Viewing Code Groups
You can view a simple list of code groups belonging to a policy level, or a list that includes the names and descriptions of the code groups.
To list the code groups for a policy level
Type the following command at the command prompt:
caspol [-enterprise|-machine|-user|-all] –listgroups
Specify the policy-level option before the –listgroups option. If you omit the policy-level option, Caspol.exe lists the code groups at the default policy level. For computer administrators, the default level is the machine policy level; for others, it is the user policy level.
The following command lists the code groups at the user policy level.
caspol –user -listgroups
To list the code group names and descriptions for a policy level
Type the following command at the command prompt:
caspol [-enterprise|-machine|-user|-all] –listdescription
If you omit the policy-level option, Caspol.exe lists the code groups at the default level.
The following command lists the code groups and descriptions for all policy levels (enterprise, machine, and user).
caspol –all –listdescription
See Also
Configuring Security Policy Using the Code Access Security Policy Tool (Caspol.exe) | Configuring Code Groups Using Caspol.exe | Security Policy Model | Code Access Security Policy Tool (Caspol.exe)