimileTelephoneNumber>+11234567891</facsimileTelephoneNumber> <streetAddress>1 Anywhere Street</streetAddress> <l>Somewhere</l> <st>SomeState</st> <countryCode>US</countryCode> <postalCode>12345</postalCode> <wWWHomePage>http://contoso.com</wWWHomePage> <exumEnabled>1</exumEnabled> <exumURL> EUM:bob@contoso.com;phone-context=EX-OCS-SIPSec.exchange.contoso.com </exumURL> </userProperties> </category>
Elements and attributes are defined in this section. For the full XML schema, see section 7.
The XML elements of a userProperties document MUST conform to the schema defined in section 7.6.
userProperties: Root element of the userProperties category. It has the following attributes:
majorVersion (optional): The major version of schema format.
minorVersion (optional): The minor version of schema format.
lines: This element contains line subelements. This is a child element of the userProperties element.
line: The value of this element MUST be a valid tel URI of the phone line associated with the user. The line element has the following attributes.
lineType (required): lineType MUST have one of the following tokens: "Uc", "UcPrivate", "Rcc", or "Dual".
lineServer (optional): The URI of the line server that controls an RCC phone, for example, "sip:Server1@pbxgateway.contoso.com". This MUST be a valid SIP URI. This attribute MUST be set if lineType is "Rcc". This attribute is optional if lineType is "Dual". This attribute SHOULD NOT be set if the lineType is "Uc". This attribute MUST be set if lineType is "UcPrivate".
telephonyMode: The value of this element controls the audio/video features on the SIP protocol client. It SHOULD<16> have one of the following tokens: "None", "Uc", "Rcc", "Dual" or "NoAudioVideo".
facsimileTelephoneNumber: The user's fax number. This information SHOULD be retrieved from the DS.
streetAddress: The user's street address. This information SHOULD be retrieved from the DS.
l: The name of the user's city. This information SHOULD be retrieved from the DS.
st: The name of the user's state. This information SHOULD be retrieved from the DS.
countryCode: The name of the user's country code. Its value MUST be a two-character country code based on [ISO-3166]. This information SHOULD be retrieved from the DS.
postalCode: The name of the user's postal code. This information SHOULD be retrieved from the DS.
wWWHomePage: The URL of the user. This information SHOULD be retrieved from the DS.
exumEnabled: The value of the first bit indicates whether the voice mail for a user is configured, 1 or 0. The SIP protocol client enables or disables voice mail features based on the value of the first bit.
exumURL: The URL for Unified Messaging (UM). UM is the server role that enables an email server to serve as the voice mail system for a SIP server that implements [MS-SIPREGE].
forwardingUrls: This element MUST be ignored by the SIP protocol client.
acpInformation: This element contains information about PSTN bridging provided by third-party providers. This element has an attribute default of type Boolean which, if set to true, indicates that this is the default audio conferencing provider (ACP) information. Note that there can be multiple acpInformation elements, but only one of them can have default as true. The subelements are as follows:
tollNumber (string): The toll number.
tollFreeNumber (string): The toll-free number, if any.
participantPassCode (string): Numbers that are the participant pass code used by participants to join the meeting.
domain (string): The name of ACP provider's domain.
name: Name of the ACP provider.
url: Link to the Web site of the ACP provider.
Schema definition of this element is shown in the following example. The tollNumber and participantPassCode combination MUST be unique if multiple acpInformation elements exist.
The following example is XML for acpInformation:
<acpInformation default="true"> <tollNumber>+14255550100</tollNumber> <tollFreeNumber>+1800xxxxxxx</tollFreeNumber> <tollFreeNumber>+1800xxxxxxx</tollFreeNumber> <participantPassCode>123xx</participantPassCode> <domain>acpbridge.contoso.com:4443</domain> <name>Contoso audio conferencing provider</name> <url>https://help.contoso.com</url> </acpInformation> <acpInformation default="false"> <tollNumber>+14255550102</tollNumber> <tollFreeNumber>+1800xxxxxxx</tollFreeNumber> <tollFreeNumber>+1800xxxxxxxx</tollFreeNumber> <participantPassCode>1xx2345</participantPassCode> <domain>acpbxxridge.contoso.com</domain> <name>xxx provider</name> <url>https://xxxhelp.contoso.com</url> </acpInformation> <acpInformation default="false">" <tollNumber>+14255550103</tollNumber> <participantPassCode>12xxxx</participantPassCode> <domain>acpbridge2.contoso.com</domain> <name>provider3</name> </acpInformation>