Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Configuration.Design Namespace
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This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist. |
Class | Description | |
AddChildNodeCommand |
Represents a command that adds a ConfigurationNode as a child of the ConfigurationNode that this command is executing upon.
AddConfigurationApplicationNodeCommand |
Represents a command for adding a new ConfigurationApplicationNode.
BaseTypeAttribute |
Indicates the base class or interface that must be assignable from the type specified in the property that this attribute decorates.
CloseConfigurationApplicationCommand |
Represents a command that will close an ConfigurationApplicationNode and remove the IConfigurationUIHierarchy that it represents.
CommandExecutingEventArgs |
Provides data for a Executing event.
CommandRegistrar |
Represents an encapsulation for registering commands for a configuration design. The class is abstract.
ConfigurationApplicationFile |
Represents the file for a application's configuration.
ConfigurationApplicationNode |
Represents the root node of the configuration application.
ConfigurationDesignManager |
Represents the mechanism to register a configuration section(s) in the design time environment.
ConfigurationDesignManagerAttribute |
Indicates the IConfigurationDesignManager defined in an assembly.
ConfigurationError |
Represents an error that occurs while operating on a ConfigurationNode object.
ConfigurationNode |
Represents a designtime node for a particular configuration element. This class is abstract.
ConfigurationNodeChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the , , , and events.
ConfigurationNodeCommand |
Represents a command to execute against a ConfigurationNode.
ConfigurationNodeMovedEventArgs |
Provides data for the events.
ConfigurationSectionInfo |
Represents the information about a configuration section. This is used by a IConfigurationDesignManager.
ConfigurationSectionNode |
Base node for configuration sections.
ConfigurationSourceConfigurationDesignManager |
Represents the design manager for the configuration sources section.
ConfigurationSourceElementNode |
Represents a design time node for a ConfigurationSourceElement. The class is abstract.
ConfigurationSourceSectionNode |
Represents the design time node for the ConfigurationSourceSection.
ConfigurationUICommand |
Represents a way to describe a UI command.
ConfigurationUIHierarchy |
Provides hierarchy management for each configuration application.
ConfigurationUIHierarchyService |
Provides a container and management for IConfigurationUIHierarchy objects.
EditableKeyValue |
Represents a key value pair that is editable in the design time.
EnvironmentOverridableAttribute | ||
ErrorLogService |
Provides a service to collect errors while processing commands for nodes.
ExternalConfigurationFileStorageCreationAttribute |
Creates a storage creation command for configuration files.
ExternalConfigurationFileStorageCreationCommand |
Creates configuration stored in a external file.
FileConfigurationSourceElementNode |
Represents a design time node for the FileConfigurationSourceElement configuration.
FileStorageCreationCommand |
Creates configuration stored in a file. This class is abstract.
FilteredFileNameEditor |
Provides a user interface for selecting a file name.
FilteredFileNameEditorAttribute |
Specifies the properties for the FilteredFileNameEditor to use to change a property.
FlagsEditor |
Editor for flag enums.
HierarchyAddedEventArgs |
Provides data for the event of the IConfigurationUIHierarchyService.
HierarchyRemovedEventArgs |
Provides data for the event of the IConfigurationUIHierarchyService.
HierarchySavedEventArgs |
Provides data for the event of the IConfigurationUIHierarchyService.
ImageAttribute |
Defines the image to be associated with the ConfigurationNode.
InstrumentationConfigurationDesignManager |
Represents the design manager for the instrumentation section.
InstrumentationNode |
Represents the design time node for the InstrumentationConfigurationSection.
LinkNodeHelper |
Helper to link a nodes rename and remove events.
MoveDownConfigurationUICommand |
A command used to invoke the MoveNodeAfterCommand.
MoveNodeAfterCommand |
Represents a command that will move a ConfigurationNode after a given ConfigurationNode.
MoveNodeBeforeCommand |
Represents a command that will move a ConfigurationNode before a given ConfigurationNode.
