Partager via

usersettings EntityType

User's preferred settings.

Entity set path: 
[organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/usersettingscollection
Base type: 
Table type: 
Display name: 
User Settings
Primary key: 
Operations supported: 


Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are read-only.

Name Type Details
addressbooksyncinterval Edm.Int32

Normal polling frequency used for address book synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook.

advancedfindstartupmode Edm.Int32

Default mode, such as simple or detailed, for advanced find.

amdesignator Edm.String

AM designator to use in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

autocaptureuserstatus Edm.Int32

Set user status for ADC Suggestions

autocreatecontactonpromote Edm.Int32

Auto-create contact on client promote

businessunitid Edm.Guid

Unique identifier of the business unit with which the user is associated.

calendartype Edm.Int32

Calendar type for the system. Set to Gregorian US by default.

createdon Edm.DateTimeOffset

Date and time when the user settings object was created.

Read only
currencyformatcode Edm.Int32

Information about how currency symbols are placed in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

currencysymbol Edm.String

Symbol used for currency in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

d365autoinstallattemptstatus Edm.Int32

Determines the status of auto install of Dynamics 365 to Teams attempt has been completed

Display name: d365autoinstallattemptstatus

Default options
Values Label
0 Not attempted
1 Auto installed
2 Already installed
3 Teams admin blocked
4 Unauthorized
5 No Solution
6 No Graph API
7 Resource Disabled
datavalidationmodeforexporttoexcel Edm.Int32

Information that specifies the level of data validation in excel worksheets exported in a format suitable for import.

Display name: Data Validation Mode For Export To Excel

Default options
Values Label
0 Full
1 None
dateformatcode Edm.Int32

Information about how the date is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

dateformatstring Edm.String

String showing how the date is displayed throughout Microsoft 365.

dateseparator Edm.String

Character used to separate the month, the day, and the year in dates in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

decimalsymbol Edm.String

Symbol used for decimal in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

defaultcalendarview Edm.Int32

Default calendar view for the user.

defaultcountrycode Edm.String

Text area to enter default country code.

Display name: Default Country Code

defaultdashboardid Edm.Guid

Unique identifier of the default dashboard.

defaultsearchexperience Edm.Int32

Default search experience for the user.

Display name: Default Search Experience

Default options
Values Label
2 Use last search
0 Relevance search
1 Categorized search
3 Custom search
entityformmode Edm.Int32

Indicates the form mode to be used.

Display name: Form Mode

Default options
Values Label
0 Organization default
1 Read-optimized
2 Edit
fullnameconventioncode Edm.Int32

Order in which names are to be displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

getstartedpanecontentenabled Edm.Boolean

Information that specifies whether the Get Started pane in lists is enabled.

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
helplanguageid Edm.Int32

Unique identifier of the Help language.

homepagearea Edm.String

Web site home page for the user.

homepagelayout Edm.String

Configuration of the home page layout.

homepagesubarea Edm.String

Web site page for the user.

ignoreunsolicitedemail Edm.Boolean

Information that specifies whether a user account is to ignore unsolicited email (deprecated).

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
incomingemailfilteringmethod Edm.Int32

Incoming email filtering method.

Display name: Incoming Email Filtering Method

Default options
Values Label
0 All email messages
1 Email messages in response to Dynamics 365 email
2 Email messages from Dynamics 365 Leads, Contacts and Accounts
3 Email messages from Dynamics 365 records that are email enabled
4 No email messages
isappsforcrmalertdismissed Edm.Boolean

Show or dismiss alert for Apps for 365.

Display name: Show alert for Apps for 365.

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
isautodatacaptureenabled Edm.Boolean

Indicates whether to use the Auto Capture feature enabled or not.

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
isdefaultcountrycodecheckenabled Edm.Boolean

Enable or disable country code selection .

Display name: Enable Default Country Code

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
isduplicatedetectionenabledwhengoingonline Edm.Boolean

Indicates if duplicate detection is enabled when going online.

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
isemailconversationviewenabled Edm.Boolean

Enable or disable email conversation view on timeline wall selection.

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
isguidedhelpenabled Edm.Boolean

Enable or disable guided help.

Display name: Enable Default Guided Help

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
isresourcebookingexchangesyncenabled Edm.Boolean

Indicates if the synchronization of user resource booking with Exchange is enabled at user level.

Display name: Resource booking synchronization enabled

Default options
Values Label
1 Enabled
0 Disabled
issendasallowed Edm.Boolean

Indicates if send as other user privilege is enabled or not.

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
lastalertsviewedtime Edm.DateTimeOffset

Shows the last time when the traces were read from the database.

lastmodifiedtimeforviewpersonalizationsettings Edm.DateTimeOffset

Stores the timestamp for when the ViewPersonalizationSettings attribute was updated for this user in the UserEntityUISettings table.

Display name: Last modified timestamp for the view personalization settings in UserEntityUISettings table

localeid Edm.Int32

Unique identifier of the user locale.

longdateformatcode Edm.Int32

Information that specifies how Long Date is displayed throughout Microsoft 365.

modifiedon Edm.DateTimeOffset

Date and time when the user settings object was last modified.

Read only
negativecurrencyformatcode Edm.Int32

Information that specifies how negative currency numbers are displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

negativeformatcode Edm.Int32

Information that specifies how negative numbers are displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

nexttrackingnumber Edm.Int32

Next tracking number.

numbergroupformat Edm.String

Information that specifies how numbers are grouped in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

numberseparator Edm.String

Symbol used for number separation in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

offlinesyncinterval Edm.Int32

Normal polling frequency used for background offline synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook.

outlooksyncinterval Edm.Int32

Normal polling frequency used for record synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook.

paginglimit Edm.Int32

Information that specifies how many items to list on a page in list views.

personalizationsettings Edm.String

For internal use only.

pmdesignator Edm.String

PM designator to use in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

releasechannel Edm.Int32

Model app channel override

Display name: Model app channel override

Default options
Values Label
0 None
1 Semi-annual channel override
2 Monthly channel override
3 Inner channel override
reportscripterrors Edm.Int32

Picklist for selecting the user preference for reporting scripting errors.

