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Error and Success Codes

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

Error and Success Codes

Microsoft® DirectShow® returns error and success notifications (return codes) to applications in the form of HRESULT values. A return code's LOWORD portion is the return code itself, in hexadecimal format.

This article contains the following sections:

  • HRESULT Values Specific to DirectShow
  • HRESULT Values Specific to DirectShow Editing Services

See Also

HRESULT Values Specific to DirectShow

The following table contains DirectShow-specific error and success codes in numerical order. Return codes beginning with VFW_S_ indicate success. An operation might partially succeed and still have a successful return value. For example, VFW_S_SOME_DATA_IGNORED indicates that a file was rendered by ignoring some of its property settings. Return codes beginning with VFW_E_ indicate an error.

These values are defined in the header file vfwmsgs.h.

Return code Description Hexadecimal value
VFW_S_NO_MORE_ITEMS Reached the end of the list; no more items in the list. (Filter developers: The CBasePin::GetMediaType method is expected to return this value.) 0x00040103
VFW_S_DUPLICATE_NAME An attempt to add a filter with a duplicate name succeeded with a modified name. 0x0004022D
VFW_S_STATE_INTERMEDIATE The state transition is not complete. 0x00040237
VFW_S_PARTIAL_RENDER Some of the streams are in an unsupported format. 0x00040242
VFW_S_SOME_DATA_IGNORED The file contained some property settings that were not used. 0x00040245
VFW_S_CONNECTIONS_DEFERRED Some connections failed and were deferred. 0x00040246
VFW_S_RESOURCE_NOT_NEEDED The resource specified is no longer needed. 0x00040250
VFW_S_MEDIA_TYPE_IGNORED A GraphEdit (.grf) file was loaded successfully, but at least two pins were connected using a different media type than the media type stored in the GraphEdit file. 0x00040254
VFW_S_VIDEO_NOT_RENDERED Cannot play back the video stream: could not find a suitable renderer. 0x00040257
VFW_S_AUDIO_NOT_RENDERED Cannot play back the audio stream: could not find a suitable renderer. 0x00040258
VFW_S_RPZA Cannot play back the video stream: format 'RPZA' is not supported. 0x0004025A
VFW_S_ESTIMATED The value returned had to be estimated. Its accuracy can't be guaranteed. 0x00040260
VFW_S_RESERVED This success code is reserved for internal purposes within DirectShow. 0x00040263
VFW_S_STREAM_OFF The stream was turned off. 0x00040267
VFW_S_CANT_CUE The filter is active, but cannot deliver data. See IMediaFilter::GetState. 0x00040268
VFW_S_NOPREVIEWPIN Preview was rendered throught the Smart Tee filter, because the capture filter does not have a preview pin. 0x0004027E
VFW_S_DVD_NON_ONE_SEQUENTIAL The current title is not a sequential set of chapters (PGC), so the timing information might not be continuous. 0x00040280
VFW_S_DVD_CHANNEL_CONTENTS_NOT_AVAILABLE The audio stream does not contain enough information to determine the contents of each channel. 0x0004028C
VFW_S_DVD_NOT_ACCURATE The seek operation on the DVD was not frame accurate. 0x0004028D
VFW_E_INVALIDMEDIATYPE The specified media type is invalid. 0x80040200
VFW_E_INVALIDSUBTYPE The specified media subtype is invalid. 0x80040201
VFW_E_NEED_OWNER This object can only be created as an aggregated object. 0x80040202
VFW_E_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC The state of the enumerated object has changed and is now inconsistent with the state of the enumerator. Discard any data obtained from previous calls to the enumerator and then update the enumerator by calling the enumerator's Reset method. 0x80040203
VFW_E_ALREADY_CONNECTED At least one of the pins involved in the operation is already connected. 0x80040204
VFW_E_FILTER_ACTIVE This operation cannot be performed because the filter is active. 0x80040205
VFW_E_NO_TYPES One of the specified pins supports no media types. 0x80040206
VFW_E_NO_ACCEPTABLE_TYPES There is no common media type between these pins. 0x80040207
VFW_E_INVALID_DIRECTION Two pins of the same direction cannot be connected. 0x80040208
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected. 0x80040209
VFW_E_NO_ALLOCATOR No sample buffer allocator is available. 0x8004020A
VFW_E_RUNTIME_ERROR A run-time error occurred. 0x8004020B
VFW_E_BUFFER_NOTSET No buffer space has been set. 0x8004020C
VFW_E_BUFFER_OVERFLOW The buffer is not big enough. 0x8004020D
VFW_E_BADALIGN An invalid alignment was specified. 0x8004020E
VFW_E_ALREADY_COMMITTED The allocator was not committed. See IMemAllocator::Commit. 0x8004020F
VFW_E_BUFFERS_OUTSTANDING One or more buffers are still active. 0x80040210
VFW_E_NOT_COMMITTED Cannot allocate a sample when the allocator is not active. 0x80040211
VFW_E_SIZENOTSET Cannot allocate memory because no size has been set. 0x80040212
VFW_E_NO_CLOCK Cannot lock for synchronization because no clock has been defined. 0x80040213
VFW_E_NO_SINK Quality messages could not be sent because no quality sink has been defined. 0x80040214
VFW_E_NO_INTERFACE A required interface has not been implemented. 0x80040215
VFW_E_NOT_FOUND An object or name was not found. 0x80040216
VFW_E_CANNOT_CONNECT No combination of intermediate filters could be found to make the connection. 0x80040217