MoveUpConfigurationUICommand |
A command used to invoke the MoveNodeBeforeCommand.
NodeBuilder |
Represents a base class to for use when building your node graph from your configuration objects.
NodeCreationEntry |
Represents a entry for the INodeCreationService that contains the data to create a node.
NodeCreationService |
Provides a service for creating nodes based on data types.
NodeImageAttribute |
Specifies the image to be displayed when a ConfigurationNode is viewed in the user interface.
NodeMapRegistrar |
A helper base class for registering node creation.
NodeNameCreationService |
Provides a service that can generate unique names for ConfigurationNode objects.
OpenConfigurationApplicationNodeCommand |
Represents a command that will open an application configuration.
OpenFileConfigurationApplicationNodeCommand |
Represents a command that will open an application configuration.
ReferenceEditor |
Provides a user interface that can edit a reference to another node at design time.
ReferenceTypeAttribute |
Specifies the Type that a node references.
RemoveNodeCommand |
Represents a command that will remove a node from it's associated IConfigurationUIHierarchy.
ResourceStringLoader |
Helper class to load resources strings.
SaveAsConfigurationApplicationNodeCommand |
SaveConfigurationApplicationNodeCommand |
Represents a command that will save an application configuration.
SaveFileEditor |
Provides a user interface for saving a file name.
SelectedImageAttribute |
Defines the image to be displayed when a ConfigurationNode is not selected in the user interface.
ServiceHelper |
A utility class to help with common service related activities.
SRCategoryAttribute |
Represents a localized CategoryAttribute.
SRDescriptionAttribute |
Represents a localized DescriptionAttribute.
StorageCreationAttribute |
Represents a mechanism to attribute properties that need a StorageCreationCommand. This class is abstract
StorageCreationCommand |
Creates the physical storage for configuration.
StorageCreationNodeCommand |
Creates the list of storage commands for the nodes.
StorageService |
Provides a list of storage commands in the current IConfigurationUIHierarchy.
SystemConfigurationSourceElementNode |
Represents a design time node for the SystemConfigurationSourceElement configuration.
TypeNodeNameFormatter |
Used to create a friendly name for configurations nodes that represent types.
TypeSelectorEditor |
Provides a user interface for seleting a Type.
TypeSelectorUI | Represents the UI for the assembly selector dialog. |
UICommandService |
Represents a service for ConfigurationUICommand objects.
ValidateNodeCommand |
Represents a command that will run the validation for the node the command encapsulates.
WaitCursor |
Provides a simple way to set a wait cursor (or other cursor) around a block of code.
Interface | Description | |
IConfigurationDesignManager |
Represents the object that will manage the design of configuration..
IConfigurationUIHierarchy |
Provides hierarchy management for each configuration application.
IConfigurationUIHierarchyService |
Provides a container and management for IConfigurationUIHierarchy objects.
IEnvironmentalOverridesSerializable | ||
IErrorLogService |
Provides a service to collect errors while processing commands for nodes.
INodeCreationService |
Provides a service for creating nodes based on data types.
INodeNameCreationService |
Provides a service that can generate unique names for ConfigurationNode objects.
IPluginDirectoryProvider |
IReadOnlyCollection<T> |
Represents a collection that is readonly.
IStorageService |
Provides a list of storage commands in the current IConfigurationUIHierarchy.
IUICommandService |
Represents a service for ConfigurationUICommand objects.
IUIService |
Enables interaction with the user interface of the development environment object that is hosting the designer.
Enumeration | Description | |
CommandState |
The state of a ConfigurationUICommand.
InsertionPoint |
Points on the main menu where ConfigurationUICommand objets can be sited.
NodeMultiplicity |
Values that either allow or disallow multiple nodes in a parent.
ParentNodeNotification |
Determines if a child node should notify it's parent when an event occurs.
TypeSelectorIncludes |
Provides attributes for the filter of types.
Retired Content |
This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist. |