Display name: Report Script Errors

Default options
Values Label
1 Ask me for permission to send an error report to Microsoft
2 Automatically send an error report to Microsoft without asking me for permission
3 Never send an error report to Microsoft about Microsoft Dynamics 365
resourcebookingexchangesyncversion Edm.Int64

The version number for resource booking synchronization with Exchange.

Display name: User resource booking synchronization version

selectedglobalfilterid Edm.Guid

Store selected customer service hub dashboard saved filter id.

showweeknumber Edm.Boolean

Information that specifies whether to display the week number in calendar displays in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
splitviewstate Edm.Boolean

For Internal use only

Default options
Values Label
1 Expanded
0 Collapsed
synccontactcompany Edm.Boolean

Indicates if the company field in Microsoft Office Outlook items are set during Outlook synchronization.

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
systemuserid Edm.Guid

Unique identifier of the user.

tablescopeddvsearchfeatureteachingbubbleviews Edm.Int32

The number of times a user has interacted with the Tabled Scoped Dataverse Search feature teaching bubble.

Display name: Table Scoped Dataverse Search Feature Teaching Bubble Views

tablescopeddvsearchquickfindteachingbubbleviews Edm.Int32

The number of times a user has interacted with the Tabled Scoped Dataverse Search Quick Find teaching bubble.

Display name: Table Scoped Dataverse Search Quick Find Teaching Bubble Views

timeformatcode Edm.Int32

Information that specifies how the time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

timeformatstring Edm.String

Text for how time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

timeseparator Edm.String

Text for how time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

timezonebias Edm.Int32

Local time zone adjustment for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

timezonecode Edm.Int32

Local time zone for the user.

timezonedaylightbias Edm.Int32

Local time zone daylight adjustment for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

timezonedaylightday Edm.Int32

Local time zone daylight day for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

timezonedaylightdayofweek Edm.Int32

Local time zone daylight day of week for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected in Options.

timezonedaylighthour Edm.Int32

Local time zone daylight hour for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

timezonedaylightminute Edm.Int32

Local time zone daylight minute for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

timezonedaylightmonth Edm.Int32

Local time zone daylight month for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

timezonedaylightsecond Edm.Int32

Local time zone daylight second for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

timezonedaylightyear Edm.Int32

Local time zone daylight year for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

timezonestandardbias Edm.Int32

Local time zone standard time bias for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

timezonestandardday Edm.Int32

Local time zone standard day for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

timezonestandarddayofweek Edm.Int32

Local time zone standard day of week for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

timezonestandardhour Edm.Int32

Local time zone standard hour for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

timezonestandardminute Edm.Int32

Local time zone standard minute for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

timezonestandardmonth Edm.Int32

Local time zone standard month for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

timezonestandardsecond Edm.Int32

Local time zone standard second for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

timezonestandardyear Edm.Int32

Local time zone standard year for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

trackingtokenid Edm.Int32

Tracking token ID.

trytogglesets Edm.String

The list of app modules with try toggle sets

Display name: TryToggleSets

trytogglestatus Edm.Boolean

Enable or disable try toggle status.

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
uilanguageid Edm.Int32

Unique identifier of the language in which to view the user interface (UI).

usecrmformforappointment Edm.Boolean

Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 appointment form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new appointments.

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
usecrmformforcontact Edm.Boolean

Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 contact form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new contacts.

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
usecrmformforemail Edm.Boolean

Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 email form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new emails.

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
usecrmformfortask Edm.Boolean

Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 task form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new tasks.

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
useimagestrips Edm.Boolean

Indicates whether image strips are used to render images.

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
userprofile Edm.String

Specifies user profile ids in comma separated list.

versionnumber Edm.Int64
Read only
visualizationpanelayout Edm.Int32

The layout of the visualization pane.

Display name: Visualization Pane Layout.

Default options
Values Label
0 Top-bottom
1 Side-by-side
workdaystarttime Edm.String

Workday start time for the user.

workdaystoptime Edm.String

Workday stop time for the user.

Lookup properties

Lookup properties are read-only, computed properties which contain entity primary key Edm.Guid data for one or more corresponding single-valued navigation properties. More information: Lookup properties and Lookup property data.

Name Single-valued navigation property Description
_createdby_value createdby

Unique identifier of the user who created the user settings.

_createdonbehalfby_value createdonbehalfby

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the usersettings.

_modifiedby_value modifiedby

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the user settings.

_modifiedonbehalfby_value modifiedonbehalfby

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the usersettings.

_preferredsolution_value preferredsolution

Preferred Solution when create a component without under a solution in this organization

_transactioncurrencyid_value transactioncurrencyid

Unique identifier of the default currency of the user.

Single-valued navigation properties

Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced. Each single-valued navigation property has a corresponding partner collection-valued navigation property on the related entity.

Name Type Partner
businessunitid_businessunit businessunit business_unit_user_settings
createdby systemuser lk_usersettingsbase_createdby
createdonbehalfby systemuser lk_usersettings_createdonbehalfby
modifiedby systemuser lk_usersettingsbase_modifiedby
modifiedonbehalfby systemuser lk_usersettings_modifiedonbehalfby
preferredsolution solution user_settings_preferred_solution
systemuserid_systemuser systemuser user_settings
transactioncurrencyid transactioncurrency transactioncurrency_usersettings

See also