VFW_E_CANNOT_RENDER No combination of filters could be found to render the stream. 0x80040218
VFW_E_CHANGING_FORMAT Could not change formats dynamically. 0x80040219
VFW_E_NO_COLOR_KEY_SET No color key has been set. 0x8004021A
VFW_E_NOT_OVERLAY_CONNECTION Current pin connection is not using the IOverlay transport . 0x8004021B
VFW_E_NOT_SAMPLE_CONNECTION Current pin connection is not using the IMemInputPin transport. 0x8004021C
VFW_E_PALETTE_SET Setting a color key would conflict with the palette already set. 0x8004021D
VFW_E_COLOR_KEY_SET Setting a palette would conflict with the color key already set. 0x8004021E
VFW_E_NO_COLOR_KEY_FOUND No matching color key is available. 0x8004021F
VFW_E_NO_PALETTE_AVAILABLE No palette is available. 0x80040220
VFW_E_NO_DISPLAY_PALETTE Display does not use a palette. 0x80040221
VFW_E_TOO_MANY_COLORS Too many colors for the current display settings. 0x80040222
VFW_E_STATE_CHANGED The state changed while waiting to process the sample. 0x80040223
VFW_E_NOT_STOPPED The operation could not be performed because the filter is not stopped. 0x80040224
VFW_E_NOT_PAUSED The operation could not be performed because the filter is not paused. 0x80040225
VFW_E_NOT_RUNNING The operation could not be performed because the filter is not running. 0x80040226
VFW_E_WRONG_STATE The operation could not be performed because the filter is in the wrong state. 0x80040227
VFW_E_START_TIME_AFTER_END The sample start time is after the sample end time. 0x80040228
VFW_E_INVALID_RECT The supplied rectangle is invalid. 0x80040229
VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED This pin cannot use the supplied media type. 0x8004022A
VFW_E_SAMPLE_REJECTED This sample cannot be rendered. 0x8004022B
VFW_E_SAMPLE_REJECTED_EOS This sample cannot be rendered because the end of the stream has been reached. 0x8004022C
VFW_E_DUPLICATE_NAME An attempt to add a filter with a duplicate name failed. 0x8004022D
VFW_E_TIMEOUT A time-out has expired. 0x8004022E
VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT The file format is invalid. 0x8004022F
VFW_E_ENUM_OUT_OF_RANGE The list has already been exhausted. 0x80040230
VFW_E_CIRCULAR_GRAPH The filter graph is circular. 0x80040231
VFW_E_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_SAVE Updates are not allowed in this state. 0x80040232
VFW_E_TIME_ALREADY_PASSED An attempt was made to queue a command for a time in the past. 0x80040233
VFW_E_ALREADY_CANCELLED The queued command was already canceled. 0x80040234
VFW_E_CORRUPT_GRAPH_FILE Cannot render the file because it is corrupt. 0x80040235
VFW_E_ADVISE_ALREADY_SET An IOverlay advise link already exists. 0x80040236
VFW_E_NO_MODEX_AVAILABLE No full-screen modes are available. 0x80040238
VFW_E_NO_ADVISE_SET This advise cannot be canceled because it was not successfully set. 0x80040239
VFW_E_NO_FULLSCREEN Full-screen mode is not available. 0x8004023A
VFW_E_IN_FULLSCREEN_MODE Cannot call IVideoWindow methods while in full-screen mode. 0x8004023B
VFW_E_UNKNOWN_FILE_TYPE The media type of this file is not recognized. 0x80040240
VFW_E_CANNOT_LOAD_SOURCE_FILTER The source filter for this file could not be loaded. 0x80040241
VFW_E_FILE_TOO_SHORT A file appeared to be incomplete. 0x80040243
VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_VERSION The file's version number is invalid. 0x80040244
VFW_E_INVALID_CLSID This file is corrupt: it contains an invalid class identifier. 0x80040247
VFW_E_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE This file is corrupt: it contains an invalid media type. 0x80040248
VFW_E_SAMPLE_TIME_NOT_SET No time stamp has been set for this sample. 0x80040249
VFW_E_MEDIA_TIME_NOT_SET No media time was set for this sample. 0x80040251
VFW_E_NO_TIME_FORMAT_SET No media time format was selected. 0x80040252
VFW_E_MONO_AUDIO_HW Cannot change balance because audio device is monoaural only. 0x80040253
VFW_E_NO_DECOMPRESSOR Cannot play back the video stream: could not find a suitable decompressor. 0x80040255
VFW_E_NO_AUDIO_HARDWARE Cannot play back the audio stream: no audio hardware is available, or the hardware is not supported. 0x80040256
VFW_E_RPZA Cannot play back the video stream: format 'RPZA' is not supported. 0x80040259
VFW_E_PROCESSOR_NOT_SUITABLE DirectShow cannot play MPEG movies on this processor. 0x8004025B
VFW_E_UNSUPPORTED_AUDIO Cannot play back the audio stream: the audio format is not supported. 0x8004025C
VFW_E_UNSUPPORTED_VIDEO Cannot play back the video stream: the video format is not supported. 0x8004025D
VFW_E_MPEG_NOT_CONSTRAINED DirectShow cannot play this video stream because it falls outside the constrained standard. 0x8004025E
VFW_E_NOT_IN_GRAPH Cannot perform the requested function on an object that is not in the filter graph. 0x8004025F
VFW_E_NO_TIME_FORMAT Cannot access the time format on an object. 0x80040261
VFW_E_READ_ONLY Could not make the connection because the stream is read-only and the filter alters the data. 0x80040262
VFW_E_BUFFER_UNDERFLOW The buffer is not full enough. 0x80040264
VFW_E_UNSUPPORTED_STREAM Cannot play back the file: the format is not supported. 0x80040265
VFW_E_NO_TRANSPORT Pins cannot connect because they don't support the same transport.

