Server Requests Change Notifications for a Directory
The server provides:
Open: An Open of a DirectoryStream or ViewIndexStream.
OutputBufferSize: The maximum number of bytes to return in OutputBuffer.
WatchTree: A Boolean indicating whether the directory is monitored recursively.
CompletionFilter: A 32-bit unsigned integer composed of flags indicating the types of changes to monitor as specified in [MS-SMB2] section 2.2.35.
On completion, the object store MUST return:
Status: An NTSTATUS code that specifies the result.
OutputBuffer: An array of bytes containing the notification data.
ByteCount: The count of the bytes in the array.
Pseudocode for the operation is as follows:
The Open.File.Volume.ChangeNotifyList MUST be searched for a ChangeNotifyEntry where ChangeNotifyEntry.OpenedDirectory matches Open.
If there were no matching ChangeNotifyEntries, one MUST be constructed so that:
ChangeNotifyEntry.OpenedDirectory points to Open.
ChangeNotifyEntry.WatchTree is set to WatchTree.
ChangeNotifyEntry.CompletionFilter is set to CompletionFilter.
ChangeNotifyEntry.NotifyEventList is initialized to an empty list.
Insert ChangeNotifyEntry at the end of Open.File.Volume.ChangeNotifyList.
Insert operation into CancelableOperations.CancelableOperationList.
Wait for a Change Notify as specified in section