The SERVER_TRANSPORT_INFO_3 structure contains information about the specified transport protocol, including the name, address, and password (credentials).
typedef struct _SERVER_TRANSPORT_INFO_3 { DWORD svti3_numberofvcs; [string] wchar_t* svti3_transportname; [size_is(svti3_transportaddresslength)] unsigned char* svti3_transportaddress; DWORD svti3_transportaddresslength; [string] wchar_t* svti3_networkaddress; [string] wchar_t* svti3_domain; unsigned long svti3_flags; DWORD svti3_passwordlength; unsigned char svti3_password[256]; } SERVER_TRANSPORT_INFO_3, *PSERVER_TRANSPORT_INFO_3, *LPSERVER_TRANSPORT_INFO_3;
svti3_numberofvcs: Specifies a DWORD value that indicates the number of clients that are connected to the server and that are using the transport protocol that is specified by the svti3_transportname member.
svti3_transportname: A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that contains the implementation-specific name of a device that implements support for the transport. This field is provided by the transport driver and can depend on the physical network adapter over which the transport runs.<28>
svti3_transportaddress: A pointer to a variable that contains the transport address that the server is using on the transport device that is specified by the svti3_transportname member. <29>
This member is usually the NetBIOS name that the server is using. In these instances, the name MUST be 16 characters long, and the last character MUST be a blank character (0x20).
svti3_transportaddresslength: Specifies a DWORD value that contains the length, in bytes, of the svti3_transportaddress member.<30>
svti3_networkaddress: A pointer to a null-terminated character string that contains the address that the network adapter is using. The string is transport-specific. The server MUST ignore this field on receipt.<31>
svti3_domain: A pointer to a null-terminated character string that contains the name of the domain to which the server announces its presence.
svti3_flags: This member MUST be a combination of zero or more of the following values.
If this value is set for an endpoint, client requests that arrive over the transport to open a named pipe MUST be rerouted (remapped) to the local pipe name $$\ServerName\PipeName.
If this value is set for an endpoint, all shares attached to svti3_transportname are scoped shares.
svti3_passwordlength: Specifies a DWORD value that indicates the number of valid bytes in the svti3_password member.
svti3_password: Specifies the credentials to use for the new transport address. If the svti3_passwordlength member is zero, the credentials for the server MUST be used.