The LSAPR_AUTH_INFORMATION structure communicates information about authentication between trusted domains. Domain trust authentication is specified in [MS-ADTS] section
typedef struct _LSAPR_AUTH_INFORMATION { LARGE_INTEGER LastUpdateTime; unsigned long AuthType; [range(0,65536)] unsigned long AuthInfoLength; [size_is(AuthInfoLength)] unsigned char* AuthInfo; } LSAPR_AUTH_INFORMATION, *PLSAPR_AUTH_INFORMATION;
LastUpdateTime: The date and time when this authentication information was last updated. It is a 64-bit value that represents the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601, UTC.
AuthType: A type for the AuthInfo, as specified in the following table.
This type MUST be ignored.
Derived RC4HMAC key. For more information, see [RFC4757].
A plaintext password. Indicates that the information stored in the attribute is a Unicode plaintext password. If this AuthType is present, Kerberos can then use this password to derive additional key types that are needed to encrypt and decrypt cross-realm TGTs.
A plaintext password version number that is a single, unsigned long integer consisting of 32 bits.
AuthInfoLength: The count of bytes in AuthInfo buffer.<38>
AuthInfo: Authentication data that depends on the AuthType.
The self-relative form of the LSAPR_AUTH_INFORMATION structure is used in LSAPR_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_AUTH_BLOB; in that case, the structure memory layout looks like the following.
1 |
2 |
3 |
LastUpdateTime |
... |
AuthType |
AuthInfoLength |
AuthInfo [1 ... AuthInfoLength] |