For example, the upstream filter might require the IAsyncReader interface, while the downstream filter requires IMemInputPin.

VFW_E_BAD_VIDEOCD The Video CD can't be read correctly by the device or the data is corrupt. 0x80040269
VFW_S_NO_STOP_TIME The sample had a start time but not a stop time. In this case, the stop time that is returned is set to the start time plus one. 0x80040270
VFW_E_OUT_OF_VIDEO_MEMORY There is not enough video memory at this display resolution and number of colors. Reducing resolution might help. 0x80040271
VFW_E_VP_NEGOTIATION_FAILED The video port connection negotiation process has failed. 0x80040272
VFW_E_DDRAW_CAPS_NOT_SUITABLE Either Microsoft® DirectDraw® has not been installed or the video card capabilities are not suitable. Make sure the display is not in 16-color mode. 0x80040273
VFW_E_NO_VP_HARDWARE No video port hardware is available, or the hardware is not responding. 0x80040274
VFW_E_NO_CAPTURE_HARDWARE No capture hardware is available, or the hardware is not responding. 0x80040275
VFW_E_DVD_OPERATION_INHIBITED This user operation is prohibited by DVD content at this time. 0x80040276
VFW_E_DVD_INVALIDDOMAIN This operation is not permitted in the current domain. 0x80040277
VFW_E_DVD_NO_BUTTON Requested button is not available. 0x80040278
VFW_E_DVD_GRAPHNOTREADY DVD-Video playback graph has not been built yet. 0x80040279
VFW_E_DVD_RENDERFAIL DVD-Video playback graph building failed. 0x8004027A
VFW_E_DVD_DECNOTENOUGH DVD-Video playback graph could not be built due to insufficient decoders. 0x8004027B
VFW_E_DDRAW_VERSION_NOT_SUITABLE The DirectDraw version number is not suitable. Make sure to install DirectX 5 or higher. 0x8004027C
VFW_E_COPYPROT_FAILED Copy protection could not be enabled. 0x8004027D
VFW_E_TIME_EXPIRED Seek command timed out. 0x8004027F
VFW_E_DVD_WRONG_SPEED The operation cannot be performed at the current playback speed. 0x80040281
VFW_E_DVD_MENU_DOES_NOT_EXIST The specified DVD menu does not exist. 0x80040282
VFW_E_DVD_CMD_CANCELLED The specified command was cancelled or no longer exists. 0x80040283
VFW_E_DVD_STATE_WRONG_VERSION The DVD state information contains the wrong version number. 0x80040284
VFW_E_DVD_STATE_CORRUPT The DVD state information is corrupted. 0x80040285
VFW_E_DVD_STATE_WRONG_DISC The DVD state information is from another disc and not the current disc. 0x80040286
VFW_E_DVD_INCOMPATIBLE_REGION The region is not compatible with the drive. 0x80040287
VFW_E_DVD_NO_ATTRIBUTES The requested attributes do not exist. 0x80040288
VFW_E_DVD_NO_GOUP_PGC The operation cannot be performed because no GoUp program chain (PGC) is available. 0x80040289
VFW_E_DVD_LOW_PARENTAL_LEVEL The operation is prohibited because the parental level is too low. 0x8004028A
VFW_E_DVD_NOT_IN_KARAOKE_MODE The DVD Navigator is not in karaoke mode. 0x8004028B
VFW_E_FRAME_STEP_UNSUPPORTED Frame stepping is not supported. 0x8004028E
VFW_E_DVD_STREAM_DISABLED The requested stream is disabled. 0x8004028F
VFW_E_DVD_TITLE_UNKNOWN The operation requires a title number, but there is no current title. This error can occur when the DVD Navigator is not in the Title domain or the Video Title Set Menu (VTSM) domain. 0x80040290
VFW_E_DVD_INVALID_DISC The specified path is not a valid DVD disc. 0x80040291
