IIsMimeType.MimeType (ADSI)
The MimeType method gets or sets a string indicating a MIME type, for example, "text/xml". Also use Extension to set the file name extension that is mapped to this MIME type.
objIIsMimeType.MimeType = <MIME type>
Code Example
Dim MimeMapObj
Dim MimeMapList
Dim NewMimeMapSize
' Use GetEx to retrieve the MimeMap Array
Set MimeMapObj = GetObject("IIS://localhost/MimeMap")
MimeMapList = MimeMapObj.GetEx("MimeMap")
' Create a new item in the array
NewMimeMapSize = UBound(MimeMapList) + 1
Redim preserve MimeMapList (NewMimeMapSize)
' Create our new MimeType item
Set MimeMapList(NewMimeMapSize) = CreateObject("MimeMap")
MimeMapList(NewMimeMapSize).Extension = ".log"
MimeMapList(NewMimeMapSize).MimeType = "text/plain"
' Use PutEx to UPDATE the MimeMap array with our new array
MimeMapObj.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_UPDATE, "MimeMap", MimeMapList
Client: Requires Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 Professional, or Windows NT Workstation 4.0.
Server: Requires Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, or Windows NT Server 4.0.
Product: IIS