Algorithm to Zero Data Beyond ValidDataLength
This algorithm returns no value.
The inputs for the algorithm are:
ThisOpen: The Open for the stream being zeroed.
StartingZero: A 64-bit signed integer. The offset into the stream to begin zeroing.
ByteCount: The number of bytes to zero.
The algorithm uses the following local variables:
64-bit signed integers: ZeroStart, BeyondZeroEnd, LastCompressionUnit, ClustersToDeallocate
Pseudocode for the algorithm is as follows:
Set ZeroStart to BlockAlign(StartingZero, ThisOpen.File.Volume.LogicalBytesPerSector).
Set BeyondZeroEnd to BlockAlign(StartingZero + ByteCount, ThisOpen.File.Volume.LogicalBytesPerSector).
If (ThisOpen.Stream.IsCompressed is FALSE) and (ThisOpen.Stream.IsSparse is FALSE) and (ZeroStart != StartingZero):
The object store MUST write zeroes into the stream from StartingZero to ZeroStart.
If ((ThisOpen.Stream.IsCompressed is TRUE) or
(ThisOpen.Stream.IsSparse is TRUE)) and
(ByteCount > ThisOpen.File.Volume.CompressionUnitSize * 2):
If BlockAlign(ZeroStart, ThisOpen.File.Volume.CompressionUnitSize) != ZeroStart:
The object store MUST write zeroes into the stream from ZeroStart to BlockAlign(ZeroStart, ThisOpen.File.Volume.CompressionUnitSize).
The object store MUST set ThisOpen.Stream.ValidDataLength to BlockAlign(ZeroStart, ThisOpen.File.Volume.CompressionUnitSize).
Set ZeroStart equal to BlockAlign(ZeroStart, ThisOpen.File.Volume.CompressionUnitSize).
Set LastCompressionUnit equal to BlockAlignTruncate(BeyondZeroEnd, ThisOpen.File.Volume.CompressionUnitSize).
Set ClustersToDeallocate equal to ClustersFromBytes(ThisOpen.File.Volume, LastCompressionUnit - ZeroStart).
The object store MUST delete ClusterToDeallocate clusters of allocation from the stream starting with the cluster at ClustersFromBytes(ThisOpen.File.Volume, ZeroStart).
If LastCompressionUnit != BeyondZeroEnd:
The object store MUST write zeroes into the stream from LastCompressionUnit to BeyondZeroEnd.
The object store MUST set ThisOpen.Stream.ValidDataLength equal to StartingZero + ByteCount.
The algorithm returns at this point.
If ZeroStart = BeyondZeroEnd
The algorithm returns at this point.
The object store MUST write zeroes into the stream from ZeroStart to BeyondZeroEnd.
The object store MUST set ThisOpen.Stream.ValidDataLength equal to StartingZero + ByteCount.