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Event Handling in COM 

In COM event handling, you set up an event source and event receiver using the event_source and event_receiver attributes, respectively, specifying type=com. These attributes inject the appropriate code for custom, dispatch, and dual interfaces to allow the classes to which they are applied to fire events and handle events through COM connection points.

Declaring Events

In an event source class, use the __event keyword on an interface declaration to declare that interface's methods as events. The events of that interface are fired when you call them as interface methods. Methods on event interfaces can have zero or more parameters (which should all be in parameters). The return type can be void or any integral type.

Defining Event Handlers

In an event receiver class, you define event handlers, which are methods with signatures (return types, calling conventions, and arguments) that match the event that they will handle. For COM events, calling conventions do not have to match; see Layout Dependent COM Events below for details.

Hooking Event Handlers to Events

Also in an event receiver class, you use the intrinsic function __hook to associate events with event handlers and __unhook to dissociate events from event handlers. You can hook several events to an event handler, or several event handlers to an event.


Typically, there are two techniques to allow a COM event receiver to access event source interface definitions. The first, as shown below, is to share a common header file. The second is to use #import with the embedded_idl import qualifier, so that the event source type library is written to the .tlh file with the attribute-generated code preserved.

Firing Events

To fire an event, simply call a method in the interface declared with the __event keyword in the event source class. If handlers have been hooked to the event, the handlers will be called.

COM Event Code

The following example shows how to fire an event in a COM class. To compile and run the example, refer to the comments in the code.

// evh_server.h
#pragma once

[ dual, uuid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001") ]
__interface IEvents {
   [id(1)] HRESULT MyEvent([in] int value);

[ dual, uuid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002") ]
__interface IEventSource {
   [id(1)] HRESULT FireEvent();

class DECLSPEC_UUID("530DF3AD-6936-3214-A83B-27B63C7997C4") CSource;

And then the server:

// evh_server.cpp
// compile with: /LD
// post-build command: Regsvr32.exe /s evh_server.dll
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlcom.h>
#include "evh_server.h"

[ module(dll, name="EventSource", uuid="6E46B59E-89C3-4c15-A6D8-B8A1CEC98830") ];

[coclass, event_source(com), uuid("530DF3AD-6936-3214-A83B-27B63C7997C4")]
class CSource : public IEventSource {
   __event __interface IEvents; 

   HRESULT FireEvent() {
      __raise MyEvent(123);
      return S_OK;

And then the client:

// evh_client.cpp
// compile with: /link /OPT:NOREF
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlcom.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "evh_server.h"

[ module(name="EventReceiver") ];

[ event_receiver(com) ]
class CReceiver {
   HRESULT MyHandler1(int nValue) {
      printf_s("MyHandler1 was called with value %d.\n", nValue);
      return S_OK;

   HRESULT MyHandler2(int nValue) {
      printf_s("MyHandler2 was called with value %d.\n", nValue);
      return S_OK;

   void HookEvent(IEventSource* pSource) {
      __hook(&IEvents::MyEvent, pSource, &CReceiver::MyHandler1);
      __hook(&IEvents::MyEvent, pSource, &CReceiver::MyHandler2);

   void UnhookEvent(IEventSource* pSource) {
      __unhook(&IEvents::MyEvent, pSource, &CReceiver::MyHandler1);
      __unhook(&IEvents::MyEvent, pSource, &CReceiver::MyHandler2);

int main() {
   // Create COM object
      IEventSource* pSource = 0;
      HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(CSource), NULL,         CLSCTX_ALL, __uuidof(IEventSource), (void **) &pSource);
      if (FAILED(hr)) {
         return -1;

      // Create receiver and fire event
      CReceiver receiver;
   return 0;


MyHandler1 was called with value 123.
MyHandler2 was called with value 123.

Layout Dependent COM Events

Layout dependency is only an issue for COM programming. In native and managed event handling, the signatures (return type, calling convention, and arguments) of the handlers must match their events, but the handler names do not have to match their events.

However, in COM event handling, when you set the layout_dependent parameter of event_receiver to true, the name and signature matching is enforced. This means that the names and signatures of the handlers in the event receiver must exactly match the names and signatures of the events to which they are hooked.

When layout_dependent is set to false, the calling convention and storage class (virtual, static, and so on) can be mixed and matched between the firing event method and the hooking methods (its delegates). It is slightly more efficient to have layout_dependent=true.

For example, suppose IEventSource is defined to have the following methods:

[id(1)] HRESULT MyEvent1([in] int value);
[id(2)] HRESULT MyEvent2([in] int value);

Assume the event source has the following form:

[coclass, event_source(com)]
class CSource : public IEventSource {
   __event __interface IEvents;

   HRESULT FireEvent() {
      return S_OK;

Then, in the event receiver, any handler hooked to a method in IEventSource must match its name and signature, as follows:

[coclass, event_receiver(com, true)]
class CReceiver {
   HRESULT MyEvent1(int nValue) {  // name and signature matches MyEvent1
   HRESULT MyEvent2(E c, char* pc) {  // signature doesn't match MyEvent2
   HRESULT MyHandler1(int nValue) {  // name doesn't match MyEvent1 (or 2)
   void HookEvent(IEventSource* pSource) {
      __hook(IFace, pSource);  // Hooks up all name-matched events 
                               // under layout_dependent = true
      __hook(&IFace::MyEvent1, pSource, &CReceive::MyEvent1);   // valid
      __hook(&IFace::MyEvent2, pSource, &CSink::MyEvent2);   // not valid
      __hook(&IFace::MyEvent1, pSource, &CSink:: MyHandler1); // not valid

See Also


Event Handling