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Types valeur boxed

Les types valeur boxed peuvent être parfois modifiés dans les cas où vous pensez avoir distribué une copie du type qui ne peut pas modifier l'original. Lorsque vous retournez un type valeur boxed, vous retournez une référence au type valeur lui-même plutôt qu'une référence à une copie du type valeur. Le code ayant appelé votre code peut ainsi modifier la valeur de votre variable.

L'exemple suivant montre comment des types valeur boxed peuvent être modifiés à l'aide d'une référence.

Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Collections

Class bug
    ' Suppose you have an API element that exposes a 
    ' field through a property with only a get accessor.
    Public m_Property As Object
    Public Property [Property]() As [Object]
            Return m_Property
        End Get
            m_Property = value ' (if applicable)
        End Set
    End Property
    ' You can modify the value of j by using 
    ' the byref method with this signature.
    Public Shared Sub m1(ByRef j As Integer)
        j = Int32.MaxValue
    End Sub 
    Public Shared Sub m2(ByRef j As ArrayList)
        j = New ArrayList()
    End Sub 'm2
    'Entry point that delegates to C-style main private function.
    Public Overloads Shared Sub Main()
    End Sub
    Overloads Public Shared Sub Main(args() As [String])
        Console.WriteLine("////// doing this with a value type")
        If (True) Then
            Dim b As New bug()
            b.m_Property = 4
            Dim objArr() As [Object] = {b.Property}
            GetType(bug).GetMethod("m1").Invoke(Nothing, objArr)
            ' Note that the property changes.
        End If
        Console.WriteLine("////// doing this with a normal type")
        If (True) Then
            Dim b As New bug()
            Dim al As New ArrayList()
            b.m_Property = al
            Dim objArr() As [Object] = {b.Property}
            Console.WriteLine(CType(b.m_Property, ArrayList).Count)
            GetType(bug).GetMethod("m2").Invoke(Nothing, objArr)
            ' Note that the property does not change.
            Console.WriteLine(CType(b.m_Property, ArrayList).Count)
            Console.WriteLine(CType(objArr(0), ArrayList).Count)
        End If
    End Sub 
End Class 
using System; 
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Threading; 
using System.Collections; 
class bug {
// Suppose you have an API element that exposes a 
// field through a property with only a get accessor.
public object m_Property;
public Object Property {
    get { return m_Property;}
    set {m_Property = value;} // (if applicable)
// You can modify the value of j by using 
// the byref method with this signature.
public static void m1( ref int j ) {
    j = Int32.MaxValue;
public static void m2( ref ArrayList j )
    j = new ArrayList();
public static void Main(String[] args)
    Console.WriteLine( "////// doing this with a value type" );
        bug b = new bug();
        b.m_Property = 4;
        Object[] objArr = new Object[]{b.Property};
        Console.WriteLine( b.m_Property );
        typeof(bug).GetMethod( "m1" ).Invoke( null, objArr );
        // Note that the property changes.
        Console.WriteLine( b.m_Property ); 
        Console.WriteLine( objArr[0] );
    Console.WriteLine( "////// doing this with a normal type" );
        bug b = new bug();
        ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
        b.m_Property = al;
        Object[] objArr = new Object[]{b.Property};
        Console.WriteLine( ((ArrayList)(b.m_Property)).Count );
        typeof(bug).GetMethod( "m2" ).Invoke( null, objArr );
        // Note that the property does not change.
        Console.WriteLine( ((ArrayList)(b.m_Property)).Count ); 
        Console.WriteLine( ((ArrayList)(objArr[0])).Count );

Le code précédent affiche ce qui suit sur la console :

////// doing this with a value type
////// doing this with a normal type

Voir aussi

Indications de codage sécurisé