VFW_E_DVD_NO_RESUME_INFORMATION The Resume operation could not be completed, because there is no resume information. 0x80040292
VFW_E_PIN_ALREADY_BLOCKED_ON_THIS_THREAD Pin is already blocked on the calling thread. 0x80040293
VFW_E_PIN_ALREADY_BLOCKED Pin is already blocked on another thread. 0x80040294
VFW_E_CERTIFICATION_FAILURE Use of this filter is restricted by a software key. The application must unlock the filter. 0x80040295
VFW_E_VMR_NOT_IN_MIXER_MODE The Video Mixing Renderer (VMR) is not in mixing mode. Call IVMRFilterConfig::SetNumberOfStreams (VMR-7) or IVMRFilterConfig9::SetNumberOfStreams (VMR-9). 0x80040296
VFW_E_VMR_NO_AP_SUPPLIED The application has not yet provided the VMR filter with a valid allocator-presenter object. 0x80040297
VFW_E_VMR_NO_DEINTERLACE_HW The VMR could not find any de-interlacing hardware on the current display device. 0x80040298
VFW_E_VMR_NO_PROCAMP_HW The VMR could not find any hardware that supports ProcAmp controls on the current display device. 0x80040299
VFW_E_DVD_VMR9_INCOMPATIBLEDEC The hardware decoder uses video port extensions (VPE), which are not compatible with the VMR-9 filter. 0x8004029A
VFW_E_NO_COPP_HW The current display device does not support Content Output Protection Protocol (COPP); or the VMR has not connected to a display device yet. 0x8004029B
VFW_E_BAD_KEY A registry entry is corrupt. 0x800403F2
VFW_E_DVD_NONBLOCKING The DVD navigator cannot complete the requested operation, because another operation is still pending. 0x8004029C
VFW_E_DVD_TOO_MANY_RENDERERS_IN_FILTER_GRAPH The DVD Navigator cannot build the DVD playback graph because the graph contains more than one video renderer. 0x8004029D
VFW_E_DVD_NON_EVR_RENDERER_IN_FILTER_GRAPH The DVD Navigator cannot add the Enhanced Video Renderer (EVR) filter to the filter graph because the graph already contains a video renderer. 0x8004029E
VFW_E_DVD_RESOLUTION_ERROR DVD Video output is not at a proper resolution. 0x8004029F
VFW_E_CODECAPI_LINEAR_RANGE The specified codec parameter has a linear range, not an enumerated list. 0x80040310
VFW_E_CODECAPI_ENUMERATED The specified codec parameter has an enumerated range of values, not a linear range. 0x80040311
VFW_E_CODECAPI_NO_DEFAULT The specified codec parameter does not have a default value. 0x80040313
VFW_E_CODECAPI_NO_CURRENT_VALUE The specified codec parameter does not have a current value. 0x80040314
E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED The specified property identifier is not supported. 0x80070490
E_PROP_SET_UNSUPPORTED The specified property set is not supported. 0x80070492

HRESULT Values Specific to DirectShow Editing Services

In addition to the values listed previously, DirectShow Editing Services defines the following HRESULT values.

Return code Description Hexadecimal value Decimal value (LOWORD)
S_WARN_OUTPUTRESET The rendering portion of the graph was deleted. The application must rebuild it. 0x00009DD4 40404
E_NOTINTREE The object is not contained in the timeline. 0x80040400 1024
E_RENDER_ENGINE_IS_BROKEN Operation failed because project was not rendered successfully. 0x80040401 1025
E_MUST_INIT_RENDERER Render engine has not been initialized. 0x80040402 1026
E_NOTDETERMINED Cannot determine requested value. 0x80040403 1027
E_NO_TIMELINE There is no timeline object. 0x80040404 1028

See Also