HtmlMeta Server Control Declarative Syntax
Creates a server-side control that maps to the meta HTML element and allows you to create a container for data about the rendered page, but not page content itself.
OnDataBinding="OnDataBinding event handler"
OnDisposed="OnDisposed event handler"
OnInit="OnInit event handler"
OnLoad="OnLoad event handler"
OnPreRender="OnPreRender event handler"
OnUnload="OnUnload event handler"
The HtmlMeta control provides programmatic access to the HTML meta element on the server. The meta element is a container for data about the rendered page, but not page content itself. The meta tag is placed between the opening and closing head elements. Each meta element describes a metadata property name and its associated value.
The following code example demonstrates how to use the HtmlMeta control declaratively. This <meta>
element lists keywords describing the Web page, which could be used by a search engine.
<head runat="server">
<title>HtmlMeta Control</title>
<meta id="Meta1" content="page keywords"
name="keywords" runat="server" />
<head runat="server">
<title>HtmlMeta Control</title>
<meta id="Meta1" content="page keywords"
name="keywords" runat="server" />