The LogEventOnRecycle property specifies that IIS should log an event when an application pool is recycled. Application pools recycle for a variety of reasons. In order for IIS to log the event, the LogEventOnRecycle property must have a bit set corresponding to the reason for the recycle.
Schema Attributes
Attribute Name |
Value |
AppPoolRecycleMemory |
AppPoolRecycleTime | AppPoolRecycleMemory | AppPoolRecyclePrivateMemory |
Not specified |
Not specified |
9037 |
Configurable Locations
You can configure this property at the following locations in the IIS metabase.
Metabase Path |
IIS Admin Object Type |
/LM/W3SVC/AppPools/application_pool_name |
IIsApplicationPool |
/LM/W3SVC/AppPools |
IIsApplicationPools |
Flag Name |
AppPoolRecycleConfigChange |
Versions Applicable |
[IIS 6.0] |
Description |
Caution This feature of IIS 6.0 is available only when IIS is running in worker process isolation mode. For more information, see Recycling Worker Processes. Setting this flag to true causes IIS to log the event (the worker process is recycled after configuration changes are made). |
64 (hex 0x00000040) |
6306 |
Flag Name |
AppPoolRecycleIsapiUnhealthy |
Versions Applicable |
[IIS 6.0] |
Description |
Caution This feature of IIS 6.0 is available only when IIS is running in worker process isolation mode. For more information, see Recycling Worker Processes. Setting this flag to true causes IIS to log the event (the worker process is recycled if IIS finds that an ISAPI is unhealthy). |
16 (hex 0x00000010) |
6304 |
Flag Name |
AppPoolRecycleMemory |
Versions Applicable |
[IIS 6.0] |
Description |
Caution This feature of IIS 6.0 is available only when IIS is running in worker process isolation mode. For more information, see Recycling Worker Processes. Setting this flag to true causes IIS to log the event (the worker processis recycled once a specified amount of used or virtual memory memory, expressed in megabytes, is in use). |
8 (hex 0x00000008) |
6303 |
Flag Name |
AppPoolRecycleOnDemand |
Versions Applicable |
[IIS 6.0] |
Description |
Caution This feature of IIS 6.0 is available only when IIS is running in worker process isolation mode. For more information, see Recycling Worker Processes. Setting this flag to true causes IIS to log the event (the worker process is recycled on demand by an administrator). |
32 (hex 0x00000020) |
6305 |
Flag Name |
AppPoolRecyclePrivateMemory |
Versions Applicable |
[IIS 6.0] |
Description |
Caution This feature of IIS 6.0 is available only when IIS is running in worker process isolation mode. For more information, see Recycling Worker Processes. Setting this flag to true causes IIS to log the event (the worker process is recycled when private memory reaches a specified amount). |
128 (hex 0x00000080) |
6307 |
Flag Name |
AppPoolRecycleRequests |
Versions Applicable |
[IIS 6.0] |
Description |
Caution This feature of IIS 6.0 is available only when IIS is running in worker process isolation mode. For more information, see Recycling Worker Processes. Setting this flag to true causes IIS to log the event (the worker process is recycled after a specified number of requests). |
2 (hex 0x00000002) |
6301 |
Flag Name |
AppPoolRecycleSchedule |
Versions Applicable |
[IIS 6.0] |
Description |
Caution This feature of IIS 6.0 is available only when IIS is running in worker process isolation mode. For more information, see Recycling Worker Processes. Setting this flag to true causes IIS to log the event ( the worker process is recycled at specified times). |
4 (hex 0x00000004) |
6302 |
Flag Name |
AppPoolRecycleTime |
Versions Applicable |
[IIS 6.0] |
Description |
Caution This feature of IIS 6.0 is available only when IIS is running in worker process isolation mode. For more information, see Recycling Worker Processes. Setting this flag to true causes IIS to log the event (the worker process is recycled after a specified elapsed time). |
1 (hex 0x00000001) |
6300 |
Server: Requires or Windows Server 2003.
Product: IIS