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Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key


The Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation generates a new shared key with a specified character length.


The Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key request may be specified as follows. Replace <subscription-id> with the subscription ID, <virtual-network-name> with the name of the virtual network associated with the gateway, and <local-network-site-name> with the name of the local network site associated with the shared key.


Request URI

PUT <subscription-id>/services/networking/<virtual-network-name>/gateway/connection/<local-network-site-name>/sharedkey

URI Parameters


Request Headers

The following table describes the request headers.

Request Header



Required. Specifies the version of the operation to use for this request. The value for this header should be set to 2012-03-01 or higher.

Request Body

The format of the request body is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ResetSharedKey xmlns="">

The following table describes the elements in the request body.

Response Element



Required. Specifies the number of characters in the shared key. The key length must be between 1 and 128 characters.


The response includes an HTTP status code, a response body, and a set of response headers.

Status Code

A successful operation returns status code 202 (Accept). If another instance of this operation is already in progress on the subscription, virtual network and local network site, a status code of 409 (Conflict) is returned.

Response Headers

The response for this operation includes the following headers. The response may also include additional standard HTTP headers.

Response Header



A value that uniquely identifies a request made against the management service.

Response Body

The format of the response body is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GatewayOperationAsyncResponse xmlns="">

The following table describes the elements in the response body.

Response Element



Uniquely identifies the operation. To get more information about the status of an operation, such as whether it is still executing or complete, you can call Get Virtual Network Gateway Operation Status with the operation ID.