Recycled-Object Requirements
The following requirements apply to recycled-objects:
The Deleted Objects container is never a recycled-object. It cannot be transformed into a recycled-object.
The isRecycled attribute is set to TRUE on recycled-objects.
The recycled-object does not have descendant objects.
The recycled-object remains in the database and is available for outbound replication for at least the tombstone lifetime time interval (see section 6.1.1) after its transformation into a recycled-object.
A recycled-object does not retain the attribute values of the deleted object for any attributes except for the following:
The attribute that is the RDN, plus the objectGUID and objectSid attributes
Attributes marked as being preserved on deletion (see section 2.2.9)
Attributes on the following list:
nTSecurityDescriptor, attributeID, attributeSyntax, dNReferenceUpdate, dNSHostName, flatName, governsID, groupType, instanceType, lDAPDisplayName, legacyExchangeDN, isDeleted, isRecycled, lastKnownParent, msDS-LastKnownRDN, mS-DS-CreatorSID, mSMQOwnerID, nCName, objectClass, distinguishedName, objectGUID, objectSid, oMSyntax, proxiedObjectName, name, replPropertyMetaData, sAMAccountName, securityIdentifier, sIDHistory, subClassOf, systemFlags, trustPartner, trustDirection, trustType, trustAttributes, userAccountControl, uSNChanged, uSNCreated, whenCreated, msDS-PortLDAP
A recycled-object does not retain the attribute values of the original object for the attributes objectCategory, sAMAccountType, or for any linked attributes even if these attribute would otherwise be retained according to the preceding bullet point. In other words, when a deleted-object is transformed into a recycled-object, objectCategory values, sAMAccountType values, and any linked attribute values on it are always removed.
NC replicas do not contain objects with linked attribute values referencing recycled-objects. In other words, when a deleted-object is transformed into a recycled-object, any linked attribute values on other objects referencing it are also removed.
If any NC replicas contain other objects with nonlinked attribute values referencing a recycled-object, then those attribute values on those objects are retained. In other words, when a deleted-object is transformed into a recycled-object, any non-linked attribute values on other objects referencing it are not removed.
Except as described in section, recycled-objects exist only in the Deleted Objects container of an NC.
Except as described in section, recycled-objects have "delete-mangled RDNs".